Cell Organelles: Fakebook Activity for 6th Grade

• The main function of the cell nucleus is to
control gene expression and the replication
of DNA during the cell cycle.
• In an animal cell, the nucleus is located in the central
region of the cell.
• In a plant cell, the nucleus is located more on the
periphery due to the large water-filled vacuole in the
centre of the cell.
• Both, animal and plant cell poses a
Nucleus because they are eukaryotic
• Is present just in EUKARYOTIC cells.
The cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane, is a
biological membrane that separates the interior of all cells from the
outside environment (the extracellular space) which protects the cell
from its environment.
• The cell membrane is located on the outside of a cell.
• It acts as a border that separates the cell (plant, animal or
bacteria) from other cells or substances in the
• Both, animal and plant cell poses cell membrane. BUT
is present also in PROKARYOTIC cells.
• So, present in both, EUKARYOTIC & PROKARYOTIC
• Function: Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells
and eukaryotic algae that conduct photosynthesis.
• They absorb sunlight and use it in conjunction with water
and CO2 to produce food for the Plant.
• Location: The chloroplast is located throughout the cytoplasm of the cells of
plant leaves and other parts depending on the type of plant.
• Actually, you can see where in a plant the chloroplasts are because
chloroplasts are what make the plant appear green.
• Found in plant cells and algae that conduct photosynthesis.
• Eukaryotic cells containing mitochondria then ate photosynthetic prokaryotes,
which evolved to become specialized chloroplast organelles.
• The nucleolus is inside the
nucleus, but not specifically in the
centre, but slightly outward.
• Usually its shape is spherical.
• The main function is the
biosynthesis of ribosomes
• It’s located inside the
It’s present in both, plant and
animal cell.
Also in ALL eukaryotic cells.
It isolates harmful materials.
It stores waste products.
It Stores valuable water in the plant cell.
It helps to maintain the pressure within a cell.
It’s located in the cell cytoplasm.
It’s present in all the eukariotic plant cells and
sometimes in the eukariotic animal cells
(Small vacuoles) and prokaryotic cells.
 They are close compartments that contains fluids like
water or enzymes (digestion).
 It does not have a defined form, its structure will vary
according to the need of the cell.
It’s located in the cell cytoplasm.
It’s present in ANIMAL cells.
The Function of the Cell Wall
is to give the cell strength and
structure, and to filter
molecules that pass in and out
of the Cell.
Cell Walls are found in:
 Plants
 Bacteria
 Algae
 Fungi
 Some Archaea
It’s located in the outermost part of the cell,
after de cell membrane.
Is a jelly-like material within a cell,
enclosed by the cell membrane, except for
the cell nucleus.
It’s located in the centre of the cell.
Found in all types of cell.
Involved in the process of making protein,
which is called protein synthesis.
Ribosomes can be found floating freely in
the cytoplasm or attached to rough
endoplasmic reticulum.
Found in both EUKARYOTIC cells
(animal and plant) and
PROKARYOTIC cells (bacteria).
• Maintains the cell structure, internal organization and
• Provides mechanical support and enables cells to carry
out essential functions like division and movement.
• The shape is like a web.
The cytoskeleton is always present in the cytoplasm of
Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells, that means it makes
part of any kind of cell.
It´s main function is to produce proteins.
The rough endoplasmic reticulum is
around the nucleus and between the
smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
Is present in EUKARYOTIC cells (plant
and animal).
It´s main function in the synthesis and
storage of lipids (fats).
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum
is after the rough endoplasmic
Is present in EUKARYOTIC cells (plant
and animal).
Is the post office of the cell.
So, is the transport of liquids around the
cell, also creates lysosomes.
The Golgi apparatus is found next to the
rough & smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Is present in EUKARYOTIC cells (plant
and animal).
Is the powerhouse of the cell.
So, they produce the energy needed for the cell
through a process called respiration.
The mitochondria are found in the cytoplasm.
Is present in EUKARYOTIC cells (plant and
Involved in the process of cellular digestion.
Can be found around the Golgi apparatus
and floating in the cytoplasm until they are
Found in ANIMAL cells.