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Scratch Beginners Teacher's Guide

Teacher’s Guide
Scratch Beginners
Written by Nichola Wilkin
© Nichola Wilkin Ltd. 2014
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© Nichola Wilkin Ltd. 2014
Page 1
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Number of lessons ................................................................................................................................ 3
Suitability............................................................................................................................................... 3
Differentiation ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Pupils’ self-assessment of their skills .................................................................................................... 3
Spreadsheet Mark Book........................................................................................................................ 4
Assessing without Levels ...................................................................................................................... 4
Summative and Formative Assessment ................................................................................................ 5
Pupils working in pairs .......................................................................................................................... 5
Placemats ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Preparation needed by the teacher ....................................................................................................... 6
Cross-Curricular Links .......................................................................................................................... 6
Lesson 1 of 6 ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Lesson 2 of 6 ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Lesson 3 of 6 ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Lesson 4 of 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Lesson 5 of 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Lesson 6 of 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 12
© Nichola Wilkin Ltd. 2014
Page 2
This unit is suitable for pupils in KS2. It does not assume any prior programming knowledge and
covers the following guidelines in the National Curriculum:
Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or
simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts
Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of
input and output
Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct
errors in algorithms and programs
Number of lessons
Recommend 6 x 1 hour lessons, although this will work with slightly shorter or longer lessons. The
timings shown are colour coded to help you split up the lesson timings to fit your length of lesson.
Short activities (under 5 minutes each)
Medium length activities (Between 6 and 12 minutes long)
Longer activities (over 12 minutes long)
This project is suitable for mixed ability classes.
Lessons are differentiated by outcome and this is reflected in the success criteria and part of each
lesson involves the students working independently, freeing up the teacher to offer more one-to-one
help to the students who need it.
Pupils’ self-assessment of their
Each pupil should be given a self-marking sheet on which they will
need to write their name so that they can get the same sheet back
each lesson. This should be completed at the end of every lesson
and the last slide in each presentation tells you the new skills that
they have learnt and the skills they have revisited from previous
lessons. The pupils should shade in the face that matches their
confidence in the relevant skills using the key shown at the
bottom. There are 4 levels of confidence to avoid pupils picking
the middle option without really thinking about it. As the pupils
revisit skills as the unit progresses, their confidence will grow and
they may end up shading in more than one face for some of the
skills showing progress over time.
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Spreadsheet Mark Book
The grades can be stored centrally on the spreadsheet allowing the teacher to easily see the skill
level of the pupils in the whole class. To enter the data onto the spreadsheet type the pupils’ names
in the top bar and enter a 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the relevant boxes to show the level of competence for
each task. The spreadsheet will automatically colour code itself for an easy-to-see guide about the
whole class understanding. Although you will probably want to use the pupils’ self-assessment of the
guide, you should enter the grades from your own observations into the spreadsheet.
The numeric codes to use in the Mark Book are as follows:
Skill not attempted or the pupil was absent.
The pupil still needs help in this area.
The pupil can usually do this on their own but can get stuck when taking it further or lacks
confidence in their own ability and like confirmation when attempting this task.
The pupil can perform this task.
The pupil can confidently perform this task and feels able to teach somebody else this skill.
This then forms a useful tool when writing reports and understanding the pupils’ level of
Assessing without Levels
“As part of our reforms to the national curriculum, the current system of ‘levels’ used to report
children’s attainment and progress will be removed. It will not be replaced.
We believe this system is complicated and difficult to understand, especially for parents. It also
encourages teachers to focus on a pupil’s current level, rather than consider more broadly what the
pupil can actually do. Prescribing a single detailed approach to assessment does not fit with the
curriculum freedoms we are giving schools.”
Taken from www.education.gov.uk/schools/teachingandlearning/ curriculum/ nationalcurriculum2014/
a00225864/ assessing-without-levels downloaded on 5th March 2014
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Summative and Formative Assessment
Our marking system does not use national curriculum levels but instead shows teachers their pupils’
confidence and ability in the skills that meet the national curriculum which aids the teachers planning
for future lessons and can then be reported on easily to parents and other relevant parties as
necessary. The Mark Book allows the teachers to record their own grades in an easy to use colour
coded single location so can see the ability and confidence of all pupils in their class.
Pupils working in pairs
If your school requires pupils to work in pairs on laptops, due to limitations on the availability of
equipment, there are a number of strategies that you can put into place so that all pupils are kept
activate and engaged throughout the lesson. It is up to the teacher to decide how these are
implemented and lessons can be adapted to meet the needs of your pupils and resources available.
Placemats – You could give out the placemats to the pupils who are not using the laptop so that they
have a worksheet to work though. You could then go through the answers with the whole class at the
end of the lesson.
“I’m the Boss” – The pupil using the laptop can only perform actions if the other pupil gives them
instructions of what to do. The “Boss” must give precise instructions such as “Right-Click on the sprite
and select Delete” rather than simply saying “Delete the sprite”.
Use a timer – Set a timer and after a set amount of time the pupils have to switch over so that the
observer gets to use the laptop and the original user becomes the observer. The time intervals
should be kept short (for instance 1 minute) so that they are constantly changing over and the pupils
are kept involved with watching what the other is doing, knowing that they will have to take over the
action in a short amount of time.
Split the class – You may want to split the whole class into two separate groups so that one half of
the class do something completely different - you will need help from a teaching assistant for this.
Make sure the group is kept occupied with an interesting activity from another area of your curriculum
that needs to be covered while you teach the other half of the class so that pupils get one laptop
each. You will then need to swap the groups over so that the other half of the class gets to use the
The placemats are optional and may be used at the teacher’s discretion. There are several ways that
they can be used.
Pupils working in pairs – This is outlined above and may help with keeping the pupils occupied if
they need to share a laptop.
Extension Activity – This can be given to pupils who want to do something more in the lesson and
stretch their learning.
Reinforcement of learning – You may want to use the placemat once the pupils have returned to
their classroom or cleared the laptops away to reinforce what they have learnt during the lesson.
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Preparation needed by the teacher
Download Scratch onto each computer rather than try to use the online version; although they work in
the same way the online version looks different and does rely on the school having a high-speed and
consistent internet link and many schools find it slows down when a whole class try to all access it at
once. You can download Scratch from the following website:
The teacher needs to make sure that they are familiar with the contents of each lesson and should
practise the programming skills themselves so that they are familiar with the programming which will
help them with assisting the pupils in the lesson. Each pupil should be issued with a mark sheet and
the teacher must also make sure they have enough copies of the placemat; 1 per pupil if you wish to
use them. The lessons use videos to teach the pupils the skills they need; this will require the teacher
to make sure that they have speakers attached and switched on.
Cross-Curricular Links
This unit can be adapted so that for the final lesson the games they produce follow a topic theme that
you are following in other areas of the curriculum. In lessons 2 and 5 there is a strong link between
numeracy and computing where the pupils draw geological shapes and use X and Y coordinates.
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Lesson 1 of 6
Lesson objective:
All will be able to:
Change the look of a sprite.
Write the code to move a sprite.
Most will be able to:
Some will be able to:
Make the sprite move.
Add further sprites and alter
the speed that they move.
Key Facts about the lessons
Key Vocabulary:
 Scratch
 Sprite
 Stage
Method of Assessment:
Questioning pupils
Work completed
Marking the placemat
 Script
 Move
 Forever
Key Questions:
1. How can you change your sprite to another
2. How can you make your sprite move?
3. What does the Forever loop do?
Independent Enquirers
Creative Thinkers
Reflective Learners
Effective Participants.
Explain the “Big picture” with the class so that they know what they
will be learning in this unit. Help the pupils log on and find Scratch
to complete the starter.
Lesson 1.ppt
Slides 1 – 3
Main Activities
Introduce the unit to them (they will be learning how to write
computer programs using a program called Scratch) and explain
the objectives to the class. Explain the names for the different parts
of the screen to them using slide 5.
As you move onto slide 6 the video will start running (make sure
you have the speakers on for this). After the video, ask the class
the questions that appear on slide 6 to recap what they have learnt.
They follow the instructions on slide 8 to change their sprite. Fish3
sprite is in Animals and the beach ball is in Things.
As you move onto slide 9 the video will start running (make sure
you have the speakers on for this). After the video, ask the class
the questions that appear on slide 10 to recap what they have
learnt. Ask the pupils to make their sprite move using the technique
they have just learnt.
Go through slide 11 to get them to alter their code and feel
confident with experimenting with Scratch and using the turn option.
Explain the Forever loop to them and ask them to change their code
to make it into a forever loop. They should use some time to
experiment with Scratch and import several sprites and make them
move around the screen in different ways.
Extension Activity: Show the pupils how to draw their own sprites.
Slides 4 - 5
Ask the questions on slide 13 to the class to find out how much they
Skills Mark Sheet: Give the pupils a self-assessment mark sheet
and give them time to select the correct face to shade in using the
key at the bottom for skill 1 only.
Slide 14 - 15
Slides 6 - 7
Slide 8
Slides 9 - 10
Slide 11
Slides 12 - 13
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Mark Sheet.doc
Lesson 2 of 6
Lesson objective:
All will be able to:
Make your sprite follow the
mouse pointer.
Use script to control a sprite.
Most will be able to:
Use the pen tool to draw a
variety of shapes using the
repeat function. Direct a
monster through a maze.
Some will be able to:
Write your name or draw a face
using the pen tool.
Key Facts about the lessons
Key Vocabulary:
 Repeat Loop
 Forever Loop
 Pen up
Method of Assessment:
Questioning pupils
Work completed
Marking the placemat
 Pen Down
 Move
 Turn
Key Questions:
1. How can you make the sprite follow the
2. How can you draw using Scratch?
3. What is the difference between the forever
loop and the repeat loop?
Independent Enquirers
Creative Thinkers
Reflective Learners
They load Scratch and complete the tasks on slide 2 to recap what
they learnt last lesson.
Lesson 2.ppt
Slides 1 – 2
Main Activities
Explain the objectives to the class. Ask the questions on slide 4 to
recap what they learnt last lesson.
Watch the video on Slide 5 and then recap what they have learnt by
asking the class the questions on slide 6. They then practise the
technique using the instructions on slide 7 which shows them the
code from the video clip and allows them to experiment with the pen
thickness and colour.
Ask the class what they think the script will do on slide 8. Explain
the difference between the forever loop and a repeat loop (the
repeat loop runs for a set number of times before it stops but the
forever loop will keep going until you tell it to stop). They follow the
instructions on slide 8. Show the script on slide 9 and ask them
what they think it will do before they try them out (a hexagon and a
Extension Activity: Ask them to draw other shapes i.e. a star.
Ask the pupils to guess what the script will draw (they may want to
use a pen and paper to help them work it out (it will draw an H) and
then ask them to try to write their name or draw a face. Lower
Ability Pupils: If they are struggling then ask them to write their
initials or draw a house.
Slides 3 - 4
Help them copy the Monster Maze file into their own work area and
ask them to complete the code to get the monster through the maze
without going into the black area. This will take trial and error with
them adjusting their code to make it work (a very good skill they
need to learn). Skills Mark Sheet: Give out the Mark sheets and
the pupils should mark their confidence for skills 2 and 3 and revisit
skill 1 to see if their confidence has grown in that area.
Slide 11 - 12
Slides 5 - 7
Slides 8 - 9
Slide 10
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Marks Sheet.doc
Lesson 3 of 6
Lesson objective:
All will be able to:
Change the background and
add a sprite with multiple
Make a character dance.
Most will be able to:
Add script which will alter the
costume which is displayed
and use the wait command.
Some will be able to:
Move the sprite using the
Key Facts about the lessons
Key Vocabulary:
 Background
 Sprite
 Stage
Method of Assessment:
Questioning pupils
Work completed
Group collaboration
Key Questions:
1. How can you change the background of the
2. What does a costume do and how can you
change it?
3. How can you make the program pause as it is
Independent Enquirers
Creative Thinkers
Reflective Learners
They need to complete the starter so load Scratch and try to draw a
square within another square. You may want to let them work in
pairs to help them do this as it can be quite tricky.
Lesson 3.ppt
Slides 1 – 2
Main Activities
Explain the objectives to the class and go through the questions on
slide 4 to recap what they learnt last lesson.
Watch the video on slide 5 then go through questions on slide 6 to
recap what they have learnt in the video. They then need to work
through the tasks on slide 7 to practise changing the background
and adding costumes to a sprite.
Slides 3 - 4
Watch the video on slide 8 then go through questions on slide 9 to
recap what they have learnt in the video. They then need to work
through the task on slide 10 to add the code to make their sprite
change costume every ¼ second. They add a second block of
script to make the character change to a third costume when the
space bar is pressed.
Extension Activity: Try creating a character which will jump in the
air and change costume rather than changing costume in the same
position on the screen.
Slides 8 - 10
They make their dancer move about the screen using other arrow
keys. They can then use the rest of the lesson to practise Scratch
and recap the skills they have learnt so far.
Skills Mark Sheet: Give out the Mark sheets and the pupils should
mark their confidence for skill 4 and revisit skills 1, 2 and 3 to see if
their confidence has grown in these areas.
Slide 11 - 12
Slide 5 - 7
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Mark sheet.doc
Lesson 4 of 6
Lesson objective:
All will be able to:
Write script that will run when
the sprite touches a particular
Use the If statement.
Most will be able to:
Write script that will run when
one script touches another.
Some will be able to:
Create a complex game which
includes further sprites and
Key Facts about the lessons
Key Vocabulary:
 Script
 Sprite
 Touching
Method of Assessment:
Questioning pupils
Work completed
Marking the placemat
 Sensing
 If Statement
Key Questions:
1. How can you see if a sprite is touching
another object?
2. How does an If statement help your
Independent Enquirers
Creative Thinkers
Reflective Learners
Effective Participants.
They complete the starter activity to recap what they have learnt so
Lesson 4.ppt
Slides 1 – 2
Main Activities
Explain the objectives to the class. Help the pupils load the Eyes
file. You may want to explain how to copy it from a shared drive
and paste into their own work area before they open it, so that they
are not all trying to work on the same file or accidently overwrite the
original file.
Watch the video on slide 5 and then question the class using slide 6
to recap what they have learnt. They practise using the If statement
to complete the Eyes game. They save their game and start a new
project to complete the tasks on slide 8.
Watch the video on slide 9 and use the questions on slide 10 to
reinforce their learning. They complete the tasks on slide 11 to
practise the new skills.
Extension Activity: When one sprite touches another sprite it
should change costume, for instance a car may look like it has
crashed. After a few seconds it should return to the first costume.
Slides 3 - 4
Encourage them to play each others’ games and then go through
the questions with the whole class.
Skills Mark Sheet: Give out the Mark sheets and the pupils should
mark their confidence for skill 5 and revisit skills 1, 2 and 4 to see if
their confidence has grown in these areas.
Slide 12 - 13
Slides 5 - 8
Slides 9 - 11
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Mark sheet.doc
Lesson objective:
All will be able to:
Make a sprite turn and move
using the keyboard.
Lesson 5 of 6
Move a sprite using the keyboard.
Most will be able to:
Some will be able to:
Understand the X and Y
Make a game using two
positions and use them to
methods to move the sprites.
control a sprite to write your
Key Facts about the lessons
Key Vocabulary:
 X and Y coordinates
 Costume
 Point towards
Key Questions:
1. How can you remember which direction the X
and Y coordinates face?
2. How can you move a sprite using the X and y
Independent Enquirers
Reflective Learners
Effective Participants
Method of Assessment:
Questioning pupils
Work completed
Marking the placemat
Help the pupils copy the Cat Game into their work area. They
complete the game using the instructions on slide 2.
Lesson 5.ppt
Slides 1 – 2
Main Activities
Explain the objectives to the class.
Slides 3
Explain the X and Y coordinates. You may want to relate this to a
mnemonic you use in numeracy, for instance “The cross (X) goes
across; the Y to the sky” to help them remember which direction
each takes. Use slides 6 – 8 to reinforce the coordinates. You may
want to ask for volunteer to point to the area on the interactive white
board to reveal the answer.
The pupils copy the Pen game into their work area. Show them the
script on slide 9 and talk about what each means. The pupils
complete the script and complete the tasks on the slide to practise
using the pen tool and the X and Y values.
The pupils follow the instructions on the slides to create a simple
Bat game with a sprite that changes costume and is controlled by
the user and another sprite that chases the bat around the screen.
Slides 4 - 8
They experiment with their program to make it more interesting and
recap what they have learnt.
Extension Activity: They should add instructions which will
appear at the beginning of the game before the main action starts.
They can use the “say” script in the looks category to help them to
do this.
Skills Mark Sheet: Give out the Mark sheets and the pupils should
mark their confidence for skills 6, 7 and 8 and revisit skills 1, 2, 4
and 5 to see if their confidence has grown in these areas.
Slide 13 - 14
Slide 9
Slide 10 - 12
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Mark sheet.doc
Lesson objective:
All will be able to:
Create a variable that changes
its value when a sprite is
Lesson 6 of 6
Use a variable.
Most will be able to:
Set a variable’s starting value
and count up and down with
Some will be able to:
Create a working game that
keeps score and has a time
Key Facts about the lessons
Key Vocabulary:
 Random
 Change value
 Variable
 Time limit
 Set Value
Method of Assessment:
Questioning pupils
Work completed
Group collaboration
Marking the placemat
Key Questions:
1. What is a variable?
2. Why would you use a variable?
Independent Enquirers
Creative Thinkers
Reflective Learners
Team Workers
Effective Participants
The pupils make a game that will make one sprite change colour
when it hits another sprite.
Lesson 6.ppt
Slides 1 – 2
Main Activities
Explain the objectives to the class.
Slide 3
They watch the video and then ask the questions on slide 5 to the
class to recap what they have learnt. They practise using the
random function by following the instructions on slide 6.
Watch the video and then use the questions to recap variables with
the whole class. They practise creating, changing and setting
variables using the tasks on slide 9. They then create another
game and use a variable that changes when one spite touched
another sprite.
Extension Activity: They create a completely new game using the
skills that they have learnt throughout this unit.
Ask the pupils what they think the code will do. They add this
variable to their game to add a time limit to the game.
Slide 4 - 6
They play each others’ games and then answer the questions on
slide 12.
Skills Mark Sheet: Give out the Mark sheets and the pupils should
mark their confidence for skills 9 and 10 and revisit skills 1, 2, 4, 5,
6 and 8 to see if their confidence has grown in these areas.
Slide 12 - 13
Mark sheet.doc
Slides 7 - 10
Slide 11
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Other units available for only £50 from our website include:
This units gives the pupils a good introduction to
solving problems in a logical way. They learn through
playing games using iPads and school computers and
the level of difficulty increases as they progress
through the unit. This unit is best played before the
pupils start the other programming units to give them a
grounding in the skills they will need to develop.
This units gives the pupils a good introduction to
writing programs. They learning to program using a
very simple but powerful programming language with
no typing involved. This is best used as an
introduction to programming since it is the simplest of
Scratch Expert
This is the second of two Scratch units and builds on
the knowledge they would have learnt in the Scratch
Beginners course. They recap the basics they learnt
in the beginners unit and move on to use flow
diagrams to help plan their programs. They learn how
to use questions and users answers in their
programming and finally create a game of their own
Keeping Yourself
This exciting and varied 6 week unit teaches the pupils
how to use computers responsibly and how to keep
themselves and their computer safe when
online. They learn about computer viruses and how to
avoid them, using social media, chatrooms and online
games safely, what cyber bullying is and what to do if
they become a victim of it. They will work as part of a
team to create an online advertising campaign and
finally learn how to create a strong password and why
it is important to back-up data.
This unit teaches the pupils about how computer
networks are constructed. Using practical activities
where the pupils “are the network” they learn how data
flows around a network and the problems that can
occur when parts of the network stop working. They
also learn about the internet, how to search for
information and teaches them how they can tell if a
website is unreliable or biased.
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Around the World
This unit teaches the pupils about the tools available
on the internet to work collaboratively. It teaches them
how to use a safe search engine, use a safe class
blog, add pages and take part in a discussion on a
class wiki, use an online notepad to create a
document together and use video conferencing to
work together and solve a problem.
This unit teaches the pupils how to create
spreadsheets including formatting them, creating
graphs and using a large variety of formulae and
functions. It assumes no previous knowledge of using
Excel and takes them quickly through the basics so
that they develop confidence in this useful software
In this unit the pupils learn how to create PowerPoint
presentations including text, images and
animation. They take images around school using
either digital cameras or iPads and then use these
images in their own presentations.
Creating Documents
This unit teaches the pupils how to create and format
lots of different styles of documents using a Word
Processor and a Desktop Publisher.
Stop Frame
This creative unit gives the pupils the opportunity to
make their own stop frame animated film. They learn
how to create stop frame animations and then work in
teams to plan and create their own short film. They
finally use Movie Maker to put the scenes together and
add titles and sound effects to complete the finished
Download the teacher’s guides and mark sheets for the units for FREE
to see what is included.
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