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business communications

MARK 106, Business Concepts
Winter 2020
Delivery mode: Classroom, Web-enhanced
5 Credits
Instructor Information ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Course Information ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Course Description .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Student Learning Outcomes................................................................................................................................................... 2
Required Textbook(s): ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Required Supplies..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Required Technical Skills ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Lecture Schedule: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Writing Lab: .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Open Lab .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Grading Criteria........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Schedule/Assignments/Due Dates....................................................................................................................................... 3
Business Plan Segment Assignment: ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Networking Assignment: ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Learning Log Assignment/Peer Responses on the Canvas Discussion Board: ............................................................. 4
Treasure Hunt........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Workshop and Lecture Attendance ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Course Policies .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Make-up Exams........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Late Work.................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Extra Credit............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Absence and Attendance ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Campus Conduct...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Program Conduct: .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Netiquette .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Cheating, Plagiarism ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Ethical Research Practices and Tools ................................................................................................................................... 5
Disability.................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Diversity .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Non Discrimination ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
College Resources ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Instructor Disclaimer: .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
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MARK 106, Business Concepts
Winter 2020
Delivery mode: Classroom, Web-enhanced
5 Credits
Instructor Information
Name: Kathy Brock, M.B.A. - Change Leadership
Office Hours: 2-3 p.m., Monday through Thursday
Contact Information: You may reach me via email at kbrock@bates.ctc.edu or phone number 253-680-7376.
Expect a response within 24 hours, Monday through Friday.
Meet your Instructor: I joined Bates in 1992 with the majority of my industry experience gained from
management, marketing, sales and customer service roles in telecommunication and publication industries. My
paid background also includes corporate training for large area firms such as Milgard and Gensco, research data
collection for the Washington State DNR, professional photography, sales, client relations, food services,
distribution services, printing services, medical office management and swim instructor. That is a crazy variety
of experience, right? My unpaid community service and professional association work includes past membership
and leadership roles in Quota International of Tacoma which focuses on empowering women, children, the
deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired in local communities, leadership roles and guiding industry regulatory
initiatives for the Puget Sound Telemarketing Association (now AMA Puget Sound), coaching University Place
Soccer Club girls’ teams, and various leadership positions for the faculty union at BTC, AFT-WA 4184.
Currently I serve as Vice President and member of the Labor-Management Committee.
What I love about teaching at Bates: My students are forward-thinking individuals with goals and aspirations
to get the most out of their personal and professional lives. Their unique experiences and desired career tracks
consistently keep me engaged and challenged in my work; some think this is novel considering I have taught
here almost 28 years. Expectations of students and their future employers change consistently and I am always
seeking new ways of imparting information and materials to both challenge and help my students grow into the
professional person they want to be. My colleagues at Bates are just as engaged and driven to provide the worldclass educational experience our students deserve. I love the journey we all share together!
Course Information
Prerequisites: Students must enroll already qualified to attend Math 86/87 and 90 level English courses.
Course Description: A wide array of business concepts are explored in this class including entrepreneurship,
organizational systems, finance, marketing, management and international business.
Student Learning Outcomes: At the successful completion of this course students will have:
1. Considered the effect of the local and global economy on business decisions, and the interrelationship
between business management, governments, and economic unions.
2. Interacted with business owners to assess the common attributes of successful entrepreneurs, the challenges
they face, and the rewards gained from their experience
3. Assessed the ethical and social responsibility issues involved in the business environment, including the
importance of managing risks and developing an exit plan
4. Applied their knowledge of strategic business planning strategies as demonstrated by developing and
presenting a well-researched and feasible business plan
5. Acquired and evaluated information from a variety of sources, then appropriately documented use of the
material in formal reports and presentations.
6. Applied technical writing and professional presentation skills in the delivery of their business plan.
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MARK 106, Business Concepts
Winter 2020
Delivery mode: Classroom, Web-enhanced
5 Credits
7. Demonstrated the ability to forecast production costs and sales revenues, documented how actual costs and
revenues affect basic financial statements, and applied this information to business management decisions.
Note: Minimum cumulated GPA's of 2.0 are required to earn Bates Technical College AT/AAST degrees,
unless higher standards are noted in the college catalog. The possible GPA range required to successfully
complete this course is 1.7 to 4.0.
Required Textbook(s):
Textbook #1: Foundations of Business, 6th ed. Pride-Hughes-Kapoor.
2019. Cengage. ISBN: 9780357700044
Textbook #2: The Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies, 5e.
2010. Abrams, Rhonda. The Planning
Shop. Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933895-14-7
(Note: A copy of The Successful Business Plan is available for use in the classroom.)
Alternative Earlier Version Textbook e.4, see alternate schedule
The Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies, 4e.
Abrams, Rhonda. ©2003| The Planning Shop | Binder. ISBN 13: 978-0-9740801-0-9
Required Supplies: Access to the internet, pens, pencils, paper, USB drive.
Required Technical Skills: Students will need the ability to submit and attach files to email, create Power Points
and pdfs, plus send photos. Additionally, students will utilize the basic functions of word processing, creating
documents and spreadsheets, using spell check and grammar correcting applications, and navigate the Canvas LMS
(Learning Management System. If unskilled in these areas, see your instructor to discuss resources available to help
you meet these expectations.
Lecture Schedule: Monday and Tuesday, 7:30-9:30 a.m.
Writing Lab:
Open Lab:
Tuesday, 10-11:30 a.m.
Grading Criteria: Forms and rubrics located in the MBM Canvas Folder
Participation (Attendance: Class Sessions, Writing Workshops and Market Masters; Weekly Learning Logs
and Peer Responses: Posted on Discussion Board)
Networking Activity and Reporting
Sections of business plan-due weekly
Business Plan Presentation
Final Written Business Plan
Schedule/Assignments/Due Dates: See Canvas for schedule, assignments and related due dates.
Business Plan Segment Assignment: Each Marketing and Business Program student will complete a business
plan as a capstone project. Various segments of the plan will be completed every week, as well as, worksheets from
the work book to help guide the way.
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MARK 106, Business Concepts
Winter 2020
Delivery mode: Classroom, Web-enhanced
5 Credits
Networking Assignment: Networking in business is needed to develop professional contacts, interact with
potential clients, and build relationships within the community. It helps students build connections with industry
experts who can share information about career fields, requirements to enter a chosen path, and help chart a path
toward the career a student desires. See the MBM Canvas folder for directions.
Learning Log Assignment/Peer Responses on the Canvas Discussion Board: Reflecting on how time is
used and what was gained from effort expended during that time helps reinforce what was learned and the value
placed on it. This activity also helps students share detailed information and interact with at least two of their peers
in writing. It is graded on completeness, format, grammar and grammatically correct responses to peers. See the
assignment on Canvas for discussion board post details.
Treasure Hunt New students to Bates Technical College complete this activity to become familiar with the college
campus, various department locations and their personnel, and other resource available to students. A written
report is required, see the assignment on Canvas for details.
Workshop and Lecture Attendance Attending writing workshops and lectures is an important aspect of Bates’
delivery model. Interacting with your instructor and peers fosters an interactive environment similar to what
students should expect when they go to work. Course content is shared and communication skills developed when
listening and interacting with classmates and instructors. Your instructor will take attendance during these sessions.
Students who arrive late will earn partial points.
Course Policies
Make-up Exams: No make-up exams are automatically scheduled. The possibility of making up a test is
determined solely by your instructor and will be based on each student’s unique circumstances and quarterly
progress. Communicating directly with your instructor in advance of missing a deadline offers the best opportunity
to make adjustments when acceptable. Only your instructor has the authority to approve make-up opportunities and
revise due dates.
Late Work: Unapproved late work will not be accepted. Delays cause other people more work so it is always
helpful to work ahead to allow a cushion of time if a delay surfaces due to illness, transportation, or teammate
performance issues. Communicate directly with your instructor to discuss your unique circumstances. Only your
instructor has the authority to approve late-work submissions.
Extra Credit: Extra credit opportunities are announced during class sessions.
Absence and Attendance: Students choosing not to complete a course MUST initiate a withdrawal by
submitting a completed Add/Drop Form in the registration office. See the College Calendar for the cutoff dates or
the student will receive a grade for the class. Students wishing to have an incomplete must meet the college
criteria: “the request is due to an unusual or emergency circumstances beyond the student’s control.” An incomplete (IC) is not a
student right, but is an instructor granted extension of the time needed to finish and submit required work the
student was unable to complete during the regular course timeframe. Open Quick Links on My Bates to access
the Bates Student Handbook on My Bates for further information
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MARK 106, Business Concepts
Winter 2020
Delivery mode: Classroom, Web-enhanced
5 Credits
Campus Conduct: All students are expected to follow the Bates Technical College Behaviors and Rules of
Conduct described in the Bates Student Handbook. You will find policies and information to support the successful
completion of your education at Bates Technical College. It is every student's responsibility to become familiar with
policies found in the handbook.
Program Conduct: See MBM Class Policies and Rules of Conduct located in Canvas.
Netiquette: Netiquette (or internet etiquette) addresses guidelines for proper communication in an online
setting. Here is a partial list of guidelines for the class.
 Treat everyone with respect. Only address people in a way that you would be comfortable being
 Avoid any offensive language. NO ALL CAPS!!! (This is considered shouting)
 Always reread everything before hitting "send." Ask yourself, how will the recipients interpret this?
 Be cautious with using humor online. What you think is funny can easily be interpreted as sarcastic, meanspirited, or even abusive when the context is removed. Make sure your posts are on topic.
 Use correct spelling and grammar. No “textspeak” in an academic setting.
 Do not respond to any posting with "I agree", "No", or "Me too" Please respond with complete thoughts
explaining why you agree or disagree.
 Enhance the class by speaking up while keeping an open mind. Do not be afraid to hold a minority
opinion. Conversely, appreciate those who express potentially unpopular opinions. You can disagree
 Follow basic email protocol. Use a descriptive subject line. Do not hit “reply all” unless your response is
truly for the entire class. Never spam.
 Protect the privacy of yourself and your classmates. Do not release personal information, including
information that classmates may not want posted (when in doubt, ask them). Remember, the internet is
Cheating, Plagiarism: As a Bates student, when you are given access to email and Canvas, you are expected to
keep confidential your username and password and to never allow anyone else to log-in to your account. Sharing
access or passwords to email or Canvas is considered a breach of academic integrity and could result in you being
removed from your class. In an instructional setting, plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately uses someone
else’s language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source. This
definition applies to texts published in print or on-line, to manuscripts, and to the work of other student writers.
Academic violations include plagiarism, cheating, misrepresentation, and unauthorized access. Whether submitting
work in class or on Canvas, you do so with the understanding and agreement to produce your own work, to
complete course activities yourself, and to take course exams, tests or quizzes without the assistance of
others. Violations of the policy may result in sanctions including failing the assignment, failing the course, transcript
notation, or referral for Academic Hearing. Please ask the instructor of this course if you have questions regarding
course expectations.
Ethical Research Practices and Tools
Search Engine Reports Plagiarism Checker
Need APA Help? Click here to see details about APA formatting on Purdue's OWL.
Avoid plagiarism! Click here to learn how to protect your integrity.
Tutorial: Plagiarism Game by Lycoming (Fun!)
Plagiarism Checker
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MARK 106, Business Concepts
Winter 2020
Delivery mode: Classroom, Web-enhanced
5 Credits
Disability: If you have a documented disability that requires academic adjustments, auxiliary aids or assistance in an
emergency, please notify your instructor and the Disability Support Service Office (My Bates, Offices links) at 253 6807013, M211 as soon as possible. On the basis of disability, no student will be excluded from participation in, be
denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination under any college program or activity. Bates is
committed to providing qualified students with equal opportunity to access the benefits, rights, and privileges of
college services, programs and activities in an integrated setting appropriate to the student's needs, and in
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and state laws
of 1994, chapter 105.
Diversity: Diversity supports the mission of Bates Technical College. Respecting and promoting diversity is vital to
the education of our students and to the learning environment of our campus community. We foster an atmosphere
where each of us is valued for our intellectual and cultural perspectives, increasing our ability to reflect critically and
resolve challenges. We share a wealth of experiences that strengthens us individually and as a society. As students
and educators, we commit to building a diverse and engaged community.
Non Discrimination: Bates Technical College reaffirms its policy of equal opportunity and does not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or
status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam era veteran in its programs and activities in accordance with college policy
and applicable federal and state statutes and regulations. Inquiries regarding Bates' non‐discriminatory policies
should be directed to the Director of Human Resources, 1101 South Yakima Avenue, Tacoma, Washington 98405,
253.680.7181. For further information on notice of non‐discrimination and equal opportunity, see the list of OCR
enforcement offices for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call 1.800.421.3481.
Questions concerning the application of Title IX and its implementing regulations should be directed to the Vice
President for Student Services, 1101 South Yakima Avenue, Tacoma, Washington 98405, 253.680.7005 or
1.800.562.7099, extension 7002.
College Resources
The following sections are available on the Bates Website. Bates Technical College wants you to be successful in
your education. As such, we have numerous resources available to assist students, from financial assistance to
veterans’ services to loaned technology from the library. Additionally, there is academic assistance available from
accommodations for learning disabilities to tutoring. If there are any potential barriers to your college success,
please contact the appropriate department immediately:
 Bates Home Page - The Bates Technical College Website provides a wealth of information for Bates
students: http://www.batestech.edu
 Bates Library – The library is available to students, faculty and staff for research help. Links to the catalog,
online databases and subject guides are available on the Library’s
website: https://batestech.edu/student_resources/library/
 Advising - Whether you're a new student applying to Bates or you are an existing student who needs
support in planning your educational pathway, your career advisor is a great resource. Career advisors are
also available to refer students to community resources for crisis intervention and problem
resolution: https://batestech.edu/student_resources/advising/
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MARK 106, Business Concepts
Winter 2020
Delivery mode: Classroom, Web-enhanced
5 Credits
Disability Support Services - The primary focus of the Disability Support Services (DSS) office is to assure
nondiscrimination on the basis of disability. DSS works with individuals who have physical, learning and/or
mental disabilities, are academically or economically disadvantaged, limited English speaking, single parents,
ex-offenders, and displaced homemakers to address any need for academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids
to assure equal access: https://batestech.edu/student_resources/dss/
Diversity Center - Located at the downtown campus, The Diversity Center is a hub for the campus
community and is accessible to students, staff and community members. The center hosts various activities
and events throughout the year and supports the monthly student general assembly meetings. In addition,
the center sends out a weekly Student eNews to students via college email:
MyBates - provides student access to basic online functions, such as changing your personal information,
requesting a transcript, or paying your tuition. Additionally, you can register for classes:
Tutoring Center - offers current students free, convenient and easy-to-use services to help you with math,
English or writing, from high school to college levels. You can even drop by if you need a quiet place to
study: https://batestech.edu/student-resources/tutoring-services/
Veterans Center - Serving veterans and their dependents since 1940 by providing information and assistance
to help veterans succeed at Bates Technical College. Whether pursuing certification, preparing for a new
career, or perfecting a skill, the Veteran’s Center is dedicated to providing the support and information to
help our veterans successfully transition to college: https://batestech.edu/student-resources/veteranscenter/
Instructor Disclaimer:
All Marketing and Business Management syllabi details and course guidelines are subject to change as
determined by the instructor. Read your college email and Canvas announcements daily to remain informed and
ensure your personal success.
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