12533 IN RE: RULE 40-56 CIVPRO PROVISIONAL REMEDIES Preliminary Attachment Preliminary Injunction/Preliminary Mandatory Injunction Purpose To have property of adverse party attached as security for the satisfaction of judgment that may be recovered in cases falling under Sec 1, Rule 57. To require a party or a court, agency or a person to refrain from doing a particular act or acts or to require the performance of a particular act or acts. To place the property subject of an action or proceeding under the control of a third party for its preservation and administration litis pendentia To recover possession of personal property To compel adverse party to provide support while action is pending in court When applied/granted At the commencement of the action or at any time prior to the entry of judgment At any stage prior to the judgment or final order At any time prior to satisfaction of judgment At the commencement of the action but before answer is filed At the commencement of the action or at any time prior to the judgment or final order File affidavits and applicant’s bond File verified application and applicant’s bond; if application is included in the initiatory pleading, the adverse party should be served with summons together with a copy of the initiatory pleading and the applicant’s bond File verified application and applicant’s bond; application may also be included in initiatory pleading in actions for foreclosure of mortgage File affidavits and applicant’s bond File verified application; bond not required Court where action is pending, the CA or the SC even if action is pending in the lower court. Only the Court where the action is pending; Lower Court, Ca or SC provided action is pending in the same court which issues the injunction. Court where action is pending, the CA or the SC even if action is pending in the lower court. Appellate court may allow application for receivership be decided by the court of origin. Only in the court where action is pending Court of origin and appellate court. (See Ramos v. CA) How applied for Who may grant Requisites for granting application Sufficient cause of action Case is covered by section 1 Rule 57 No other sufficient security for the claim exists Amount due to applicant or value of property he is entitled to recover is equal to the sum for which the order of attachment is granted Applicant is entitled to the relief demanded Receivership Replevin Support Pendente Lite Preliminary Attachment Where property is claimed by third person Preliminary Injunction/Preliminary Mandatory Injunction Receivership Replevin Act/s complained of would work injustice to the applicant if not enjoined Acts sought to be enjoined probably violates applicants rights respecting the subject of the action or proceeding Applicant has interest in the property or fund subject matter of the action or proceeding Property or fund is in danger of being lost removed or materially injured Appointment of receiver is the most convenient and feasible means of preserving, administering or disposing of the property in litigation Applicant is the owner of the property claimed or is entitled to the possession of the same Property is wrongfully detained by the adverse party Property is not distrained or taken for a tax assessment or a fine pursuant to law Affidavits, depositions or other documents should show, at least provisionally, that the applicant is entitled to receive support When third-party claimant makes an affidavit of his title to the property or his right to the possession thereof, and serves such affidavit to the When third-party claimant makes an affidavit of his title to the property or his right to the possession thereof, and serves such Support Pendente Lite Preliminary Attachment Preliminary Injunction/Preliminary Mandatory Injunction Receivership sheriff and a copy thereof to the attaching party, the sheriff shall not be bound to keep the property unless the attaching party files a bond approved by the court to indemnify the third-party claimant in a sum not less than the value of the property levied upon. Claim for damages for the taking or keeping the property must be filed within 120 days from filing of the bond. Replevin affidavit to the sheriff and a copy thereof to the attaching party, the sheriff shall not be bound to keep the property under replevin unless the applicant files a bond approved by the court to indemnify the third-party claimant in a sum not less than double the value of the property levied upon. Claim for damages for the taking or keeping the property must be filed within 120 days from filing of the bond. Bond executed to the adverse party in double the value of the property for the return of the property to the adverse party if such return be adjudged, and for the payment to the adverse party of such sum as he may recover from the applicant of the action Bond requirement Bond executed to the adverse party in the amount fixed by the court to cover the costs which may be adjudged to the adverse party and all damages which he may sustain by reason of the granting of provisional remedy prayed for, if the court shall finally adjudge that the applicant was not entitled thereto Discharge of remedy By counter-bond: Party against whom the provisional remedy is availed of, may move for the discharge of the provisional remedy granted by filing a counter-bond in an amount equal to that fixed by the court or equal to the value of the property if with respect to a particular property to secure the payment of any judgment that the adverse party may recover in the action Damages in case applicant Cash deposit may be made in lieu of the counter-bond Filing of counter-bond made only upon showing that the issuance or continuance thereof would cause irreparable damage to the party or person enjoined while the applicant can be fully compensated for such damages as he may suffer ; counter-bond alone will not suffice to discharge the injunction. Other grounds: improper or irregular issuance or enforcement or insufficiency of the bond Insufficiency of the application Support Pendente Lite No bond required Not applicable. Amount of counter-bond should also be double the value of the property Appointment was obtained without sufficient cause Owner of property attached must file before trial or before perfection of appeal application for damages When judgment or final order finds the person who has Preliminary Injunction/Preliminary Mandatory Injunction Preliminary Attachment for any of the provisional remedies not entitled thereto or for any irregularity in the procurement of provisional remedy Receivership Replevin Party who availed of provisional remedy and his surety or sureties must be notified , showing right to damages and amount thereof Damages awarded only after proper hearing; included in judgment of the main case If judgment of appellate court is favorable to the party against whom provisional remedy was effected: Application must be filed with the appellate court before the judgment of the appellate court becomes executory Appellate court may allow application to be heard and decided by the trial court If bond or deposit given by the party availing of the provisional remedy be insufficient or fail to satisfy the award: Adverse party may recover damages in the same action Support Pendente Lite been providing support pendente lite not liable therefor: Court shall order the recipient to return the amounts already received with interest from the dates of actual payment Recipient may obtain reimbursement from the person legally obliged to give support (separate action must be filed for the purpose) If recipient fails to reimburse the amount, person who provided the same may seek reimbursement from the person legally obliged to give the support (separate action must be filed for the purpose) SPECIAL CIVIL ACTIONS Interp leade r Purp ose Comp el confli cting claim ants to litigat e their claim s amon Declar atory Relief Declar ation of rights and duties (refor mation of instru ment, quietin g of Certi orari (COM ELEC and COA) Certior ari Prohibi tion Manda mus Correcting errors of jurisdiction Quo Warrant o Exprop riation Forec losur e of Real Estat e Mortg age Partit ion Remove a usurper Taking of private property for public use Satisf y credit or based upon securit y Divisi on of real prope rty amon g the partie s claimi ng rights For cibl e Ent ry Det ain er Recover possession in fact Conte mpt Protect judicial system from unwarr anted intrusio n Requ isites g thems elves title, consoli dation of owner ship) Confli cting claim s exist upon the same subje ct matte r Such claim s are made upon a perso n who claim s no intere st in the subje ct matte r Person has interes t under a deed, will, contra ct or other written instru ment Person ’s rights are affecte d by a statute , executi ve order or regulat ion, ordina nce, or any other govern mental regulat ion No breach or violatio n of the rights has yet occurr ed Judgm ent or theret o Certior ari: Any tribunal, board or officer exercisi ng judicial or quasi judicial function s has rendere d judgme nt Such tribunal, etc. has acted without or in excess of its jurisdicti on Prohibi tion: Proceed ings in a tribunal, corporat ion, board, officer or person exercisi ng judicial, quasi judicial or ministeri al function s are A person usurps, intrudes into, or unlawfull y holds or exercise s office, position, or franchis e A public officer does or suffers an act which, by the provisio n of law, constitut es a ground for the forfeiture of his office; An associati on acts as a corporati on within the Philippin es without being legally incorpor ated or without lawful authority so to act Real prope rty is owne d by sever al perso ns Perso n claimi ng right to the prope rty does not want coowne rship to contin ue A perso n enjoy s lawful posse ssion of the prope rty Anoth er perso n acqui res posse ssion of the same prope Direct contem pt: A person behave d improp erly in the presen ce or so near a court Such misbeh avior obstruc ted or interru pted court procee dings Indirect contem pt: Misbeh avior in perfor mance of official functio ns Disobe -dience to lawful court orders Abuse or unlawf ul final order has been render ed by the COME LEC or the COA Aggrie ved party wants the judgm ent or final order review ed by a higher court conduct ed without or in excess of its jurisdicti on Manda mus: When any tribunal, corporat ion, board, officer or person unlawful ly neglects perform ance of an act which the law specific ally enjoins Commo n requisit e: Property owned by a private party Taking by governm ent for public use Just compen sation A person owes another a loan Loan is secured by mortgag e of real property Debtor defaulte d in payment Final demand has been made rty by force, intimi datio n, threat , strate gy or stealt h A perso n lawful ly takes posse ssion of the land at the begin ning Such lawful posse ssion has ende d A dema nd to vacat e has been made There is no appeal or any plain, speedy, and adequat e remedy in the ordinary course of law Proc edur e Comp laint is filed Action is brough t Verified complai nt filed, stating interfer ence with court proces ses Improp er conduc t which tends to impede admini stration of justice Preten ding to be a lawyer or officer Failure to obey subpoe na Sum mons serve d upon partie s Partie s files motio n to dismi ss or answ ers the compl aint Pretrial Court deter mines partie s’ respe ctive rights and adjudi cate their sever al claim s Note: Dock et fees paid by compl ainant consti tute a lien upon subje ct matte r of before approp riate RTC All person s affecte d made parties Notice to Sol Gen if validity of a statue, executi ve order or regulat ion of any other govern mental regulat ion is involve d Notice to prosec utor or attorne y of LGU if involvi ng validity of a local ordina nce Court acts on applica tion If during pende ncy of action right and purpose of expropri ation Persons owning or claiming to own any interest pertaini ng to the property must be joined as defenda nts Plaintiff may enter property after filing complai nt and depositi ng with a govern ment deposit ary amount equival ent to assesse d value of property Defend ants allowed to file objectio ns Court rules on the issue of expropri the action there occurs breach or viol ation, action is conver ted into an ordinar y action 18 copies of verifie d petitio n shall be filed within 30 days from notice of the judgm ent or final order If motion for new trial or reconsiderat ion is allowe d, period to file petitio n is interru pted. If motion is denied , petitio n shall be ation, granting or denying the same If expropri ation is granted, court appoint s notmore than 3 commisi oners Objectio ns to appoint ment of commisi oners may be filed within ten days from service Commis sioners take oath before assumi ng function Commis sioners ascertai n and report the just compen sation for the property Clerk of court serves copies of commis sioners’ filed within remain ing period, in no case less than 5 days. Pay docket and other lawful fees and deposi t of P500 for costs SC either orders respon -dents to file their comm ent if it finds petitio n sufficie nt in form and substa nce or dismis ses the petitio n if it was filed manife stly for delay or the questi ons raised are too report to all interest ed parties Interest ed parties allowed to file objectio ns within ten days Court renders judgme nt on the issue of just compen sation Judgme nt is recorde d in registry of property Complai nt filed Court ascertai nes amount due to plaintiff and renders judgme nt ordering defenda nt to pay within a within a period not less than 90 days but not more unsub stantial Respo ndents file comm ent SC either sets case for oral argum ent or require s submis sion of memor anda or decide s the case based on submit -ted docum ents Petitio n must be filed within 60 days from notice of judgm ent Court orders respon dents to file comm ent within 10 days from receipt than 120 days If defenda nt fails to pay, foreclos ure sale ensues Costs deducte d from proceed s of sale, mortgag ee paid amount due; if there is excess in the proceed s, same is turned over to mortgag or If proceed s of sale is not sufficien t to cover entire indebte dness, deficien cy judgme nt is rendere d: executi on immedi ately issues if whole debt is due, of order Court may order filing of reply or other respon sive pleadi ngs Court may hear the case or require parties to submit memor anda Court either grants petitio n or dismis ses the same if it finds the same to be patentl y without merit, prosec uted manife stly for delay, or that the questi ons raised are too insubst otherwi se, mortago r entitled to executi on upon original terms of the contract Certifie d copy of final order confirmi ng the sale is register ed in the registry of deeds antial to require consid eration Certifie d copy of judgm ent is served upon the court, quasijudicial agenc y, tribuna l, corpor ation, board, officer or person and disobe dience thereto shall be punish ed as conte mpt. Verifie d petitio n in the name of the RP is filed (Perso n claimin g to be entitle d to a public office or positio n usurpe d by anothe r may bring action in his own name) Person at whose instanc e the petitio n is brough t pays costs and expen ses Respo ndent is notifie d Court may reduce period s for filing pleadi ngs to secure most expedi tious determ ination of matter s involve d in the action Judgm ent is render ed. Court may render judgm ent for costs agains t petitio ner, relator or person /s claimin g to be a corpor ation Person adjudg ed entitle d to public office may deman d of the respon dent to deliver all books and papers to him Juris dictio n RTC RTC SC SC, CA, RTC, Sandiga nbayan SC, CA, RTC