Jansson's eight policy tasks: 1. Deciding what is right and what is wrong -Using ethics and analysis to decide if specific policies are praiseworthy 2. Navigating policy and advocacy systems -Deciding where to focus and position the policy intervention 3. Agenda-Setting Task -Gauging whether the context is favorable for a policy initiative, and development of early strategy to place it on policy makers' agendas 4. Problem-Analyzing Task -Analysis of the causes, nature prevalence, and geographic location of specific problems 5. Proposal-Writing Task -Development of solutions to specific problems 6. Policy-Enacting Task -Policy practitioners try to have policies approved or enacted by using various influence and power resources, as well as strategy 7. Policy-Implementing Task - Policy practitioners try to influence how enacted policies are carried out 8. Policy-Assessing Task -Obtaining and analyzing data about the implemented policy's performance to see if it fulfills certain objectives Jansson's four skills 1. Analytic skill - Used to evaluate social problems and develop policy proposals, to analyze the severity of problems, to identify the barriers to policy implementation, and to develop strategies for assessing programs 2. Political Skill -Gaining and using power to develop and implement political strategy 3. Interactional Skill -Needed for participation in task groups (committees and coalitions) and to persuade people to support specific policies 4. Value-Clarifying Skill -Needed to identify and rank relevant ethical principles when engaging in policy practice