Uploaded by Yvonne Brockman




Yvonne Brockman

South University

Ethics In Organization

Shirley Chapin

About Apple

• Apple computers INC was founded on April

1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

• Jobs and Wozniak wanted to make computers small enough and good enough for people to have in their offices and homes

• They wanted to be creative and also have computers that are user friendly. Apple

Computers Inc (Richardson, Angelique, April,


Social Cause Organization

• A lot of the issues that Apple have had had to do with China, due to the fact that they replaced 110,00 to 50,000 so robots can take over the jobs of Apple manufacturer.

• Foxconn replaced 60,000 workers with robots.

• This doesn’t go with deep collaboration.

Foxconn replaces 60,000 factory workers with robots (Wakefield, Jane, May 25 th , 2016)

Apple Issues Continued

• When Al Gore joined the board of directors it showed that they’re willing to look after their company’s benefit

• Additionally it showed they’re willing to get political, which they should only stay focused on business

• Additionally Al Gore has done some questionable things. (Apple,March 19 th ,2003)

Apple SWOT Analysis

• Apple’s strengths are definitely their strong brand image, high profit margins, effective rapid innovation process.

• Apple’s weaknesses are high selling prices for their products, limited amount of who they distribute their network to and a strong dependence of high end market sales. Apple

INC SWOT Analysis and Recommendation

(Nathaniel Smithson

Apple SWOT Continued

The biggest opportunities that Apple Inc has is definitely the ability to expand the distribution network. They can have many other distributors to make money

They can have higher sales volume based on rising demand itself

Development of new product lines to maintain continued creativity and products

Apple INC SWOT Analysis and Recommendation

(Nathaniel Smithson

Apple SWOT

• Some of the threats Apple faces are aggressive competition from Apple and Google, imitation by Chinese products constantly imitating their product and rising labor cost depending on what country they’re producing in.

• The biggest recommendation would be for them to expand in other countries with new product. Apple INC SWOT Analysis and

Recommendation (Nathaniel Smithson

Apple overcoming objections

• Apple needs to address their labor issues and act fairly.

• Apple needs to focus on their price points and have cheaper parts to sell and fix

• Apple needs to address their security risks that government may potentially need to access.

Ethical Principles and Framework

• Acumen fund is a type of marketing to solve world poverty to solve financial constraints in society for paying salaries and wages and give them benefits.

• This is important because people are advised to apply for services and market their own services themselves.

• I would recommend Apple do this so they can become more ethically available to their public.


Ethical Challenges

• Ethical challenges that may happen would be the fact that Apple will get bad press for their lack of willingness to cooperate with authorities

• Not wanting to collaborate with others for job creation

• Another aspect to look at is the fact that Apple is a growing company but doesn’t do its due diligence for manufacturers

• .


• https://www.loc.gov/rr/business/businesshistory


• http://panmore.com/apple-inc-swot-analysisrecommendations

• https://acumen.org/about/

• Former Vice president Al Gore Joins Apple's

Board of Directors (Apple,March 19 th ,2003)

• https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2003/03/19F ormer-Vice-President-Al-Gore-Joins-Apples-



• This is important because It shows people what they invest their money in

• Additionally it shows what the company does with their funds, especially a company as large as Apple

• Additionally, they are focusing on their image by focusing on social issues and presenting themselves to investors as well.
