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3rd Grade Vocabulary Lesson Plan: Flash Cards

GCU College of Education
Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Candidate
Todd Kraus
Grade Level:
3rd Grade
September 21, 2019
Vocabulary/English Language Arts
Instructional Plan Title:
Vocabulary Flash Cards
Lesson Summary and
Students will learn how to create flash cards, how to use a dictionary, and
develop good study habits for using flash cards.
Classroom and Student
The classroom is diverse with many unique learning needs and styles.
There are ELLs of varying levels of English skill, along with several
special-needs students that are one to two grade levels below their
classmates. There are even a few students above grade level. All activities
and assessments must be differentiated to meet every student's learning
National/State Learning
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.3.4.D Use glossaries or beginning
dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise
meaning of key words and phrases.
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GCU College of Education
Specific Learning
Students will be able to define and recall key vocabulary terms and
identify their part of speech.
Academic Language
Guide Word
Entry Word
Resources, Materials,
Equipment, and
White paper or card stock
Colored pencils
Resealable bags
List of Vocabulary words from the text being read
Section 2: Instructional Planning
Anticipatory Set
Make sure each student, or each pair of students, has a dictionary. A dictionary is
a resource that gives information about words.
Tell students that they are going to practice looking up words in the dictionary
and then they are going to make their own flash cards, which are cards containing
a small amount of important information to help you learn something. The cards
will be used to practice their vocabulary. Vocabulary is the list of words to learn.
Tell them that this is an important skill because in the future, they may want to
make flash cards to help them study for a test.
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Multiple Means of Representation
Pick a word and show them how to use the guide words at the top of the
dictionary pages. Explain that guide words are the terms at the top of the
dictionary pages that help you figure out which words are on those pages. The
entry word is the word or phrase that is at the beginning of a dictionary entry.
Once everyone has found the word, ask students for the word's part of speech.
Show them where to find that in the entry.
Next, ask them for the definition. If there is more than one, let them know that
the first definition is the one used most commonly. Have them figure out how
many definitions there are and discuss why there would be multiple meanings.
Repeat the process until you feel that the majority of students can manage on
their own.
Explain how you will differentiate materials for each of the following groups:
English language learners (ELL):
Provide ELL students with a dictionary in their home language and a dictionary
in English. Have a teacher’s aide assist ELL students in searching for words in
dictionaries if needed. Show them how to use guide words at the top of dictionary
Students with special needs:
Students with special needs will be working with other learnings, providing input.
Students will be given the option of using a tablet or digital device to model,
explore the steps, and give reasoning directly to the teacher or aide about using a
Students with gifted abilities:
Students with gifted abilities will be provided with a list of higher-level
vocabulary words to find in the dictionary.
Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
Early finishers will be provided with an extra list of vocabulary words that are
used in sentence examples and be asked to identify the part of speech they are
used as in the sentence.
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Multiple Means of Engagement
Have students return to their desks with their dictionaries.
Give each student a piece of white paper or card stock.
Tell them to each fold the paper hot dog style, then hamburger style, then
hamburger style again so they have eight squares when they open it.
Have them cut out their squares.
Have them pick a vocabulary word from the list you provided and write it on one
side of their card.
Have them write their name at the bottom of the card in case it falls off of their
Tell them to look up the word in the dictionary.
Show them on the board that on the back of their card they need to write the part
of speech and the first definition given for their word (or the definition for the
word as it is being used in the context of your lesson as some definitions depend
on pronunciation rather than spelling).
Have them write the part of speech and definition on the back of the card.
Walk around the room to make sure each student has done this correctly.
Explain how you will differentiate activities for each of the following groups:
English language learners (ELL):
Provide students with precut examples of vocabulary cards for students to model.
Teacher or aides will observe and assist students as needed.
Students with special needs:
Students with special needs will be working with other learnings, providing input.
Students will be given the option of using a tablet or digital device to model,
explore the steps, and give reasoning directly to the teacher or aide about using a
Students with gifted abilities:
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Students with gifted abilities will be provided with a list of higher-level
vocabulary words to find in the dictionary and create additional vocabulary cards
to study.
Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
resources/support): Early finishers will be provided with an extra list of
vocabulary words that are used in sentence examples and be asked to create
additional vocabulary cards.
Multiple Means of Expression
Have students complete their flash cards with their partner or independently for
the remainder of their cards.
Allow them to decorate them if there's enough time.
Have students pair up and practice using the vocabulary words in sentences to
each other.
Have students write new sentences using the vocabulary words.
Teacher will read sentences with vocabulary words in sentences and have
students asses if they are used correctly in the sentences.
Explain how you will differentiate assessments for each of the following groups:
English language learners (ELL):
ELL students will be observed as they work and assessed on their understanding
of the vocabulary and the sentences that they create.
Students with special needs:
Special needs students will be observed as they work and assessed on their
understanding of the vocabulary and the sentences that they create. They will also
be asked to draw a picture to put the vocabulary word in context.
Students with gifted abilities:
Students with gifted abilities will be assessed on their understanding of the
vocabulary words and the correct use of the vocabulary in the sentences they
create. They will also be tasked to use higher level vocabulary words in sentence
Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
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GCU College of Education
Students who finish early will be assessed on the accuracy of vocabulary
definitions, correct use of the vocabulary in the sentences created, and they
accuracy of the extra cards they provided.
Extension Activity and/or Homework
Give each student a resealable sandwich bag with his name on it to keep his cards
Have students explain how flash cards will help them in the future.
Have students practice their flash cards at home.
This lesson plan provides students with basic skills to start building vocabulary understanding in
the English Language Arts classroom. Students are asked to define and recall key vocabulary
terms and identify the part of speech through using dictionaries as the tool to develop that
understanding. Students will develop critical thinking skills that are needed to succeed in the
English Language Arts vocabulary content area by teaching them to use a dictionary, defining
words through verbal and visual examples, creating flash cards to study from the text that is
being presented throughout the academic year. These thinking and language skills will build the
foundation of reading and language development as the students mature academically. The
lesson plan also includes differentiation tactics for ELL students, gifted students, and students
with special needs to provide the assistance and tools needed for them to develop reading and
vocabulary success. Overall the lesson sets the stage for students to gain knowledge through
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GCU College of Education
critical thinking, reading, and vocabulary tools they will need to become successful students in
the future.
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