Commerce 2AA3 - Fall 2012 - 1 Commerce 2AA3 Financial Accounting Fall 2012 Course Outline Accounting and Financial Management Services Area DeGroote School of Business McMaster University COURSE OBJECTIVE This course will help all students (whether or not they plan a career in accounting) understand why accounting exists, how it is implemented, its usefulness for decision making, how it affects behaviour and contracts and why there are controversies over accounting methods. The specific objectives of this course are: 1) Help students develop a thorough understanding of accounting procedures and the choices possible in preparing corporate financial statements. 2) Help students become intelligent readers and users of corporate financial reports, which include the fundamental statements (balance sheet, income statement, retained earnings statement, and cash flow statement) plus explanatory notes, auditor’s report, etc. 3) Develop students’ appreciation of the usefulness and limitations of financial accounting information. INSTRUCTOR AND CONTACT INFORMATION Day Sections: Evening Section: C01 Mo Th 09:30 10:20, Tu 10:30 11:20 KTH/B135 C01 Tu 19:00 22:00 BSB/B135 C02 Mo We Th 10:30 11:20 KTH/B135 C03 Mo Th 15:30 16:20 KTH/B135 Paul Ianni, CA Dr. Emad Mohammad Office: DSB 313 Office Hours: TBD Office: DSB 317 I am also available by appointment Office Hours: 12:30-2:00, Monday, Tuesday, and Tel: (905) 525-9140 x23397 Thursday I am also available by appointment on other days Tel: (905) 525-9140 x27432 Commerce 2AA3 - Fall 2012 - 2 Course IA Aadil Merali Office: DSB 231 Office Hours: TBA Administrative Assistant: Ms. Alicja Siek Office: MGD-303 Tel: (905) 525-9140 x24630 COURSE ELEMENTS Credit Value: Avenue: Participation: Evidencebased: 3 Yes Yes Yes Leadership: No Ethics: Yes Innovation: No Experiential: No IT skills: Numeracy: Group work: Final Exam: Yes Yes No Yes Global view: Written skills: Oral skills: Guest speaker(s): Yes Yes No Yes COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of financial accounting. The focus of this course will be on how accounting is used for recording economic events and for the financial reporting, primarily to users external to business organizations. The course will emphasize underlying concepts and principles, as well as cover accounting procedures in sufficient detail to enable students to record accounting transactions and prepare financial statements. A major emphasis in the course will be on understanding the information in corporate financial reports and its use by individuals external to a corporation in making investment and contracting decisions. The course will examine alternative accounting policies and methods that may legitimately be used in financial reporting, and motivations that may influence managers in choosing among them. REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS AND READINGS Avenue registration for course content, readings and case materials Libby, Libby, Short, Kanaan, and Gowing, Financial Accounting, Fourth Canadian Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2011. Commerce 2AA3 - Fall 2012 - 3 EVALUATION The final grade will be calculated in the first instance from the grades obtained on the two term examinations and the final examination. The examinations and their weightings in the determination of the final grade are: Components and Weights Term Examination 1 Term Examination 2 Final Examination Total 10/12/2012, 5:30 p.m. 11/09/2012, 5:30 p.m. TBA 30% 30% 40% 100% Notes on Examinations 1. All students will write the same term and final examinations. 2. Exams will have multiple-choice questions and long-answer problems. 3. Examination locations will be announced in lectures, and posted outside of DSB 317 and DSB 324 and on Avenue. 4. The official McMaster University photo identification card must be presented at each examination. 5. NOTE: The use of a McMaster standard calculator is allowed during examinations in this course. See McMaster calculator policy at the following URL: 6. The instructor reserves the right to adjust your final grade on the basis of the overall evaluation of class performance, trend of your performance, participation, and other factors. This adjustment will result in a maximum change of one grade point. Grade Conversion At the end of the course your overall percentage grade will be converted to your letter grade in accordance with the following conversion scheme. LETTER GRADE PERCENT LETTER GRADE PERCENT A+ A A- 90 - 100 85 - 89 80 - 84 C+ C C- 67 - 69 63 - 66 60 - 62 B+ B B- 77 - 79 73 - 76 70 - 72 D+ D D- 57 - 59 53 - 56 50 - 52 F 00 - 49 Commerce 2AA3 - Fall 2012 - 4 Communication and Feedback Students who are uncomfortable in directly approaching an instructor regarding a course concern may send a confidential email to the respective Area Chair ( or the Associate Dean ( Students who wish to correspond with instructors or TAs directly via email must send messages that originate from their official McMaster University email account. This protects the confidentiality and sensitivity of information as well as confirms the identity of the student. Emails regarding course issues should NOT be sent to the Area Administrative Assistants. Instructors are required to provide evaluation feedback for at least 10% of the final grade to students prior to Week #8 in the term. Instructors may conduct an informal course review with students by Week #4 to allow time for modifications in curriculum delivery. Students who wish to have a course component re-evaluated must complete the following form: In order for the component to be re-read: • • • • • the component must be worth 10% or more of the final grade in the course students pay a fee of $50 in Gilmour Hall #209 (receipt is then brought to APO) the Area Chair will seek out an independent adjudicator to re-grade the component an adjustment to the grade for the component will be made if a grade change of three points or greater on the 12 point scale (equivalent to 10 marks out of 100) has been suggested by the adjudicator as assigned by the Area Chair if a grade change is made, the student fee will be refunded. LECTURES Lectures will be a combination of lecture presentation and discussion of conceptual and numerical examples from the text plus current business examples of topics covered. The material in the course will generally follow that assigned in the text. However, lecture coverage will include material not covered in the text and exclude some material in the text. Students are responsible for all material covered in lectures and, therefore, should attend all lectures. Absence from lectures is not an excuse for not being aware of the details of coverage in the course. Students should prepare for each lecture by reading the relevant chapter in the text, reviewing the lecture notes, looking at any examples to be covered and attempting the assigned questions before each class. Some materials relating to lectures will be posted on Avenue. Guidelines will be given each lecture as to the specific coverage in the following lecture(s). Commerce 2AA3 - Fall 2012 - 5 TUTORIALS Tutorials will be held each week, except the first week of the term. Attendance will be taken at these tutorials. Therefore, you must attend the tutorial to which you have been assigned. An adjustment to the calculated grades as above, to a maximum of 3%, will be made based upon attendance and participation in tutorials. DO NOT SIGN in tutorials on behalf of other students. Doing so is considered cheating. Both students will, at minimum, lose all the bonus points regardless of their attendance record. You are required to be present for the entire hour of the tutorial for the bonus for that week. You will only be eligible for bonus marks for the tutorials if you attend at least 5 tutorials during the semester; that is, students who attend less than 5 tutorials will NOT receive any credit for attendance. Each tutorial will be worth 0.3% of your final mark up to a maximum of 3%. PARTICIPATION AND AVENUE DISCUSSION BOARD Class participation is an integral part of the learning experience in this course. Students should participate in lecture and tutorial discussions either by asking questions, volunteering answers to questions raised or responding when asked specifically. Note that it is not expected that students will have the correct answers to all questions. Rather, participation will allow students to test their ideas and develop confidence in their understanding of the course material. Instructors enable the Avenue discussion board to allow discussions among students of courserelated matters in a public forum. Past experience was mainly positive as many students have benefited from each other. Unfortunately, very few students have abused that forum by posting inaccurate information and by using it as a social chat forum. To maintain Avenue discussion board for course-related academic matters only, instructors will deny access to students who abuse it. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY It is the student’s responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. Please refer to the University Senate Academic Integrity Policy at the following URL: This policy describes the responsibilities, procedures, and guidelines for students and faculty should a case of academic dishonesty arise. Academic dishonesty is defined as to knowingly act or fail to act in a way that results or could result in unearned academic credit or advantage. Please refer to the policy for a list of examples. The policy also provides faculty with procedures to follow in cases of academic dishonesty as well as general guidelines for penalties. For further information related to the policy, please refer to the Office of Academic Integrity at: Commerce 2AA3 - Fall 2012 - 6 REQUESTING RELIEF FOR MISSED ACADEMIC WORK 1. Students may request relief from a regularly scheduled midterm, test, assignment or other course component in the following two ways: a) b) for absences from classes lasting up to five (5) days; or for absences from classes lasting more than five (5) days. a) For absences from classes lasting up to five (5) days Students must use the MSAF (McMaster Student Absence Form). This is an on-line, selfreporting tool, for which submission of medical or other types of supporting documentation is normally not required. Students may use this tool to submit a maximum of one (1) request for relief of missed academic work per term as long as the weighting of the component is worth 29% of the final grade or less. Students must follow up with their course instructors regarding the nature of the relief within two days of submitting the form. Failure to do so may negate the opportunity for relief. It is the prerogative of the instructor of the course to determine the appropriate relief for missed term work in his/her course. If the value of the component is worth 30% or more, students must report to the APO to discuss their situation and will be required to provide appropriate supporting documentation. b) For absences from classes lasting more than five (5) days Students cannot use the MSAF. They MUST report to the APO to discuss their situation and will be required to provide appropriate supporting documentation. Students who wish to submit more than one request for relief of missed academic work per term cannot use the MSAF. They must report to the APO and discuss their situation with an academic advisor. They will be required to provide supporting documentation and meet with the Director. The MSAF cannot be used during any final examination period. Students who require accommodations to meet a religious obligation or to celebrate an important religious holiday must make their requests in writing within three weeks of the start of term to the APO. Students seeking relief due to: work-related (for part-time students only) commitments; representing the university at an academic or varsity athletic event; and/or conflicts between two (or more) overlapping scheduled midterm exams, have the option of applying for special exam arrangements. Such requests must be made to the APO at least ten (10) working days before the scheduled exam along with acceptable documentation. There will be only one common sitting for the special exam. Instructors cannot themselves allow students to unofficially write make-up exams/tests. Adjudication of the request must be handled by the APO. Commerce 2AA3 - Fall 2012 - 7 STUDENT ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES Student Accessibility Services (SAS) offers various support services for students with disabilities. Students are required to inform SAS of accommodation needs for course work at the outset of term. Students must forward a copy of such SAS accommodation to the instructor normally, within the first three (3) weeks of classes by setting up an appointment with the instructor. If a student with a disability chooses NOT to take advantage of an SAS accommodation and chooses to sit for a regular exam, a petition for relief may not be filed after the examination is complete. The SAS website is: POTENTIAL MODIFICATIONS TO THE COURSE The instructor and university reserve the right to modify elements of the course during the term. The university may change the dates and deadlines for any or all courses in extreme circumstances. If either type of modification becomes necessary, reasonable notice and communication with the students will be given with explanation and the opportunity to comment on changes. It is the responsibility of the student to check their McMaster email and course websites weekly during the term and to note any changes. Commerce 2AA3 - Fall 2012 - 8 COURSE SCHEDULE Commerce 2AA3 Financial Accounting Fall 2012 Course Schedule Week of: September 3 September 10 TOPIC Ch. 1: Financial Statements and Business Decisions (Note: First class is on Thursday, September 6) Ch. 1: Financial Statements and Business Decisions Exercises Problems 2, 3, 6, 8, 11 1, 3 September 17 Ch. 2: Investing and Financing Decisions 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 1, 2, 5 September 24 Ch. 3: Operating Decisions and Income Statement (Note: No class on Wednesday, September 29) Ch. 4: Adjustments and Financial Statements 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 15 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 17 4, 5 Ch. 5: Statement of Cash Flows (Note: No class on Monday, October 8) Ch. 7: Revenues, Receivables, and Cash 1, 4, 6, 9, 16, 17 2, 5 2, 5, 9-11, 14, 17, 24 2, 4, 5 October 22 Ch. 8: Cost of Goods Sold and Inventory 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 20 1, 2 November 29 Ch. 8: Cost of Goods Sold and Inventory 10, 12, 15, 21 3, 6 November 5 Ch. 9: Long Lived Assets 3, 6, 8, 11, 16, 19, 26 2, 3, 9 November 12 Ch. 10: Current Liabilities and Notes Payable 3, 7, 9, 12 2, 7, 10 November 19 Ch. 11: Long-Term Liabilities TBA TBA November 26 Ch. 12: Owners’ Equity 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 16 3, 4, 8 October 1 October 8 October 15