Uploaded by Elizabeth Caris

Clauses Worksheet: Subject, Predicate, Sentence Structure

Directions: Read each sentence. Label the subject(s) and the predicate(s). Underline the
subject once and the predicate twice. Draw a line separating the clauses in the sentence, count
them, and write the number of clauses on the line.
Subject: a noun or pronoun that takes the predicate (who or what the sentence is about)
Predicate: an action or state of being verb
Clause: a subject and a predicate working together
Examples: She ate the donuts. # of clauses _1__
It is cold in the classroom, but it is hot in the hall. # of clauses __2__
1. My sister and I were at my grandma’s house when the phone rang.
# of clauses ______
2. We were watching TV on the couch and eating sandwiches.
# of clauses ______
3. It was Jan, my sister’s friend, and she wanted to talk to my sister.
# of clauses ______
4. She invited my sister to the mall.
# of clauses ______
5. The new super group, the Dance Boys, was at the mall.
# of clauses ______
6. My sister almost fainted because she is the biggest fan of the Dance Boys.
# of clauses ______
7. Jan, my sister, and I all hopped on the bus.
# of clauses ______
8. I’m not really a fan of the Dance Boys, but I like to go to the mall, so I went.
# of clauses ______
9. When we got there, the mall was packed with Dance Boys fans.
# of clauses ______
10. Everyone wore Dance Boys shirts except me because I hate the Dance Boys.
# of clauses ______
11. While the Dance Boys sang, Jan danced, and I played games on my phone.
# of clauses ______
12. I challenged one of the Dance Boys to a dance battle, but he was scared.
# of clauses ______
13. Since we went to the mall, I’ve been working on my moves, but I’m still bad.
# of clauses ______
14. I will walk around and shop if we go to the mall again.
# of clauses ______
15. My sister, Jan, and I enjoyed going to the mall.
# of clauses ______