Uploaded by Joyce Giba

Civil Engineering Graduate Research Questionnaire

Research Questionnaire
Name: ______________________________________ Sex: _____ Civil Status: _________
Year graduated: _________ Home Address (complete): ____________________________
Employer’s Contact no.:____________ Employer’s Email Address: _________________
Direction: (Please supply all the data in the underline shown.)
I. Have you taken the CE Licensure Examination?( please check):___Yes, ___No
A. Have you ___passed or ___failed?(please check)
1.) If passed, how many times did you take? ____
a) Have you taken a review?___ Yes, ___ No
b) What kind of review? (please check): ___Self-Review, ___In Review
If in Review Center, what review center?
And where? ______________________________________________.
c) What are the factors that affected you during your review? (Please
___ Financial, ___ Environment, ___others pls. specify
d) Have you encountered topics, which are not in your CE curriculum?
(Please check): ___ Yes, ___ No.
e) If yes, what are those topics? (Pls. specify); ______________,
_____________, _______________, ______________.
2.) How did you find the exam? (Pls. check): ___ easy, ___ moderate,
___ difficult.
a) What particular course/subject you’ve encountered difficult?
(Pls. specify): _______________, _______________,______________.
b) And the subject you found easy? (Pls. specify): ________________,
_______________, _______________, _______________.
3.) What subject should be added to the CE curriculum that should hopefully
help the Graduate in the actual job? (Pls. specify): _______________,
_______________, _______________, ________________.
Have you been employed? (Pls. check): ___ Yes, ___ No.
A. If Yes, (Answer this portion)
1.) Is it related to the course you have taken? (Pls. check): ___Yes, ___ No.
2.) In what agency or company? (Pls. specify):
3.) What particular job? (Pls. specify):
4.) Have you been employed immediately with the agency/Company where
you’re working now? ___ Yes, ___No.
If no, how many agencies/ companies have you applied first before you were
employed? (Pls. specify): ________________, ________________,
B. If No, (Answer this portion)
1.) What could be the reason why you were not hired? (Pls. check):
___ is it because you graduated in ESSU, ___ lack of experience, ___ lack of
knowledge, ___ no available position, ___ others, (Pls. specify)
2.) What is you feeling being a graduate of ESSU?
3.) Is it an ___ advantage or ___ disadvantage in getting a job? (Pls. check).