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Simple Machines: Science Olympiad Practice


Practice #1—Introduction to Machines


Mr. Burleson geaux15@hotmail.com



Introduction and Rules

Basics of Simple Machines

Simple Machines Practical


*huge thanks to Alan Chalker (National

Physics Chair) and Roger Demos (National

Event Supervisor) for their support


Tips for

Science Olympiad

Study often because all the work is done by you!

Use Teamwork for studying and practicing

Use the references, homework, and homework generators to practice

Know the rules better than anyone.

Check the national website often for updates and FAQs.

Practices are for covering material, sample tests, and practicing measurements—studying should be done at home

More practice will lead to better results


Introduction and Rules

Come prepared to practices with completed homework and all your questions

Listen and participate.

Be willing to study on your own and do more work than assigned


Machine Practice Timing


Each Practice should be an hour to an hour and a half, once a week.

15 minutes—Grading homework.

30 minutes—Learning Lesson of the Day

15 minutes—In Practice quick test on Lesson of the Day

25 minutes—Practical testing

5 minutes—Sending out homework

Each student who misses Practice should get the notes and homework to be ready for the next

Practice or they will receive zeros for both.


Team of 2

Machines (B)


No Eye Protection Required

Device must be impounded

Only five types of machines

Levers (all three classes)

Inclined Plane


Pulley (up to two double pulleys)

Wheel and Axle

Part 1 (Written Test)

45% of score

Simple Machine Concepts

Simple Machine Calculations

Simple Machine History is no longer included

Part 2 (Device Testing)

55% of score

Two Ratio Scores (15% each)

One Time Score (15%)

Chart Score (10%)

Prohibited topics

Compound machines

Dynamic Calculations

Material Strengths

Potential/Kinetic Energy

Coefficient of Friction

Screw Simple Machines

Angle of Repose


Team of 2

Machines (C)


No Eye Protection Required

Device must be impounded

Part 1 (Written Test)

45% of score

Sim/Compound Machine


Sim/Compound Machine Calcs

Sim/Compound Machine History is no longer included

All six types of simple machines

Levers (all three classes)

Inclined Plane


Pulley (up to two double pulleys)

Wheel and Axle


Prohibited topics

Dynamic Calculations

Material Strengths

Angle of Repose

Part 2 (Device Testing)

55% of score

Two Ratio Scores (15% each)

One Time Score (15%)

Chart Score (10%)


Scoring for


Exam Score (ES) is worth maximum 45 points (45 points awarded to highest test score)

Time Score (TS) = ((240-time)/240*15 points (max 15 points)

Ratio Score (R1 and R2)=(1-(abs(AR-MR)/AR))*15 points (max 2x15 = 30 points)

Chart Score (CS) is worth 10 points (max 10 points)

2 points for including data spanning the possible mass range

2 points for including at least 10 data points in each data series

2 points for proper labeling (e.g. title, team name, units)

2 points for distinct graphs (0.5 points each up to 2 points)

2 point for including a labeled device diagram


Competition violate TS, R1, and R2 are multiplied by 0.9

Construction violation, if resolved during competition block or miss impound TS, R1, and R2 are multiplied by 0.7

Team with no device, no ratio estimate or do not make an HONEST attempt TS, R1, and R2 all marked zero

Final Score (FS)=ES+MS+TS+CS (maximum of 100 points)

Tie Breakers


Best ES score


Best TS score


Best R1


Best R2


Your Binder is Your

2” binder is new rule


A good binder is like having an open book test

Use your binder in all studying, practices,

When you have two or more pictures of the same thing, include

ALL of them (often Event

Supervisors will get diagrams and samples from the internet) and at tournaments

Always build your own binder in case something happens to your partner’s

First page should be the rules, so you can find them quickly

When you solve a difficult problem, show all your work and put that in the binder to help remind you how you solved that difficult problem

Always have easy to read tables for constants, materials, and equations

Keep the binder small enough to be useful, but big enough to be comprehensive

Organize into sections that work for you and your teammate with tabs for easy finding

Focus on the things you have to look up or don’t understand

Include other tests with keys and work shown

Test you skills at finding things in the binder each practice so that it takes no more than 10 seconds to find anything

Make sure you can read it (good fonts)

Use sheet protectors when possible


Basics of Simple



Inclined Plane

Wheel and Axle



Screw, not included in

Simple Machines (B)


Basic Definition of Simple


A simple machine is an elementary device that has a specific movement (often called a mechanism), which can be combined with other devices and movements to form a machine.

The idea of a "simple machine" originated with the

Greek philosopher Archimedes around the 3 rd century

BC, who studied the "Archimedean" simple machines: lever, pulley, and screw

Thus simple machines are considered to be the

"building blocks" of more complicated machines.

A bicycle has wheels, levers, and pulleys


Mechanical Advantage

A simple machine has an applied force (or effort) that works against a load force.

If there are no friction losses, the work done on the load is equal to the work done by the applied force.

This allows an increase in the output force at the cost of a proportional decrease in the distance moved by the load.

The ratio of the output force to the input force is the mechanical advantage of the machine.



Machines lose energy through friction, deformation and wear, which is dissipated as heat.

This means the power out of the machine is less than power in.

The ratio of power out to power in is the efficiency η of the machine, and is a measure of the energy losses.


What is a Lever?

A lever is a machine consisting of a beam or rigid rod pivoted at a fixed hinge, or fulcrum

The word comes from the French lever, "to raise", cf. a levant.

A lever amplifies an input force to provide a greater output force, which is said to provide leverage.

The ratio of the output force to the input force is the ideal mechanical advantage of the lever.


Classes of Levers

Class 1: Fulcrum in the middle: the effort is applied on one side of the fulcrum and the resistance on the other side

A crowbar or a pair of scissors.

Class 2: Resistance in the middle: the effort is applied on one side of the resistance and the fulcrum is located on the other side.

A wheelbarrow, a nutcracker, a bottle opener or the brake pedal of a car. Mechanical advantage is greater than 1.

Class 3: Effort in the middle: the resistance is on one side of the effort and the fulcrum is located on the other side

A pair of tweezers or the human mandible.

Mechanical advantage is less than 1.


IMA of Lever/Law of the


If a and b are distances from the fulcrum to points A and B and let the force FA applied to

A is the input and the force FB applied at B is the output, the ratio of the velocities of points A and B is given by a/b, so we have the ratio of the output force to the input force, or mechanical advantage, is given by


In Practice Quiz

Think of as many levers you can, including around the house, construction sites, school, etc.

Workshop tools

Garden tools

Kitchen tools

Think of as many places where you can lose efficiency with a lever


Things to consider

Winners prepare

No one knows this material naturally, those that prepare the best will do better.

Study and do homework before practice, use practice for asking questions

Plan on doing work on this a few times a week in addition to practice

Winners work together

Be a good partner

Work off each other strengths

Practice together

Event Supervisors are volunteers

They have given up their time to prepare for the competition, run the event, score, etc.

Some are more experienced than others

Some know the rules more than others

Be respectful and work with them

Always listen to instructions and read the test before you ask your questions

Different Event Supervisors ask the same question differently


Arguing an Illegal


Always make sure you read the question again to ensure it really is illegal.

Event supervisor might have old rules, but double check your rules first.

Ask for how to implement the question within the rules.

Remove the illegal items like capacitors/inductors/LEDs/etc.

Operate it as DC instead of AC.

Reference the specific rule, normally in section 3.d

Semiconductors include diodes, LEDs, transistors, OpAmps, and integrated circuits. LEDs, Diodes and OpAmps are now allowed in certain circumstances.

AC circuit theory includes frequency analysis, two or three phase power, capacitor/inductor reactance. But they can sometimes be made legal by switching to a DC system.

AC devices include transformers, rectifiers, others. Most will not work with DC.

Several items are only available for Division C and not for B



Each team will use a ruler and several small objects.

If you have something to balance the ruler on top of you can use that as your fulcrum, otherwise use your finger

First, balance the ruler on the fulcrum point

Is the balance point near the middle of the ruler

Note when the ruler is not near the balance point, how does it rotate

Second, start with the balanced ruler and then have the second person put two of the same small objects on the ruler to find where they balance

Third, start with a balanced ruler and then have the second person put two different small objects on the ruler to find where they balance


Suggested References


• Soinc.org Simple Machines/ Complex Machines Event pages

• Scioly.org student forums / wiki / test exchange

• Wikipedia (Simple Machines, Levers, Pulleys, etc.)

• http://www.khanacademy.org/#Physics

Khan Academy Tutorial on Mechanical Advantage

Museum of Science and Industry Simple Machines online game

SEDL Simple Machines Online Textbook

Department of Navy - Basic Machines Textbook


How to use the

Homework Generator

Homework generator is a Microsoft Excel workbook with multiple tabs

The tabs are broken down into levels (start with Level 1 and work your way up)

Work on accuracy first, so don’t start Level 2 until you can you do all of

Level 1 with 100% accuracy at least three whole sheets

A good way to improve speed is to see how many problems or sheets you can do in 5 min (after you are accurate)

Some tabs have reference material, but most only have problems

The numbers used in problems are from a random number generator

If on a Windows machine you can refresh using F9

You can also refresh by reopening the workbook, printing, or saving the file

Every time it is refreshed it randomly comes up with new problems and corresponding answer sheets.


Homework #1

Do the Homework Generator problems for Levers

Level 1

Go through the house and write down as many of the six simple machines as you can at home.

We will study more levers next in depth.

