Rationale The Researcher has for a long time developed an interest in the role women play in developing society on a whole so the Researcher’s interest was piqued at the thought of discovering the role of women in plantation society in Jamaica .The specific aim of the research were to discover the role of enslaved women in the domestic and cultural life of the plantation . Secondly was to discover the role played by women through their role in field work . A third aim was to discover the role played by women through their reproductive ability and the final aim was to understand enslaved women’s role in resisting slavery. The overall objective was to take an in dept look at the roles previously mentioned played by enslaved women and learn about the contribution made by these women. Readers will benefit from this research as they will be able to see in an in-depth way the specific ways in which women contributed to Jamaican plantation society.The researcher believes this will create an interest in readers especially Jamaican and Caribbean readerswho will understand more of their historical background and the background of slave women in plantation society.This will urge them to see from a different perspective how women play a role in our society today and appreciate and respect women for their important role. 1|Page Introduction Slavery was at its height in the 18th century as colonies like Jamaica fed the British empires needfor wealth built on sugar. It is the Researchers view that it is indeed true to say that enslaved females played a significant role in the plantation society of Jamaica , during the 18 th century. women were a critical part of slave society within Jamaica during this period. This is evidentbased on the fact that in all areas of slave society women’s work and presence were significant. In this essay we will consider four major areas in which the women’s roles were very significant. Firstly womenwere the back bone of domestic work. They kept the great houses as well as their own homes example through the cooking of meals and planting ground provision and raising domestic animals. They influenced the society by integrating African culture within the society for example through their dress and selling in the markets . Secondly women played a critical role in field work as their contribution was just as critical as that of the males on the plantation .This research will show that women’s role in both field work and domestic matters was essential for the smooth running of the plantations. Women also played a significant role in plantation society through their reproductive ability by deliberately controlling the number of children they gave birth to. Finally women were also in the resistance movement of slaves to the oppressive system of slavery resisting both actively and passively. 2|Page According to Barbara Bush,Slave women contributed significantly to West Indian society. They influenced the society with their culture by integrating African culture with the culture of the whites she says that Edward long says white women adopted the slave women’s way of speaking and dressing especially on remote plantations. It was usually the black females in constant contact with the whites who were influenced by white women. Slave women like men tilled their own gardens planting ground provision as they used to do in Africa.They were also domestic servants. Bush (1990) states thatBryan Edwards wrote that it was impossible to conduct the business either of a house or a plantation without a number of females. 3|Page According to her the slave woman participated in the internal marketing system and provided fortheir families.Enslaved women had an opening for independent economic activityby visiting the market ,women from different plantations were able to communicate with one another and had a certain amount of freedom in the markets, which were important to the whole society.Slavemarket activities benefited the whole society, slaves as well as whites and gave the women some amount of independence. Lucille Mathurin Mair has similar views about the role of women in domestic life she states that women worked just as hard on their personal grounds as men (259).Some would join with their malepartners so they could produce more and they were better at bargaining in the markets than men. (Mair 261). Slave women added to the society through their dress.Some slave women made clothes from fine fabric rejecting the clothing given to them by their masters they took pride in these clothes buying fabric from money they saved up. (Buckridge 2004) GenerallyPlanters controlled the lives of female slaves who were regarded as chattel. They also tried to control the way they reproduced.Having children increased the planter’swealth and many planters tried to force their female slaves to have children. It was even a rumor that enslaved females could birth children at will. As written by Thomas Thistlewood “i really believe that the Negress can produce children at pleasure…” pregnant women sufferedgynecological disorders because of the hard work and cruel treatment.“see appendix 1” Bush states that they were expected to work in the fields up to 6 weeks before delivering and return to work 3 weeks after. 4|Page In “race and class” it is said that slave women tried to control their reproduction and used this as a form of resistance to slavery.They refused to have children because the Massa could have them sold and sent away to other plantations also they did not wish to increase the wealth of the plantersso women took steps to avoid or space out their pregnancies.Dr.Michael Clair gave evidence to a parliamentary committee that mid-wives gave pregnant women wild cassava to terminate pregnancies. Women also practiced lengthy weening so they could not get pregnant soon after giving birth. It was stated in Race and Class that slavemothers nursed their children for up to 3 years. In terms of general resistance to slavery, Verene Shepherd states that resistance took many forms categorized by violent and non-violent resistance. Women played a significant role in resistance using their presence in otherareas plantationwork to resist their slave master’s oppressive and abusive tendencies. Women took part in both forms of resistance.Women slaves often ran away more often than less for short periods of time.Female slaves also took part in rebellions not only playing an auxiliary role but also playing the part of leaders. The stories of brave and fierce maroon women such as Nanny of theMaroons and Cubah are proof of the enslaved female’svital presence in guerilla warfare in Jamaica according to Verene Shepherd. 5|Page They also provided areas of expertise needed in warfare such as the knowledge of medicine provided by the mid wives. At times female slaves would take an even more direct way of rebellion through the use of the domestic slave’s access to the master’s food through poisoning. Enslaved women were often put through harsh treatment as they were not only slaves but also women as such their bodies were coveted for the slave master’s profit and pleasure. As mentioned above enslaved women in an act of rebellion often practiced abortion through the ingesting of herbs provided by mid wives. With regards to fieldwork there has been the mistaken view that women worked less hard than men and were less valuable. According to Verene Shepherd enslaved women were valued greatly as their place as the main crop producers within the plantation was quite important as they were vital to the work force as well as keeping the balance. Women’s working ability and hourswere equal to that of the men and the value of a female slave was on par with that of most males. Between 1790 and 1807 males slave could be purchased in Jamaica for 50 to 70 pounds while the price of a healthy female was 50 to 60 pounds . Barbra Bush (1990) Women outnumbered males in thefields,this was due to the lack of occupational choices for female slaves as they were not only seen as inferior for theircolour but also their sex.The two plantation occupations allowed to female slaves were domestic work and field work none of the artisan jobs were allowed to female slaves. Traveler William Beckford as quoted by Barbra Bush 6|Page “Slave Women In Caribbean Slave Society” observed “a Negro man is purchased either for a trade or cultivation of the different processes of the cane but the occupations of women are only 2, the house with its several departments and supposed indulgences or the field with its exaggerated labours”. In 1789 the Worthy ParkEstate in Jamaica had a slave labour force of 339,162 females and 177 maleswith a little over 43 per cent of thewomen working in a field gang while little over 16 per cent males worked within the fields( Shepherd 47). In facttheir work in the fields may have been even harsher as Women were subjected to the same work regime as men even in advance stages of pregnancy or early motherhood. It is said that women did most of the work on coffee estate and livestock farms “ As indicated in appendix 2 women were equal in number or were a majority as seen in the inventories of Unity Inventory and Halse Hall Estate .“ William Beckford who owned properties in Jamaica indicated that thirty-six of the males were field workers compared to fifty-seven percent of the women.( Shepherd and Beckles 391) The research shows according to “Race and Class” that the majority of slavewomen were restricted to the more menial and monotonous task of sugar production only a small minority who were mid wives and domesticslaves, managed to escape field work. 7|Page Conclusion Based on the evidence discovered as researchwas carried out for this paper, one can definitely draw the following conclusions. Slave women influenced the culture of Jamaican society through African cultural practices such as farming, speech and dress. They were critical to field work with more women in some cases doing field work than men they were thus responsible for creating great wealth for Britain. Women resisted slavery by both violent and non-violent means they were critical in rebellions and even were leaders in rebellions. Women used their reproductive abilities to resist slavery but also used it to show their own control over their bodies. Enslaved females therefore playeda Significant Role in the Plantation Society of Jamaica Inthe 18th Century by influencing many critical aspects of the society’s life. 8|Page Bibliography Bush,Barbra. Slave Women In Caribbean Society. Heinemann Publishers (Caribbean) Kington, 1990. Indiana UniverityPress ,BloomintonIndianopolis , James curry London Mathurin, Lucille. A Historical Study of Women in Jamaica 1655-18447A Gibraltar Hall road Mona Kingston 7 Jamaica Shepherd, Verene. Women in Caribbean History. Ian Randler publishers 1999 9|Page Sivanandan , A. Ahmad, Egbal. Institute of Race Relations. (Eds) Race and class A Journal for Black and Third World Liberation volume 32 October - December 1990 #2. Long Island City New York, USA 1990 Steve, Buckridge. The Language of Dress Resistance and Accommodation in Jamaica, 17601890. University ofthe West Indies Press 1Aaquduct Flats Mona Kingston 7 Jamaica Thistlewood, Thomas. In Miserable Slavery In Jamaica 1750-86. Douglas Hall the University ofthe West Indies press Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica Appendix 10 | P a g e 11 | P a g e