LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY C.H.A.M.P.S C-No Talking H-Raise Hand and Quietly Wait A-Go over Rules and Procedures M- None P-Paying attention and listening Success!! RULES • Be on-time, on-task & prepared to learn everyday • Keep all electronics put away • Be responsible for your own learning • Respect: the teacher, the classroom, & other students C-No Talking • Trash goes in the trashcan H-Raise Hand and Quietly Wait A-Go over Rules and Procedures M- None P-Paying attention and listening Success!! PROCEDURES ANTICIPATION GUIDE Fill in “true” or “false” in the before column based on your understanding of the statement. C-No Talking H-Raise Hand and Quietly Wait A-Complete Anticipation Guide M- None P-Finish Anticipation Guide Success!! WACKY WORDS On sheet provided write the following and your own definition of the words: Kinetic Energy Potential Energy Next to each term, write the level of confidence of your understanding of the term 4-1. 4 meaning you know the definition of the term 1 meaning you do not know anything about this term C-No Talking H-Raise Hand and Quietly Wait A-Complete Wacky Words M- None P-Writing Success!! VOCABULARY IN A SHELL Potential Energy Kinetic Energy C-No Talking H-Raise Hand and Quietly Wait A-Watching Video M- None P-Changing/Adding definition Success!! TYPES OF ENERGY FOR A SPRING Take 3 minutes to discuss with your group the labels on the diagram - Discuss what the labels mean - Why? - Be prepared to share out loud C-Quiet Voices H-Ask 3 students from different groups, then raise hand A-Group Discussion M- None P-Science Talk Success!! CIRCUS PHYSICS, CONSERVATION OF ENERGY During the video, change and add to your definition of your wacky words: Kinetic Energy Potential Energy C-No Talking H-Raise Hand and Quietly Wait A-Watching Video M- None P-Changing/Adding definition Success!! 1. What types of potential energy does the spring possess? TYPES OF ENERGY FOR A SPRING CONTINUED • Both elastic and gravitational. 2. How does the potential energy change as the kinetic energy increases? • The potential energy decreases. 3. How does the potential energy change as the kinetic energy decreases? • The potential energy increases. 4. What causes a change in the amount of gravitational potential energy? • The position of TYPES OF ENERGY FOR A SPRING CONTINUED the spring, the higher it is, the greater the gravitational potential energy. 5. What causes a change in the amount of elastic potential energy? • The shape of the spring, when it is compressed it has the greatest elastic potential energy. 6. What happens to the energy as the spring bounces off the ground and then comes back down again? • The energy continually transforms into a different type. 7. What is happening to the spring when it has the greatest kinetic energy? TYPES OF ENERGY FOR A SPRING CONTINUED • It is moving fast. 8. What has the energy transformed into when the spring finally comes to rest? • Energy of heat, as it moved through the air there was friction and the energy caused the air to heat up, thus transferring the energy to a different system resulting in the spring finally coming to rest COMIC STRIP • Every group will get a comic strip paper and will draw a multipanel (3-5) comic strip of an acrobat performing on a pole (stick figures). I will replay the video • Label the following on the comic strip (can use labels multiple times) • • • • • • Elastic potential energy Gravitational potential energy High kinetic energy Low kinetic energy High potential energy Low potential energy COMIC STRIP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Carousel to visit the cartoon strips of other student groups Leave a sticky note (or write on a piece of loose-leaf paper) for each group asking one question about their LABELS (not the drawing) Afterwards, return to your own cartoon and make changes to the labels based on your observations of others and questions that were asked You will individually (Level 0) revise definition for kinetic energy, revise level of confidence in your understanding (1-4, 1 being no confidence, 4 being totally confidence) You will individually (Level 0) revise definition for potential energy, revise level of confidence in their understanding (1-4, 1 being no confidence, 4 being totally confidence) COMIC STRIP THINK/PAIR/SHARE 1.) Where was elastic potential energy evident with the acrobatic act? • The pole had elastic potential energy 2.) On what property was the amount of elastic potential energy based? • The shape of the pole, the more bent it is, the greater the amount of elastic potential energy. 3.) Where was gravitational potential energy evident with the acrobatic act? • When the acrobat was off the ground, she had gravitational potential energy COMIC STRIP THINK/PAIR/SHARE 4.) What variable impacts the amount of gravitational potential energy? • The position, the higher off the floor, the greater the gravitational potential energy 5.) Where was kinetic energy evident with the acrobatic act? • There was kinetic energy evident when the acrobat was moving 6.) What property impacts the amount of kinetic energy? • The greater the speed, the greater the amount of kinetic energy. 7.) How are the amount of kinetic energy and the amount of potential energy related to one another? • When one is high, the other is low. LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY • How can the Law of Conservation of Energy be defined using this observation? • Energy is not created nor destroyed; it is transformed from one form to another. • The Law of Conservation of Energy Video ANTICIPATION GUIDE • On the right-hand side that says “After Lesson” you will answer the same True/False Questions. • If you don’t need to correct your answer, then just put the same answer down. But every box should be filled out. • When you are done you will tell your shoulder partner which answers you changed or didn’t change and why. TYPES OF FORCES JANUARY 15TH TO JANUARY 17TH FORCE CHALLENGE Write your prediction how you could use forces to get the ball into the cup without touching the ball. HOT QUESTIONS • What force(s) were at work? • How were the forces similar? • How were they different? TYPES OF FORCES EXPLORE TYPES OF FORCES • Take a sheet of paper and divide it into 3 sections • In each write one of the following sentences: • How can objects be moved? • Is there force on an object that is not moving? • How can objects be moved without touching them? • With your group make a claim related to one of the problem statements • Hang your problem around the room • Individually go to each paper and write an observation that you made that could serve as evidence to support the claim GROUP DISCUSS • What characteristic do gravitational, magnetic, and electrical forces have in common? • In what ways do gravitational, magnetic, and electrical forces differ? • Are there forces acting on objects that are holding still? Explain. • What are some other forces? • Which can be categorized as non-contact forces and which as contact forces? • What does “non-contact force” mean? • In what ways are electrical forces similar to magnetic forces? “TEN FREAKY FORCES OF NATURE” • Write down places where a force caused motion (4 examples) • Think back to the places where a force cause motion, write down what type of force caused the push or pull. • List the contact and non-contact forces in the story