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Hydrogen Fuel Cell Experiment: Electrolysis & Efficiency Analysis

In the current period, it is important to capture and generate sustainable energy using hydrogen
and it can create crucial roles for the future. Although there are many methods to produce the
hydrogen we need, the electrolysis of water, which we have discussed in this experiment, has
been an easy option. Generally, in experiment; hydrogen fuel cell, solar cell with the effects of
electrolysis system are examined in details. In the section where the solar cell is used, chemical
energy is converted into electrical energy with the help of the general electrolysis principle.
This energy is then used for the electrolysis of water. Due to the electrolysis of water, oxygen
and hydrogen are released, and only water is produced in the fuel cell. The main purpose of the
experiment was to determine the change in current with varying voltage ranges. Then, to
measure the minimum voltage value at which electrolysis begins. It is known that the voltage
value required for the disintegration of water is theoretically 1.23 V. However, in this
experiment, this value is determined to be 1.48V in the experimental sense. Accordingly, an
error of 20% was detected for this step in the experiment. Common causes of this error can be
from catalyst faults and the smaller surface area than desired.It can also makes the higher
voltage than expected. Using highly conductive materials and different types of membranes can
solve this error and change it as desired. Second, the character of the single cell is used as the
analysis method. n the system where the current is independent and the voltage is dependent
variable due to electrolysis, the maximum expected voltage value in the fuel cell is again 1.23
V. However, in this part of the experiment, the value of 0.80V is different from this value. The
diffusion of gases differs from the desired, the effect of internal resistance on the system, back
reaction can be considered as the cause of this result. The main objectives of this section are to
investigate the effect of fuel cells on the system by their connection to each other. In other
words, serial and parallel connected battery systems were examined. In the system where series
is used, it is determined that the voltage is higher.In contrast, system where parallel batteries is
used, the current is higher. According to the observation results in the systems where the motor
and the lamp are used, it can be clearly said that the motor produces more power with the higher
voltage. As a result, as discussed, hydrogen fuel cells really contribute to energy production in
every sense and can be considered as a solution. Therefore, they can be evaluated in different
classes compared to other alternative batteries and combustion engines.