Probate Pre-Approval Bond Form &%6$*(1&<,1& D6XEVLGLDU\RI7KH&ROXPEXV%DU$VVRFLDWLRQ 67KLUG6W6XLWH &ROXPEXV2+ Ph.: 614/340.2076 Fax: 614/340.2080 e-mail: &$6(180%(5 Bond No. County: &$6(1$0( (67$7( or 75867 or *8$5',$16+,3 *8$5',$16+,3 MINOR: INCOMPETENT: HEALTH STATUS: DOB: DOB: Has Applicant Ever Filed Bankruptcy? Yes Estate: Has bond been filed before in this case? Yes Estate: Do any heirs disagree with appointment of applicant? Yes Guardianship-Minor: Are funds to be used for care and support? No Yes No Yes No No No No Guardianship: What is source of funds? Is bond required on demand of anyone (other than Court)? Who: Has applicant ever been denied bond? $77251(< Yes ),'8&,$5< SSN: Relationship to deceased/ward: $66(76RI(67$7(*8$5',$16+,375867 Personal Property $ Real Estate $ Other: (describe) $ Total $ $028172)%21'5(48(67(' $ 5(48(67)25%21'1(: $'',7,21$/ 685(7<&203$1<BBBBBBBBBBB $33529(' '(&/,1(' 35($87+25,=('%21'$02817 %< 'DWH )5$1./'8))<$77251(<,1)$&7 $/<6+$$&/286$77251(<,1)$&73(11<2$1&($$77251(<,1)$&7 The applicant agrees that the surety company may use the fiduciary’s social security number to obtain and review a credit report.