SMP CITRA KASIH KISI-KISI FINAL TEST SEMESTER 2 / 2018-2019 MATA PELAJARAN : Fisika KELAS : 7 (tujuh) JUMLAH SOAL : 25 soal pilihan ganda dan 3 soal essay ALOKASI WAKTU : 90 menit GURU PENGAMPU : Evina Nelly Natalia S.Pd Kompetensi Dasar Memahami konsep suhu,pemuaian,kalor,perpindahan Materi Pokok Indikator Pencapaian Perpindahan Kalor Membedakan perpindahan kalor Type of heat transfer with medium but no particle movement is called …. A. Radiation C. Conduction B. Convection D. Evaporation C1 Bentuk Soal ( PG / Esai) PG Kalor Jenis Mengerti perbedaan kalor, kalor jenis, dan kapasitas kalor The amount of the thermal energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by 1°C or 1 K and it depends on the mass and material of the object called as… A. Thermal Energy B. Heat Capacity C. Specific heat capacity C1 PG kalor,dan penerapannya dalam Soal Tingkat Kognitif Nomor. Soal 2 1 mekanisme menjaga kestabilan suhu tubuh pada manusia dan hewan serta dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Kalor Menghitung kalor Kalor Mengidentifikasi energy kalor yang dibutuhkan Grafik Kalor Menganalisis grafik D. Latent heat To increase the sea water temperature by 1°C needs 3 900 Joules. If the specific heat of the sea water is 3 900 J/kg°C, then calculate the mass of the sea water…. A. 100 kg C. 1 kg B. 10 kg D. 0.1 kg Given that specific heat for water is 4200 J/kg°C, for iron is 460 J/kg°C, for aluminum is 880 J/kg°C, and for ice is 2100 J/kg°C. With the same initial temperature, the fastest one to increase the temperature is…. A. Water C. Aluminum B. Iron D. Ice The latent heat process is shown in process…. A. A- B and B - C B. B - C and D - E C. C - D and E- F D. D- E and E - F C2 PG 3 C3 PG 4 C2 PG 5 Penguapan Menjelaskan penguapan Cooling always accompanies evaporation because…… A. The air molecules cool the liquid surface B. The more energetic molecules leave the liquid C. There are fewer liquid molecules left in the liquid D. The escaped molecules return to the liquid C1 PG 6 Asas black Menghitung suhu akhir campuran 80 grams of water (70°C) is mixed with 20 grams water (20°C), the final temperature of the mixture is…. A. 40 °C C. 50°C B. 45 °C D. 60 °C C3 PG 7 Kalor Manghitung kalor yang dibutuhkan A metal has a specific heat of 900 J/kg°C. The thermal energy that need to increase 20°C of 1 kg metal is….. A. 18 000 J C. 450 J B. 1 800 J D. 45 J C2 PG 8 Kalor Memperkirakan grafik dan menghitung kalor 500 grams of ice block −10oC is heated until melted and reaches temperature of 5oC. if the specific heat capacity of ice 0,5 cal/goC, specific latent heat 80 cal/gr, and specific heat capacity of water is 1 cal/goC, Calculate the total energy….. A. 90000 cal C. 65000 cal B. 45000 cal D. 50000 cal C3 PG 9 Mengetahui struktur bumi Inner core of Earth is made up of…… A. copper B. iron C. nickel-iron alloy C1 PG 10 Mendeskripsikan struktur bumi Struktur untuk menjelaskan fenomena bumi gempa bumi dan gunung api, serta tindakan yang diperlukan untuk mengurangi resiko bencana Mendeskripsikan struktur bumi Teori untuk menjelaskan fenomena struktur gempa bumi dan gunung api, serta bumi tindakan yang diperlukan untuk mengurangi resiko bencana Memahami perbedaan gempa tektonik dan vulkanik pada struktur bumi dan korelasi gempa bumi dan tsunami D. platinum Mengerti teori lempeng bumi Theory which states that plates of earth are continuously moving is classified as…. A. The Trench Drift Theory B. The Sphere Drift Theory C. The Continental Drift Theory D. The Oceanic Drift Theory C1 PG 11 Pergerakan lempeng Membedakan pergerakan struktur bumi Plates of Earth move apart from each other due to…. A. conventional currents B. compression currents C. constructive currents D. convection currents C1 PG 12 Pergerakan lempeng Mengetahui akibat pergeseran lempeng Volcanoes' and 'Earthquakes' are caused by…. A. plate convection B. plate contraction C. plate tectonics D. plate boundary C2 PG 13 Pergerakan lempeng Mengetahui akibat pergeseran lempeng Process in which continental crust is squashed together and forced in upward direction is classified as… A. plate convection B. folding C. plate owning D. plate tectonics C2 PG 14 Struktur bumi Memahami perbedaan gempa Pergerakan tektonik dan vulkanik pada struktur struktur bumi dan korelasi gempa bumi bumi dan tsunami Mengetahui struktur bumi Which layer of the Earth is a liquid? A. Inner core B. Outer Core C. Mantle D. Crust Memahami gambar pergerakan lempeng C1 PG 15 C3 PG 16 C2 PG 17 Arrows in the picture indicates the convection current in earth that caused the movement of the plate. The plates are moved according to the convection current. The statement below is suitable for the plate “A” movement is…. A. Plates move apart each other B. Plates move towards and collide into each other C. Plates stay in place D. Plates slide each other Pergerakan struktur bumi Type of plate B movement is…. A. Divergent B. Convergent C. Transform D. Insurgent Memahami perbedaan gempa tektonik dan vulkanik pada struktur bumi dan korelasi gempa bumi dan tsunami Gempa bumi Memehami akibat gempa bumi What is a primary effect of an earthquake? A. Effect on the landscape B. Effect on nearest epicentre C. Impacts as a direct result of the ground shaking D. Tsunami C2 PG 18 Mendeskripsikan model gerakan Rotasi bumi bumi dan bulan terhadap matahari serta menjelaskan perubahan siang dan malam, berbagai fase dan penampakan bentuk bulan, peristiwa gerhana matahari dan gerhana bulan serta dampak rotasi Rotasi bumi da n revolusi bumi dan bulan bagi kehidupan di bumi, seperti pasang surut air laut, pergantian musim, arah angin, dll. Memahami akibat rotasi bumi Rotation of Earth gives the…. A. Winter season B. Autumn season C. Day and night D. summer season C1 PG 19 Memahami arah rotasi bumi Rotation in which Earth rotates is from…. A. West to east B. East to west C. North to south D. South to north C1 PG 20 Memahami ukuran, struktur, gaya Planet gravitasi, orbit, dan gerakan benda langit, serta pengaruh radiasi matahari terhadap kehidupan di bumi Membedakan karakteristik planet This planet is small and icy. It is a 'dwarf' planet. Today, many scientists question whether it should even be classified as a planet. Which planet is it? A. Mercury B. Neptune C. Pluto D. Earth C2 PG 21 Mendeskripsikan karakteristik Tata surya anggota tatasurya, peran matahari, bumi, bulan,planet dan beda angkasa lainnya Memahami revolusi bumi Path on which Earth moves around Sun is classified as…. A. Trench B. Pole C. Orbit C1 PG 22 D. Axis Tata surya Memahami tata surya Milkyway Tata surya Mengetahui urutan planet Our solar system is located in which galaxy? A. Orion’s belt B. Andromeda C. Milky Way D. Whirlpool Starting at the sun and moving outward, what is C1 PG 23 C2 PG 24 C3 PG 25 the correct order of the planets in our Solar System? A. Sun => Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn B. Sun => Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Earth C. Sun => Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto D. Sun => Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto Mendeskripsikan model gerakan Gerhana bumi dan bulan terhadap matahari serta menjelaskan perubahan siang dan malam, berbagai fase dan penampakan bentuk bulan, peristiwa gerhana matahari dan gerhana bulan serta dampak rotasi da n revolusi bumi dan bulan bagi kehidupan di bumi, seperti pasang Menganalisis gerhana berdasarkan gambar According to the picture above, which picture below indicates the position of month or sun seen from P point? surut air laut, pergantian musim, arah angin, dll. Memahami konsep Kalor suhu,pemuaian,kalor,perpindahan kalor,dan penerapannya dalam Memahami grafik dan menghitung kalor yang diperlukan mekanisme menjaga kestabilan suhu tubuh pada manusia dan hewan serta dalam kehidupan C3 Essay 1 C2 Essay 2 Based on the graph, the total of the thermal energy that needed by 5 kg water 1. in process from -10 oC to 10 oC is….. (cwater= 4 200 J/kg oC, lf= 336 000 J/kg, cice= 2 100 J/kg oC ) sehari-hari Temperature (oC) Mendeskripsikan struktur bumi Struktur untuk menjelaskan fenomena bumi gempa bumi dan gunung api, serta tindakan yang diperlukan untuk mengurangi resiko bencana Menjelaskan pergerakan struktur bumi Mention and explain 3 types of plate boundaries! Mendeskripsikan model gerakan Akibat bumi dan bulan terhadap matahari radiasi serta menjelaskan perubahan siang matahari dan malam, berbagai fase dan penampakan bentuk bulan, peristiwa gerhana matahari dan gerhana bulan serta dampak rotasi da n revolusi bumi dan bulan bagi kehidupan di bumi, seperti pasang surut air laut, pergantian musim, arah angin, dll. Menjelaskan akibat radiasi matahari Greenhouse effect and global warming. (Make an explanation about it according to the question below)! What is it? What is the relation with Physics? What causes it on Earth? Is the problem getting worse? How to prevent and solve the problem? C2 Essay 3