Uploaded by Nilay Patel

Algebra 2 Exam Topics

4 Factoring of polynomials
3 Divide radical expressions (rationalize and conjugates)
3 functions with graph (match function to graph type question)
3 Find the value of a function (including composition of functions)
2 solving radical equations (extraneous solution check)
2 solving quadratic equations
2 “Hidden Quadratic” equations
2 multiply polynomials
2 determine if the function is EVEN or ODD
2 Find the DOMAIN of a function
2 Circle questions (complete the square, center & radius)
2 simplify a rational expression (+/-/* or divide)
1 solving a cubic equation
1 division of imaginary numbers
1 rational inequality
1 solving a rational equation (check for extraneous solutions)
1 rule of exponents with fractional powers
1 solving absolute value equation (check extraneous solutions)
1 simplify imaginary number to a large power
1 Difference Quotient
1 Determine if a graph is or isn’t a function (vertical line test)
1 write the equation of a line when given some stuff
1 solve a system of 3 (hopefully with graphing calculator)
1 solve a system of 2 (hopefully with grapher)
1 write the equation of a quadratic when I give you the 2 roots of it
42 total