DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Course Description: EET 3716- Network Analysis Standard Course Outline (Updated: Fall 2019) EET 3716- Network Analysis Circuit analysis using Laplace Transforms, transient and steady-state response. Theorems, transfer function, frequency response and bode plots. 3(3,0) Course prerequisites: DC/AC Circuits, Calculus I More information can be found at college website: Goals/Objectives This course presents the general methods of circuits and network analysis with strong applied emphasis. The course will also expose the students to basic circuit theory of the course: theorems and methods with concepts essential for advanced study. CO1: Students will have basic understanding of switching and test signals Course CO2: Students will have an understanding of initial conditions, transient and steady- state responses Outcomes: CO3: Students will have an understanding of Laplace Transforms and its applications in Circuit Analysis CO4: Students will have an understanding of transfer function, frequency response and frequency domain analysis. EET 3716 contributes the following to the BSET program outcomes: Relationship to BSET Outcomes: PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 CO1 X X X CO2 X X X CO3 X X X CO4 X X X X Transform Circuit Analysis for Engineering and Technology by W.D. Stanley, Textbook: Prentice Hall, Fifth Edition, 2003. ISBN# 0-13-060259-0 Also check the DSC bookstore at: Reference: 1. Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis by J. David Irwin, 5th Edition, 1996. 2. Introductory Circuit Analysis by Robert L. Boylestad, Tenth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002. Topics Covered: 1. Introduction 2. Waveform Analysis: Switching functions, Test Signals,… 3. Circuit Parameters: Capacitance, Self and Mutual Inductance, Ideal Transformer,... 4. The Basic Time-Domain Circuit: Steady-State and Transient, Initial Conditions, Differential Equations,... 5. The Laplace Transforms: Laplace Transform Operation, Inverse Transform, Multiple-Order and Complex Poles,... 6. Circuit Analysis by Laplace Transform 7. System Considerations: Transfer function, Step and Impulse Responses, Poles and Zeros, Stability,... 8. The Sinusoidal Steady State: Sinusoidal Steady-State, Computer Usage: Laboratory CHAPTER 1 (1/2 week) 2 (1 week) 3 (2 week) 4 (2 weeks) 5 (2 weeks) 6 (2 weeks) 7 (2 weeks) The Steady-State Transfer Function, Frequency Response Plots. 8 (2 weeks) We will be using Multisim and Matlab for circuit simulation. Falcon Online ( and e-mail will be used to communicate with students and disseminate instructional materials, assignments, quizzes and exams throughout the course. Students should check Falcon Online and their e-mail at least twice per day. The use of the discussion board is highly encouraged. Please limit the use of the discussion board strictly to class issues. All communications with the instructor must be done via Falcon Online email. N/A DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Course Grading: There will be three online quizzes and three Online exams: Quiz#1 (chapter 2) due 09/08 5% Quiz#2 (chapter 3) due 09/29 5% Exam I (chs. 1-4 and sections 1-4 of ch.5) due 10/06 25% Quiz#3 (Inverse Laplace from ch.5 and ch6) due 11/10 5% Exam II (Inverse Laplace from ch.5 and chs. 6&7) due 11/24 25% Comprehensive Final Exam (Chapters 1-8) 35% due 12/08 Please be advised that exams will be curved if the class average is below 75, then students’ grade will be adjusted accordingly online. For instance, if class average on exam-1 is 60 then 15 points will be added to your grade automatically in D2L. The following grading system will be used to assign the course final grade: 90 & higher A 86-89 B+ 80-85 B 76-79 C+ 70-75 C 66-69 D+ 60-65 D 59 & lower F Course overall Grade = [(Quiz#1+Quiz#2+Quiz#3)]*0.05 + (Exam1 * 0.25) +(Exam2 * 0.25)+(Final exam * 0.35) Course Assessment: Useful methods for assessing the success of this course in achieving the intended outcomes listed above: CO1: Traditional exam and quizzes CO2: Traditional exam and quizzes CO3: Traditional exam and quizzes CO4: Traditional exam and quizzes Course Policies: 1. 2. Disclaimer: Teaching policies and regulations for this course are not open for discussion or negotiation. This syllabus has been constructed to be as complete as possible but is by no means a binding document. I reserve the right to alter policies, procedures, and the syllabus as needed. Please utilize the website regularly as any changes to the syllabus will be posted there. Academic Integrity Policy (see student handbook) Daytona State College is committed to providing you with quality instruction, guidance, and opportunities for academic and career success by fostering academic excellence in a supportive and personalized learning environment. Maintaining high standards of academic honesty and integrity in higher education is a shared responsibility and an excellent foundation for assisting you in making honorable and ethical contributions to the profession for which you are preparing. In order to preserve academic excellence and integrity, the College expects you to know, understand, and comply with the Academic Integrity Policy, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY which prohibits academic dishonesty in any form, including, but not limited to, cheating and plagiarism. Grades conferred by instructors are intended to be, and must be, accurate and true reflections of the coursework actually produced and submitted by you. All cases of suspected violations of the Student Code of Conduct, including academic dishonesty, are reported to the Judicial Affairs Office for resolution. 3. 4. College Network Acceptable Use Policy: The purpose of this policy is to outline the acceptable use of the network and resources provided by Daytona State College and to establish a culture of openness, trust, and integrity. Please make yourself very aware of this policy by clicking these two links: (College Network) (Falcon Online) Students with Disabilities: If you need academic accommodations, such as private testing, interpreters, note takers, etc., you must give me a current letter from Disables Student Services (DSS) that verifies that you need specific accommodations. Please make an appointment with me as soon as possible to discuss the accommodations. See Daytona State Website for student disabilities for more information or see Student Handbook (page 36) 5. Writing and Communications: All communications, including discussion postings, emails and written assignments are considered “business communications.” Format, structure, organization, tone, clarity, spelling and punctuation all contribute to effective communications and are expected in all student communications. Any communication not deemed an appropriate business communication may be disregarded by the instructor or points may be taken off, at the sole discretion of the instructor. Students are expected to thoroughly proofread all communications before submitting them and encouraged to make use of the Daytona State College Writing Center. 6. An incomplete grade will only be given if the following criteria are met: 1. A request in writing is submitted to the instructor prior to last three weeks of class, 2. All assignments, term paper, and quizzes were completed at that point in time, 3. The student has a grade C or higher at that point in time. 7. Withdrawal Process: Although it is not necessary to have approval from the instructor to withdraw from the course, you should discuss the situation with the instructor. Many times the issue can be resolved with communication. You should also check with the Financial Aid office to determine how this withdrawal might affect your funding. Additional Course Information, Policies and Expectations: Quizzes and Exams Computer Skills/Usage • Falcon Online and e-mail will be used to communicate with students and disseminate materials and assignments throughout the course. So students should check Falcon Online and their e-mail at least twice per day. • When sending e-mail to the instructor, please begin the “Subject:” of the message with the following: EET<space>3716<space> - <space> means insert a space. • Quizzes and exams must be turned on the due date. • Students are encouraged to collaborate outside of class to discuss and debate course concepts. However, all assignments and exams MUST be completed individually. All exams and quizzes will be given online. Students will be given a time window during which the exam can be taken. If students have problems submitting their exam for any reason (system is down, etc.), they need to get in touch with the Falcon Online Helpdesk for the college at Any other question about the exam should be directed to the instructor. Excusal from Course Assignments and Exams Makeup Assignments and Examinations Course Coordinator: Fall 2019 Important Academic Dates and Deadlines DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Excusal from an exam: - Excusal of a student from an exam due to an emergency such as student illness, family illness or death, etc. requires valid and provable documentation before the student is eligible for the makeup exam. The documentation must be given to the instructor NO LESS THAN 24 HOURS BEFORE the due date and NO MORE THAN 48 HOURS AFTER the due date. - Notification must be given to the instructor NO LESS THAN 24 HOURS BEFORE the scheduled exam for all other excuses such as conference/workshops, business trips, etc. • Make-up labs and exams will only be permitted under extreme circumstances. • Makeup labs and exams will be given towards the end of the semester, at a date announced by the instructor. The makeup exams may be different and more challenging than those administered on the original date. DR. A. RAHROOH OFFICE: 107N, Advanced Technology Center (ATC) PHONE: (386) 506-4106 Fax: (386) 506-4191 E-mail: Office Hours: Tuesdays 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM Wednesdays 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM Thursdays 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM (by appointment only) Classes Begin August 21(W) Add/Drop Deadline Labor Day Holiday Withdrawal Deadline Thanksgiving Holidays Classes End August 23 (F) September 2 (M) October 30 (W) November 28-29 (Thu-Fri) December 11 (W)