15 Skills You Need to Become an Awesome Digital Marketer 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 1 Introduction Despite how young it is compared to other professional fields, digital marketing has emerged as a popular area for starting and developing a career. There are hundreds of thousands of digital marketers in the US alone, all working towards the same common goal: to help their companies grow through channels like email, paid search, paid social, SEO, and more. (Don’t worry. You’ll be familiar with all those terms by the time you’re done reading.) When you think about it, it’s unsurprising that digital marketing has grown rapidly as a career path over the past 20 years or so. Worldwide, we collectively use Google over 3 billion times a day. Elsewhere, the average internet user spends nearly two and a half hours each day interacting with social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. On top of that, we check our email inboxes about 15 times throughout the average day. The percentage of people using the internet over time. Via Smart Insights. As consumers spend more and more time with digital media, companies invest more and more money in their efforts to convert that attention into revenue. A lot of that money, of course, goes towards people— hiring bright, creative marketers who can find new ways to reach consumers and turn them into customers. Although there’s no shortage of digital marketing jobs out there, there’s also no shortage of people competing to get them. So, here are the 15 skills you can develop this year to make you a better, more wellrounded digital marketer. 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 2 1. Content marketing For businesses with long sales cycles, content marketing—creating content in order to drive website traffic, build a brand, and generate leads—is a valuable channel. Although it’s pretty much ubiquitous at this point, content marketing is particularly prevalent among B2B companies. Faced with fierce competition and budget-constrained prospects, B2B companies need ways to both differentiate themselves and win trust. When created thoughtfully, content—in the form of blog posts, whitepapers, ebooks, infographics, videos, and podcasts—is the stone that kills both birds. Good news: there’s no shortage of specific skills beneath the content marketing umbrella for you to focus on. Writers, speakers, designers, and videographers are always in demand. To learn more about content marketing, check out these resources: • How to Elevate Your Brand & Content with a House Style Guide • 5 Creative Ways to Find Things to Write About • The 7-Step Guide to Creating Amazing Cornerstone Content 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 3 2. CMS experience No matter how good you are at writing or designing, you can’t succeed as a content marketer without familiarizing yourself with a content management system, more commonly known as a CMS. A CMS is simply an interface built into a website that enables you to create and edit digital content, such as a blog post. WordPress and Drupal are two common examples. Although developing the skills that enable you to create high-quality content should be your main focus, adding CMS experience to your resume is a must nonetheless. We recommend poking around a few of the major interfaces so you’re comfortable enough to hit the ground running when the time comes to start creating content. This is Drupal. To learn more about content management systems, check out these resources: • How to Make a WordPress Website: A Step-by-Step Guide • The Beginner’s Guide to Drupal 8 • 11 Rules for Selecting the Right CMS 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 4 3. CRM software experience Not to be confused with CMS, CRM stands for customer relationship management. Likewise, a CRM software, such as Salesforce or Oracle, is simply a tool that tracks and organizes the interactions between a business and its prospects and customers. This is Salesforce. That’s a bit vague—let’s use an example. Imagine that you’ve honed your content marketing skills (writing in particular) and become proficient with WordPress. Your blog posts are performing well, and in order to convert some of that traffic into leads, you’ve collaborated with your coworkers to put together an awesome ebook. Without a CRM software, however, there’s no way to keep track of who downloads the ebook or how you and your peers can get in touch with them. Without a CRM software, a business can’t fill its funnel—which makes adding experience with at least one of them to your resume such a good idea. To learn more about customer relationship management software, check out these resources: • A Beginner’s Guide to CRM • 8 Ways to Find the Right CRM System for Your Business • A Beginner’s Guide to Salesforce 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 5 4. Mobile marketing Every year, more and more web traffic comes from smartphones. Although you’ll often hear that people only use their phones when they’re “on the go,” reality presents a far more complex picture. Sure—the smartphone is the device of choice when someone’s walking down the street or taking the train home from work. But let’s be honest with ourselves: people use their smartphones at home all the time. Nobody grabs their laptop to check Facebook when they first wake up in the morning. The point we’re trying to make is that optimizing marketing materials for mobile devices has become table stakes. Whether business owners want to admit it to themselves or not, their prospects are interacting with their businesses on their smartphones. If they’re not delivering an acceptable user experience at those key touchpoints, they’re throwing money out the window. Homepages, landing pages, content— everything needs to be mobile-friendly. Because businesses are increasingly aware of the importance of mobile optimization, making the time to educate yourself is an investment you won’t regret. To learn more about mobile marketing, check out these resources: • 5 Ways to Increase Your Mobile Conversion Rate • 7 Smarter Ways to Approach Mobile Search Ads • Google Ads Mobile Benchmarks for YOUR Industry If business owners are not delivering an acceptable user experience at those key touchpoints, they’re throwing money out the window. 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 6 5. Lead nurturing Let’s return to the hypothetical scenario we talked about in the CRM section. You’ve got steady blog traffic and a killer ebook that’s bringing a ton of new leads into the company’s CRM software. That’s awesome! But … what comes next? Those ebook leads don’t mean anything unless a substantial percentage of them convert into customers down the line. In other words, now that you’ve established a reliable lead magnet that’s bringing prospects to the top of the funnel, you and your coworkers have to figure out how you’re going to get them to the bottom of the funnel. That’s what lead nurturing is all about—coming up with additional offers to send to prospects until they eventually decide to try (or buy!) the product or service you’re marketing. Like your top-of-funnel ebook, a lot of these offers should be free educational resources. Then, once a particular prospect has accepted enough offers for you to feel confident that they’re interested in your product or service, you can serve them an offer for a free trial or a demo. Ideally, they’ll be so impressed that they can’t help but become a customer! Lead nurturing is a fundamental to B2B marketing in particular. Add it to your resume and you should have no trouble finding work in that space. To learn more about lead nurturing, check out these resources: • 11 Ways to Turn Prospects into Customers • 4 Emails to Include in Every PPC Lead Nurturing Campaign • 3 Steps to a High-Converting Lead Capture Strategy 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 7 6. Email marketing In order to make the thoughtful, compelling offers that nurture leads into customers, you and your coworkers will need a way to stay in contact with prospects. Email marketing—a digital channel that’s stood the test of time in a constantly changing industry—is the best way to do so. From our State of the Online Advertising Landscape report. Let’s address the elephant in the room: a lot of people seem to think that email marketing is dead. The numbers, however, tell a different story. The majority of B2B marketers say email is their most effective channel for generating revenue. 80% of retail professionals name email as their top customer retention strategy. Every $1 of email marketing spend yields $44 in returns. Need we go on? The point is that companies in nearly every vertical need some form of an email marketing strategy. Whether you’re trying to generate and nurture leads or drive ecommerce sales, having a degree of email marketing knowledge in your back pocket is advantageous. To learn more about email marketing, check out these resources: • 35 Face-Melting Email Marketing Stats • How to Use Email Remarketing to Achieve Inbox Domination • 5 Steps to Grow Your Small Business with Cold Email 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 8 7. Video production Whether it’s executed through organic content on Facebook or paid ads on YouTube, video marketing has established itself as a highly effective way to engage prospects. Although there are numerous variables at work here, we’re confident that a key explanation for the effectiveness of video marketing is that it enables prospects to easily envision how a company will make their lives better. Nobody buys a product or service unless they’re confident that it’s going to improve their life in some way. Likewise, proving to a potential customer that whatever you’re marketing will satisfy their desire or erase their pain point is one of the biggest challenges you face as a marketer. Video is one of the best ways to overcome this challenge and win new business. Think about which option sounds more persuasive: a still image of a pair of sneakers or an inspirational video of a runner using those sneakers to achieve their fitness goals? Exactly. Because video is so effective and the demand for it only continues to increase, it follows that you can gain from developing some basic skills. Whether it’s scripting, shooting, or editing, you won’t regret making yourself useful in the video production space. To learn more about video marketing, check out these resources: • The Complete Guide to Facebook Video Ads • 13 Tips for Creating More Effective Instagram Video Ads • Top 10: Best Video Editing Software for Beginners Video marketing enables prospects to easily envision how a company will make their lives better. 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 9 8. Paid search advertising Take off your marketing hat, if you will, and think like a consumer for a moment. If you encounter a problem that can be solved with a product or service—a broken dishwasher, for example—where do you go to find that solution? If you’re like most people, you’ll turn to a search engine like Google. OK, you can put your marketing hat back on. Whether a company sells discounted women’s apparel or an enterprise software solution, the consumers they’re trying to reach use Google to find solutions to their problems. That’s exactly why paid search advertising—the practice of buying sponsored positions on the search engine results page—has become so common for both B2C and B2B companies in recent years. Between Google and Bing, millions of advertisers are making their best offers to high-intent search engine users. Despite the ubiquity—the necessity—of paid search, most people have never heard of it. In other words, if you’re willing to hit the books, there are plenty of opportunities out there. To learn more about paid search advertising, check out these resources: • Paid Search Marketing: Optimize Paid Search Campaigns with Better Tools • How to Use Google Ads Effectively • The Big, Easy Guide to Keyword Research for Businesses 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 10 9. Search engine optimization (SEO) At a fundamental level, the case for search engine optimization—also known as SEO and organic search marketing—is the same as the case for paid search: it enables businesses to engage the consumers who are actively looking for the products or services they provide. However, each discipline comes with a unique set of steps to success. Whereas succeeding in paid search involves beating competitors through an auction-style bidding process, succeeding in organic search involves thoughtfully structuring a website and creating relevant, high-quality content that gives site visitors a good experience and earns links from other publishers. In a nutshell, SEO is all about proving to Google and Bing that a website deserves to be on the first page of the search engine results. Any business with a website needs an SEO strategy. After all, if consumers can’t find it though Google or Bing, what’s the point of having a website in the first place? Having a website and lacking an SEO strategy is like buying a car and letting the seller keep the key. Accordingly, marketers with SEO experience are always valuable. To learn more about search engine optimization, check out these resources: • SEO Basics: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization • The Only Off-Page SEO Walkthrough You’ll Ever Need • The 10-Step SEO Audit: How to Find Your SEO Mistakes and Opportunities 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 11 10. Paid social media advertising Generally speaking, social media advertising is effective for two reasons: (1) because consumers spend a ton of time on social media platforms and (2) because those platforms enable advertisers to reach the consumers most likely to become their customers. With the ability to turn anonymized user data into thoughtful, specific audiences, a business can get the perfect offers (perhaps some killer downloadable content!) in front of target consumers as they’re engaging with their favorite content. The dual appeal of paid social—captive audiences and first-party data—has made it table stakes for businesses investing in digital marketing. There are over eight million advertisers on Facebook and Instagram alone. That doesn’t simply mean social media marketers are in high demand; it means great social media marketers are in high demand. As users’ feeds become increasingly saturated and platforms find new ad products to monetize, businesses will need smart marketers who are willing to take on new challenges in an ever-changing space. To learn more about paid social media advertising, check out these resources: • How to Advertise on Facebook in 10 Steps • Every Facebook Ad Targeting Option in One Epic Graphic (Updated!) • The Complete Guide to Advertising on Instagram There are over eight million advertisers on Facebook and Instagram alone. 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 12 11. User experience (UX) design User experience, more commonly known as UX, means exactly what you’d expect it to mean: it refers to the way prospects and customers experience a website. It goes without saying that businesses want to create the best UX possible for their site visitors. We could create a series of guides dedicated solely to discussing UX best practices, but we’ll leave you with this for the time being: navigating a website should be simple, intuitive, and painless. The more difficult a company makes it for their site visitors to find the information they need, the fewer they can expect to convert into paying customers. Not great. At this point in the 21st century, very few businesses can get away with lacking a website. Nevertheless, the number of poorly designed business websites is legitimately staggering. Although some of those business owners may be blissfully unaware, we’re willing to bet that many of them simply lack the time to improve their UX—thus creating the need for them to outsource to a freelancer or hire a new employee. To learn more about UX design, check out these resources: • 6 Powerful Ways UX Can Affect Your Conversion Rates • 5 Critical Landing Page Design Mistakes that Cost You Conversions • How to Use F & Z Patterns in Your Landing Page Design 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 13 12. Data analysis Navigating a CRM software, nurturing new leads down the funnel, segmenting email marketing audiences, targeting past customers with killer Facebook ad creative—none of these things are possible if you’re not comfortable working with data. Data is both a good and a bad thing to the owner or CMO of a company that uses digital marketing channels to reach prospective customers. Data is good in the sense that it enables the company to allocate their budget as efficiently as possible. Data is bad in the sense that it’s seemingly endless and endowed with the terrifying power to cripple an entire marketing engine when used or interpreted improperly. That’s why data analysts are so badly needed by digital marketing teams today—to patiently comb through mountains of numbers and emerge with meaningful insights the rest of the team can use to inform their strategies going forward. Frankly, it’s one of the more difficult jobs discussed in this guide. But it’s also one of the most crucial. To learn more about data analysis, check out these resources: • Marketing Analytics: Success Through Analysis • How to Find Bigger AND Better Audiences to Reach Using Google Analytics • 3 Strategies Anyone Can Use to Attribute Success Beyond the Last Click Google Analytics is a one-stop shop for website data. Data analysts patiently comb through mountains of numbers and emerge with meaningful insights the rest of the team can use to inform their strategies going forward. 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 14 13. Data visualization Let’s go all the way back to the first skill listed in this guide: content marketing. You’ll recall that—in addition to bringing new leads to the top of the marketing funnel—driving website traffic and building a brand are two of the key objectives behind content creation. Over the years, we’ve found that sharing original data that others will find useful and insightful is an incredibly effective way to achieve those two objectives with a single piece of content. If the data analyst you work with stumbles upon something—say, a correlation between the specificity of a Facebook audience and CPA—sharing it with the world is a fantastic way to both get people on the company website and brand it as a cutting edge resource. From our State of the Digital Marketing Agency report. The big, inevitable hurdle: presenting original data intuitively. Because data that nobody can understand is practically useless, the ability to turn it into simple, aesthetically pleasing visualizations is a highly valuable skill. If you’re drawn to the idea of honing your data analysis chops, why not parlay them with a knack for turning numbers into figures? Talk about killing two birds with a single stone. To learn more about data visualization, check out these resources: • Data Visualization Beginner’s Guide: A Definition, Examples, and Learning Resources • Data Visualization: What It Is and Why It Matters • 10 Useful Ways to Visualize Your Data (With Examples) 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 15 14. HTML, CSS, & JavaScript (coding languages) Like we said earlier: very few businesses can get away with lacking a website. More specifically, no business that’s using digital marketing to drive leads and sales can get away with lacking landing pages. Building a website and some landing pages, of course, requires knowledge of three major coding languages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is a type of code that defines the content and structure of a web page. In other words, HTML determines what a company’s website says and the way that content is presented. CSS, which stands for Cascading Style Sheets, is a type of code that defines how web pages look—the aesthetic appearance of a website. At a high level, CSS determines basic attributes like font size, text color, and margin width. JavaScript, finally, is a programming language that enables interactive functionality on a website. So, for example, if you’re building a landing page for a Facebook Ads campaign and you want to gate a content offer behind a lead gen form, JavaScript is necessary. Although there’s no shortage of tech companies that offer web development and landing page solutions, the ability to manually build and update a website will never lose its value in the marketing world. Like picking up data analysis, learning to code ain’t easy. But it’s certainly rewarding. To learn more about coding languages, check out these resources: • Codeacademy • Code.org • Learntocodewith.me 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 16 15. Digital marketing tools Quite literally, there are thousands of tools designed specifically for digital marketers. No matter what role you play, if you’re in the business of driving leads and sales through digital channels, you’re going to need to use at least one tool on a daily basis. By familiarizing yourself with as many as you can—without spreading yourself too thin, of course—you make yourself a more well-rounded marketer. Here’s a (far from exhaustive) list of some common tools you’ll want to check out, segmented according to field. Search marketing tools • Google Ads Performance Grader: audit your Google Ads account (free) • Google Trends: see what consumers are searching (free) • Google Analytics: track your website performance (free) Social media marketing tools • Facebook Ads Performance Grader: audit your Facebook Ads account (free) • Hootsuite: schedule your social media posts and track their performance • Awario: see who’s talking about your business on social media Content marketing & SEO tools • Free Keyword Tool: discover valuable keyword opportunities (free) • Ahrefs: track and optimize your organic search performance • BrightLocal: optimize your website for local business Email marketing tools • Constant Contact: stay in touch with your prospects and customers • ActiveCampaign: optimize and automate email marketing campaigns • SendinBlue: automate transactional email messages 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 17 Conversion rate optimization tools • The CRO Toolkit: create and optimize pop-ups and landing pages • Zendesk Chat: talk to your site visitors in real time • Drift: automate basic customer support conversations ABOUT WORDSTREAM WordStream is on a mission to make online advertising easy. The WordStream Advisor platform helps businesses of all sizes maximize the results of their online advertising by giving advertisers powerful tools to easily build, manage and optimize 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER campaigns across ad networks like Google Ads, Bing, Instagram, Facebook—and more! 18 REACH YOUR FULL ONLINE ADVERTISING POTENTIAL Start a free trial of WordStream Advisor. With WordStream Advisor you can achieve amazing online advertising results and grow your business to its full potential. Start a free trial to see firsthand how it can: SAVE TIME INCREASE ROI STRETCH BUDGET Optimize campaigns quickly & efficiently Improve performance across campaigns Get stronger results with current spend START YOUR FREE TRIAL www.wordstream.com/ppc-free-trial 15 SKILLS YOU NEED TO BECOME AN AWESOME DIGITAL MARKETER 19