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Animal Farm: Year 8 Presentation

Animal Farm
by George Orwell
Year 8
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeZe2qPLPh0
What do these terms mean?
• Allegory
• A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning,
typically a moral or political one.
• Anthropomorphism
• Giving human characteristics and qualities to non-human beings or objects.
• Fable
• A short story that features animals, legendary creatures, plants, forces of
nature or inanimate objects that are given human qualities. The story
illustrates or leads to a moral lesson.
Chapter 1:The animals gather in the barn
Who’s who?
Implicit or explicit?
Old Major
What does Orwell tell us about each of
these animals? For some there is very
little other than their type, for others
there is explicit information, and
sometimes you need to read between the
lines (implicit information).
Write the information in your exercise
Who is this … and what does he have to do
with Animal Farm?
Chapter 1: Old Major’s speech
Old Major calls the animals together.
What does he tell them?
What does he think about the way they are treated?
Give three examples.
What does he tell them they must do?
Answer in your
exercise books.
Use full
Chapter 1: Old Major’s commandments
• List the things Old Major tells the animals they must not do after
they have “conquered” Man.
• Decide which of these you think is the most important and give
reasons for your choice.
•When did the Russian Revolution take place?
•How was Russia ruled at the time?
•What was life like for ordinary Russians?
•What part did Karl Marx play in the Revolution?
• use your own words
• cite your sources (in other words, make a note of where you find
your information, whether it's websites or books)
Chapter 2: Secret meetings and the Rebellion
• What are the characteristics of the three pigs,
Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer? (page 9)
• How is Mollie presented to the reader? (p10)
• What do you think Moses the raven represents? Give
reasons for your answer.
• What do you understand by the description of
Boxer and Clover as being the pigs’ “most faithful
Chapter 2: The Seven Commandments of
1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.
With your partner, discuss
your thoughts about these
Do you think they are
Do you think they have been
wisely chosen?
Why do you think numbers
3, 4 and 5 are on the list?
Chapter 3: All is safely gathered in – the