Uploaded by Tom Grimes

How to Play What the Flip: Game Instructions

How to play “what the flip”
• Part 1
• Everyone starts with a piece of paper
• At the top of the paper you write a sentence – it can be anything you
• For example: the teacher taught the class
• Or the octopus played the piano
• Then once everyone is done, everybody passes the paper clockwise.
• Now you should have a new piece of paper with someone else's
sentence at the top
Part 2
• You then have to read the sentence, and draw it.
• You need to draw what the sentence is describing.
• Just do this as best you can – sometimes it can be very difficult!
Part 3
• When you’re finished drawing, you need to fold the top of the paper
• Fold it so that you can’t see the first sentence anymore
• Then, pass it onto the next person!
Part 4
• Now everyone should receive someone else’s drawing of something
• Now you need to write a sentence describing what the picture shows
• Sometimes it might be hard to tell – don’t worry! Just guess
• Also don’t be afraid to be a bit silly
Part 5
• Then, fold the paper again so that you can’t see the picture
• You should only be able to see the new sentence
• Make sure the next person can’t peep!
Part 6
• Now we just continue!
• Pass the paper to the person next to you – clockwise
• Then they read the sentence and try and draw a picture of what the
sentence describes
• Once they’re done, fold the paper again so they can only see the new
• Then pass it on, and write a sentence describing the picture
• We’ll do this until I say stop
• Then we collect all the papers and we’ll take turns unfolding them –
and see what’s inside!
• The exercise is just meant to be fun and silly. So don’t worry about
whether your sentence is anything like the drawing or vice versa!
• We can talk about which was our favourite, and which sentence was
the furthest from the one we started with
• Also don’t worry too much about the English of the sentences – this
isn’t a test its just a game