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Final-251 (1)


Role of mobile phone in Bangladesh

1 Table of Contents

2 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................... 3

3 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4

3.1 Origin & History............................................................................................................................. 4

4 Methodology ......................................................................................................................................... 7

5 Primary Data ......................................................................................................................................... 8

5.1 Questionnaires .............................................................................................................................. 8

5.2 Primary Findings ............................................................................................................................ 8

6 Secondary Data ................................................................................................................................... 10

6.1 Role of mobile phone in business ............................................................................................... 10

6.1.1 Revolutionized Transportation Business............................................................................. 10

6.1.2 Contact ................................................................................................................................ 11

6.1.3 Customer Service/Feedback ............................................................................................... 11

6.1.4 Collaboration ....................................................................................................................... 11

6.1.5 Advantage of using mobile phones in business .................................................................. 12

6.1.6 Disadvantages of using mobile phones in business ............................................................ 12

6.2 Role of Mobile Phones in Individuals .......................................................................................... 13

6.2.1 Instant contact .................................................................................................................... 13

6.2.2 Easy access to social media ................................................................................................. 13

6.2.3 Cheap communication ........................................................................................................ 13

6.2.4 Covering distance ................................................................................................................ 14

6.2.5 E business and mobile banking ........................................................................................... 14

6.2.6 Use internet ........................................................................................................................ 14

6.2.7 Educational purpose ........................................................................................................... 15

6.2.8 Contribution to empowerment .......................................................................................... 15

6.3 Role of mobile phone in government ......................................................................................... 16

6.3.1 999 ...................................................................................................................................... 16

6.3.2 Health service through mobile phone ................................................................................ 17

6.3.3 Krishi Call Center ................................................................................................................. 17

6.3.4 Child Helpline ...................................................................................................................... 17

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Role of mobile phone in Bangladesh

6.3.5 Banking and Law ................................................................................................................. 17

6.3.6 NID ...................................................................................................................................... 18

6.4 Other uses ................................................................................................................................... 18

6.4.1 Recreation ........................................................................................................................... 18

6.4.2 Mobile phone helps business.............................................................................................. 18

6.4.3 Mobile phone saves money ................................................................................................ 18

6.4.4 Mobile phones ensure safety .............................................................................................. 19

7 Conclusion & Recommendation ......................................................................................................... 20

8 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................ 21

9 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................. 22

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Role of mobile phone in Bangladesh

2 Executive Summary

The purpose of this assignment is to summarize the role of mobile of phones in

Bangladesh. The goal of this project is to analyze and find out the critical points of how the introduction of mobile phones has contributed towards today’s Bangladesh. Mobile phones are the most important innovation by humans for the humans. They are not just useful for communication but comes in handy for other day to day tasks. The introduction of mobile phone has made it easier for business to communicate in real time and from remote locations. If you are carrying a smartphone, you don’t need to have any extra camera, torch, calculator, music players or even movie players. Your mobile phone can do all these tasks easily. Moreover, with millions of apps available for almost anything you can think of, mobile phones are certainly the most useful tool today for us.

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Role of mobile phone in Bangladesh

3 Introduction

Mobile phones have really changed the way of communication. Mobile phones are the most used communication tool today, but they are not just limited for communication purpose today. Most people would not think twice before saying that mobile phones are not integral part of their lives these days. Be it a teenager for whom mobile phones are used for recreation or a businessman for whom it is an absolute essential for his work, life without mobile phone has become handicapped. Mobile phones are now changing faster than computers and are the most dynamic device in the market today. With youth population constituting almost half the population, Bangladesh has become a fine breeding ground for higher quality and technological mobile phones.


Origin & History

But where did it all start? It all started from the idea of telephones which people cannot carry them remotely or in their pockets. Credit for the invention of telephone is a topic of major argument and new controversies over the issue have risen from time to time. Charles Bourseul,

Innocenzo Manzetti, Antonio Meucci, Johan Philip Reis, Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha

Gray amongst others have all been credited for the invention of telephones. In 1876, Graham

Bell was awarded the first U.S patent for inventing telephones that was used as an apparatus for transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically. However, in Germany Johann Phillip Reis is seen as a leading telephone pioneer and as well as Antonio Meucci an Italian-American businessman and an inventor has been recognized by the U.S House of Representatives for their

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Role of mobile phone in Bangladesh contribution in the invention of telephones. The main idea was long distance communication in real time.

Right after Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, investors began working on a mobile version. A short while later, in 1908, a Kentucky based farmer and self taught electrician

Nathan Stubblefield patented the design of a mobile phone that was intended to facilitate communication among trains, boats and way stations etc. In 1920s radiophones were used in ships allowing passengers to communicate with their loved ones and friends while travelling. In

1924, wireless phones were tested on trains in Germany. During the World War II the use radio based mobile telephony increased. Mobile phones for vehicles popularity kept increasing and lots of European and American companies were eager to invest on it.

In the 1940’s AT&T and Bell Labs offered mobile telephone services to their customers in St. Louis and Missouri for a limited number of time but it failed to make it viable due to lack of technological resources and knowledge. Mobile phones took a great leap forward in 1973.

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Motorola was the first company to mass produce mobile phones. These early mobile phones were referred as 0G or zero generation. Today most mobile phones rely on 3G and 4G.

Through various research and development after 1980s mobile phone was first introduced in Bangladesh. Citycell Bangladesh was the first company to introduce mobile phones in 1990.

But the real revolution of mobile phones began in 1997 with the introduction of Grameen Phone

Program. Back then the cost of using mobile phones services were very high and only limited to few users who could afford. Through years of development and competition entering these mobile phone markets, almost everyone has a mobile phone. These days it is also easier and less costly to avail mobile phone services. As of Current mobile phones user subscription in

Bangladesh is estimated at 151 million. The chart above shows the historical data of mobile subscribers in Bangladesh. Number of subscribers grew rapidly, specially from 2009 to 2013.

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4 Methodology

To write our term paper we have use two types of data: primary and secondary. We have collected primary data by asking several persons opinion on the role of mobile phones in

Bangladesh. We have asked 20 people whether they think mobile phones are giving a positive impact on our society and what are their perspective on mobile phones.

And as for the secondary data, we have used online articles, Wikipedia, BTRC website, government websites, and other online sources.

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5 Primary Data




What kind of impact does the mobile phone has on our society?


Does it leave positive or negative impact on Bangladeshi peoples’ life?


How do you see the role of mobile phone in Bangladesh?


Primary Findings

When we asked Bangladeshi people about how much impact mobile phone has on our life, 60% people agreed that it yields significant impact on our life. 30% said it has moderate impact and 10% concluded that it has little to no impact.



Little to No Impact


Significant Impact Moderate Impact

Then we asked if they think it leave a positive impact in our life or not. To that, 70% agreed that it has positive impact and rest disagreed.

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Role of mobile phone in Bangladesh



Positive Negative

And finally, when we asked “how do you see the role of mobile phone in Bangladesh”, 55% said it is the cheapest yet effective means of communication.




Reliable Means of Communication Cheap Yet Effective Spoilling Kids

According to 25%, it is a reliable means of communication, and interestingly, rest of the 20% thought it was spoiling underaged children.

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Secondary Data


Role of mobile phone in business

Now-a-days, Mobile phone has been adapted to our communication is such a way that it is almost impossible to imagine a business communication is happening without using the mobile phone technology. Using mobile phones as the primary tool of communication is common. Roles of mobile phones in business are as follows:


Revolutionized Transportation Business

Not so long ago, unless they had any personal car, if Bangladeshi people wanted to go somewhere they would have to take the public transportation, i.e. bus, or hire a CNG. Alternative option was to hire a car from “rent a car” business which was really expensive. Now, in

Bangladesh, there’s UBER & Pathao. These two companies have revolutionized the means of transportation system. Anyone can hire a car or bike with just a few taps of his/her mobile phone.

All s/he has to do is, reach out his/her mobile phone, open the Uber/Pathao application and tell the app his/her destination. Many other companies have started their journey following Uber and

Pathao. Without mobile phone, this business wouldn’t exist. Uber’s, a $51 billion company, whole strategy depends on the mobile technology. If there was no mobile phone, there would be no Uber!

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In business, it is very important to communicate among each other. Without efficient communication, a business will not be able to survive. Mobile phone offers just that. It offers quick and efficient communication. Whenever is necessary, employer can call his employee, or an employee can call a customer. To reach specific individual, all they have to do is dial their saved number. Thus, the communication process gets so much simple and time-effective. These speeds up the decision-making process of a business, making it easier to achieve its goal.


Customer Service/Feedback

It is very important for a business to be able to give feedback to its customers. A good business always makes its customers feel special. To do that, it has to respond to all of the inquiries that it gets from its customers. There are several other ways to do that, i.e. chatting, messaging, emailing etc. But the most effective way is to use phone call. This way is much quicker than others. To improve the customer satisfaction, businesses use phone call.



Every business needs collaboration. To collaborate with colleagues or suppliers, even if they are away from office, businessmen use mobile phones. An urgency for raw material can arise anytime. Now if a businessman were to email his supplier asking for raw material, he might not be able to reach him. But using mobile phone, we can instantly reach him and collaborate to tackle the urgency.

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Advantage of using mobile phones in business


Efficient way of communication


Boosts productivity


Builds good customer relationship


Brings mobility


Disadvantages of using mobile phones in business


Costly to provide mobile phone to every employee


Personal calls might create disruption

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Role of Mobile Phones in Individuals


Instant contact

Mobile phones biggest advantage is connected with other person that’s why mobile phone is used to getting touch with family friends and another person. One can connect all their potential customer through Face Time, Google Talk, Skype, and so many other applications. It provides the facility to face to face communication with one touch. This means that you can discuss your business anywhere, with anyone and at any time. The result is better communication with your clients. This ultimately leads your business to flourish further


Easy access to social media

In recent time many business people and the youth are pass much of their time in social media with the help of mobile phone. In Bangladesh more than 65% people are enter social media using their mobile phone because of it is portable and it is ease to carry to hear and there .

One can create interesting videos and use them to attract traffic also run important marketing campaigns on different social media websites to attract customers. Smartphones give you easy access to all these social media networks anywhere.


Cheap communication

Now a day’s communication much easier and growing faster because of mobile phone.

The price of call rate is decreasing per minutes and the cost is much bearable for the local

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Role of mobile phone in Bangladesh people. Not only that the price of mobile phones are getting lower that’s why the market of mobile phone are getting bigger and bigger.


Covering distance

Communication makes easier to covering or reduce distance of person to person. The whole world getting closer because of vast amount of communication and why Bangladesh could lay behind? People of Bangladesh cover up their distance by using mobile phone and also, they remain close by the help of using mobile phone.


E business and mobile banking

Bangladesh is an over populated country and people are use their mobile as banking.

Many people are use mobile phone as business sector and it as very frequent. Country like

Bangladesh, their transportation is not good and people are more reliable to use local money transfer service like Bkash/Duchbangla/Rocket. In recent time there are lots of money transfer agency in Bangladesh and many people use their mobile as a portable bank.


Use internet

The world is now global village and the people of that country is like a villager of that country. Internet causes a lot of task behind that. the world is now in our pocket because of the role of that mobile phone. Our generation are use internet for learn the unknown things and also the educational purpose internet are given her helpful hand. In medical sector internet are done a

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Role of mobile phone in Bangladesh great job the doctor orders and the prescription are given by the help of internet .Many of the patient who are far away or can’t reach the doctor are getting treatment by video conference .


Educational purpose

Education is the backbone of a nation no nation can prosper without education. In recent time electronic media and other things are make the education easier then ancient time books are now in e version and it is very much easier to keep that book in any student’s pocket. At the same time, we carry lots of books in a single device. We can enhance our knowledge by searching many things and many unknown things that other normal person not able to know.


Contribution to empowerment

Mobile phone give much amount of contribution in our employment sector .In rural area people are not well enough to use mobile phone or they are not able to buy mobile .People of that area are not fully educated that’s why the operate are very much complex for them so the person who are able to use mobile can set a small business to give opportunity for the local people to call by money. Even we see many industries like Walton are try to established a market for the people of Bangladesh and its crate a lot of opportunity for the people of empowerment.

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Role of mobile phone in government

Use of mobile phone does not limit itself to individual or business level. Government of

Bangladesh is also harnessing the benefit of mobile phone. Not so long ago, for the lack of mobile phone users, government of Bangladesh was unable to provide certain services to its citizens. Key services that government now-a-days provides that would not be possible if it weren’t for mobile phones are:


999 emergency service


Health Service through mobile phone


Krishi call center


Child helpline


National ID


Banking Helpline


Anti-corruption commission


Government law service



In December 12 th

of 2017, with cooperation of Home Ministry, Bangladesh Police has launched this 999-emergency service. It is a toll-free number and anyone who has a mobile phone can call and ask for help regarding fire service, police and ambulance service anytime they want, 24/7/365. Communication between public and government has become a lot easier. Before mobile phone came to everyone’s hand, it was nearly impossible to get emergency police or ambulance service. Now, both services are just a few buttons and a call away. Because of this mobile service, crime rate has declined.

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Health service through mobile phone

Bangladeshi citizens can seek health suggestions for free from doctors that are working in government health centers. To do that, all they need is a mobile phone. Each subdistrict of each district has been provided a phone number for this service. All phone numbers are available in the website of Directorate General of Health Services. Poor people can easily access those number and seek health suggestion.


Krishi Call Center

This is another mobile phone-oriented service that Bangladesh government provides to farmers of Bangladesh. People seeking information regarding agriculture can call Krishi Call

Centre on 16123 (toll-free). Information has become cheap because of mobile phone.


Child Helpline

This mobile phone service is similar to 999, except it offers special services to children.

Any help related to children can be achieved by calling 1098(toll-free).


Banking and Law

Government of Bangladesh is providing call centers for banking and law service. Call centers for banking and law service are respectively 16236 and 16430.

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People, who recently applied for their NID, can check their NID status by using a mobile phone. Before that, people had to go to respective government offices and wait in a long line to know the information. Now, all they need are a mobile phone and internet connection.


Other uses

As mentioned earlier, today mobile phones are not limited to communication but various other uses also. Some of these uses are:



Mobile phones are also developed to facilitate high end video games for passing time and luxury. In the modern world many of us are addicted to games. Which before were only playable in the computers can also be played through mobile phones.


Mobile phone helps business

Got an important message for your employee or client? Pick up your mobile phone and communicate instantly. This helps save a lot of time which in modern day business are referred to as cost.


Mobile phone saves money

Today mobile phones are packed with various gadgets which people used to buy individually for their specific work or uses. This has helped save a lot of money and cost.

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Mobile phones ensure safety

Imagine you are in danger and need to call the police or the fire brigade immediately. The use of mobile phones has made it possible for people to call for help in urgent situations.

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7 Conclusion & Recommendation

Mobile phone is playing a vital role revolutionizing the work of Bangladeshi businesses, individuals and government. Sure, there are pros and cons of every great invention. But cons never stopped a great invention to revolutionize the world. When we look at the costs and benefits of mobile phone in Bangladesh, we can clearly see that the benefits surpluses the costs.

So, it should be Bangladeshi people, business and governments best interest to use the mobile phone as a tool for success and not for abuse.

It is changing our daily life more than we can imagine. For government, it is a tool to introduce new services that allows quick and efficient communication. For business, it boosts productivity and ensures efficiency.

So, if and only if we allow it to happen, mobile phones can revolutionize Bangladeshi communication system as it will continue to push efficiency to a whole new level. Government of Bangladesh should continue to promote the mobile phone industry to help the people and business success.

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8 Bibliography

Wikipedia contributors. (2018, June 15). Telecommunications in Bangladesh. In

Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia . Retrieved 21:32, August 8, 2018, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Telecommunications_in_Bangladesh&oldid=845983


DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF HEALTH SERVICES (n.d.). Retrieved from http://app.dghs.gov.bd/inst_info/mobile_search.php

“Krishi Call Centre” (n.d.) Retrieved from https://practicalaction.org/krishi-call-centre

Active Call Centre (n.d.) Retrieved from https://nhd.gov.bd/call-centers

About US (n.d.). Retrieved from https://nhd.gov.bd/about

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9 Appendix

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