Name: ___________________________ Sentence Diagramming: Adjectives, Adverbs and Articles Adjectives, adverbs and articles describe, or modify, other words in a sentence. When you diagram a sentence, you write the adjective, adverb or article on a slanted line underneath the word it describes or modifies. Example: The blue chair broke. ue bl e Th Diagram each sentence below. broke chair 1. He ate quickly. 2. The girl softly laughed. 3. A scary dog barked loudly. 4. The big black cat purrs. 5. An ugly snail crawled slowly. Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved. Free for educational use at home or in classrooms. Key Name: ___________________________ Sentence Diagramming: Adjectives, Adverbs and Articles Adjectives, adverbs and articles describe, or modify, other words in a sentence. When you diagram a sentence, you write the adjective, adverb or article on a slanted line underneath the word it describes or modifies. broke chair Example: The blue chair broke. e ue bl Th Diagram each sentence below. 1. He ate quickly. He ate y kl ic qu 2. The girl softly laughed. girl laughed so y e ftl Th 3. A scary dog barked loudly. dog barked ly y ar ud lo sc A 4. The big black cat purrs. cat purrs ac bl g bi e Th k 5. An ugly snail crawled slowly. snail crawled ow sl ly ug An ly Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved. Free for educational use at home or in classrooms.