Uploaded by Jordan Sacrey

Law & Morality Activity: Take a Stand

Take A Stand – Law & Morality Activity
The purpose of this activity is for students to get a feel about their peers' positions on various matters.
Unless you make the survey aspect of the exercise clear, students may think it is ridiculous despite their
enjoyment of the physical activity.
The teacher puts one long line of tape down the center of the room, pushing desks out of the way so
that students can stand on either side of the tape. The teacher reads statement with "either-or" answers
such as, "I prefer night or day," "Democrats or Republicans," "lizards or snakes." Statements can range
from silly trivia to serious content.
After hearing each statement, students that agree with the first option move to one side of the
classroom and those that agree with the second, to the other. Undecided or middle-of-the-roaders,
straddle the line.
Statements to use...
1. Night owl or early bird?
2. Economy first or environment first?
3. Hot dogs or hamburgers?
4. Young offenders: tried as adults or youth?
5. Books or movies?
6. Right to die or sanctity of life?
7. Mac or PC?
8. Cats or dogs?
9. Spanking: responsible parenting or child abuse?
10. Marijuana: harmless recreation or dangerous gateway drug?
11. Summer or winter?
12. Which is more dangerous: driving drunk or texting & driving?
13. Favourite snacks: salty or sweet?
14. Death penalty or life in prison?
15. Helping hand (social programs such as welfare) or help yourself (society is not
responsible for social handouts)?
16. Apple or android?
17. Dream vacation: exotic country (e.g., Costa Rica) or sophisticated city (e.g., Paris)?
18. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
19. Bigger issue in society: mental health or poverty?