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Japanese Colonial Rule of Korea presentation

Japanese Colonial Rule of Korea:
nationalists vs. pro-Japanese
Table of Contents
Japanese colonial rule
Independence activists
Japanese colonial rule (1910-1945)
• August 22, 1910 – August 15, 1945
• Korean Empire (대한제국) 35 years
Annexation Treaty
• 한일합병 조약
– Wan-Yong Lee (이완용)
– Terauchi Masatake *spelling
– the 3rd Japanese Resident-General of Korea
• August 29th, 1910
• 1910: the year of 경술 → 경술국치
Independence Activists
Patriot Ahn Jung-geun
(9/2/1879 – 3/26/1910)
- shot Ito Hirobumi
- sentenced to death at
the last of his 6 trials
- died at Lushun Prison
on March 26th 1910.
Independence Activists
General Kim Jwa Jin
1911: imprisoned for establishing
Independence Army Academy (독립군사관학교)
1920: Cheong San Li victory (청산리대첩)
killed 3000 Japanese soldiers
- 1925: founded the Independence Movement
Organization (신민부)
General Kim Jwa Jin
- 1911: imprisoned for establishing Independence
Army Academy (독립군사관학교)
- 1920: Cheong San Li victory (청산리대첩)
- killed 3000 Japanese soldiers
1925: founded the Independence Movement Organization
(신민부) & the Seongdong Military Academy
Independence Activists
Woodang Hoi-Young Lee
& his 5 brothers
- 이회영과 6형제
born from a rich, noble family, who dedicated their
fortune for the independence movement
founded a military academy (신흥무관학교) & 20
other cadet academies in Manchuria
Mugwan (무관): “the military forces”
10 years: 3500 cadets graduated from these schools
1932: led the assassination of 무등 관동군 사령관
tortured and died in prison at 66
Si Young Lee was the only survivor
1st vice president
Independence Activists
The 33 National
- drafted the Declaration of Independence
- signed the document on the night before
March 1st, 1919
- after the March 1st Movement, they turned
themselves in to the Japanese
- 1962: all but four were awarded the National
Foundation Award (건국훈장)
Independence Activists
Gwan Soon Yoo
(1902.12.16 ~ 1920.9.28)
- promoted awareness of the independence
movement through public discourse
- arrested during the March 1st Movement
- “대한 독립 만세!”
- sentenced to 7 years at the Gongju
Prosecution Center (공주 검사국)
- died of bladder rupture
Independence Activists
Bonggil Yoon
(1908.6.21 ~ 1932.12.19)
- real name Wu Ui Yoon
educated the peasant class
Peasant’s Digest (농민독본)
1930: joined the Shanghai Provisional Government (대한민국
April 29, 1932: entered the celebration of the Japanese Emperor’s
birthday & Japanese victory, carrying a grenade disguised as a
killed Japanese general Shiraka & Kawabada, the leader of the
Japanese settlement
sent to a prison in Osaka
executed by firing squad at the age of 24
Independence Activists
Gu Kim
(1876.7.11 ~ 1949.6.26)
joined the militia
New People’s Association (신민회: 항일 비밀결사)
a secret anti-Japanese organization
1911: arrested & sentenced to 17 years
joined the Shanghai Provisional Government
1932: created the Korean Patriotic Corps
anti-Japanese activities: assassination of high-level
Japanese officials
• KBS2 (2012.05.30~2012.09.06)
• pics of all characters and roles
- 배정자, portrayed as 채홍주
Ito Hirobumi adopted Jeongja Bae and trained her
as a secret agent
entered the Joseon Imperial Palace due to her
exceptional looks? and proficiency in Japanese and
became Emperor Kojong’s favorite
was able to influence Korean politics
- portrayed as 목담사리
- prosecuted about 70 times for his activities in
the independence movement
- genius at disguise and escaping
- 1944: died in prison from torture
- 친일파: “people friendly to Japan”
- pro-Japanese Koreans
- first coined by Lim Jong-kuk (임종국) in his
work Chinil Culture (친일문학론), published in
Five Eulsa Traitors
- 을사오적 refers to five people who agreed to
conclusion of 을사조약, in return for wealth
and bureaucratic positions.
- They were widely known as traitors and often
threatened by the public.
- The Eulso Traitors are listed in the Chinilpa
Directory under the Special Law on the
Inspection of Collaborations for the
Japanese Imperialism
Five Eulsa Traitors
Yi Wan-yong (education minister)
Yi Geun-taek (army minister)
Yi Ji-yong (interior minister)
Pak Je-sun (foreign affairs minister)
Gwon Jung-hyeon (agriculture,
commerce & industry)
Wanyong Lee
revised articles of the Annexation Treaty in favor of
the Japanese without Emperor Gojong’s permission
received five thousand million Won (and almost
5200㎡ of land
publicly supported the Japanese colonial rule and
criticized independence activists
1909: 이재명 inflicted a stab wound