RUNNING HEAD: Work Stress and Employee Performance in Banking Industry Work Stress and Employee Performance in Banking Industry: A study based on Kathmandu Valley Kripa Kandel, Ravi K.C., Rihasha Niroula, Roshan Subedi, Sabina Aryal School of Management, Tribhuvan University Abstract Stress is a universal element and individuals in every walk of life have to face it. The employees working in different organizations have to deal with stress. Especially, bankers are under a great deal of stress due to many antecedents of stress. These stresses lead to decreased organizational performance, decreased employee overall performance, decreased quality of work, high staff turnover, and absenteeism. It also causes health problems such as anxiety, depression, headache and backache. Eight components of job stress: work type, salary pay scale, lack of job security, poor communication, work overload, lack of motivation, lack of management support and lack of performance evaluation and appraisal were examined in this study. The objective of the study is to explore the stress related problems of bankers and examine the factors that play crucial role for creating stress among the employees of banks. And finally, to understand the impact of stress on employee performance, 200 questionnaires were filled by the bankers from different banks of Kathmandu valley. The results show that all the components of stress cause great stress in bankers and significantly decreases their performance. Key words: Work stress, Employee Performance, Work load, Banking sector Introduction Stress is an adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to a person’s well-being. McGrath (1976) defined job stress as “a condition in which employees are needed to fulfill the duties that exceed the person’s ability and the resources which are required to perform these duties, under the situation where there is huge difference between rewards and demand for fulfilling the duties.” Although stress includes both good and bad aspects but it is not necessarily bad. Stress leads to decreased employee overall performance, high error rate and poor quality of work, high staff turnover, and absenteeism due to health problems such as anxiety, emotional disorder, work life imbalance, depression and other forms of ailments such as frequent headache; obesity and cardiac arrests. Work stress is the response people may have when presented with Work Stress and Employee Performance in Banking Industry work demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope. According to Robbins and Sanghi (2006) “A dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraints, or demand related to what he or she desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.” In general, the combination of high demands in a job and a low amount of control over the situation can lead to stress. Now-a-days stress has become an integral part of jobs in every sector. In recent years the banking industry of Nepal has been able to attract young talents who have chosen banking profession as their preferred career. But banks have been going through enormous changes in organizational structure, new technology and new ways of structuring the operation, etc. that have left their mark on the working conditions and daily lives of employees. Due to this, employees are facing lots of problems while performing their work. There is excessive pressure in the banking industry to perform any tasks that often leads to stress which undermines employee performance and can make people believed that employees uncertainty of their abilities; if they had sufficient qualifications to fulfill job requirements, lack of knowledge and skills opposite to task demands will end in internal conflict and job stress ill (Rao, S. & S. Borkar, 2012). It is generally acknowledged by a various people working in the banking industry that stress and burnout drain the performance of the staff. It is discovered in research that there is a negative correlation between quality of services delivered to customers and work-related stress, that is, highly stressed employees have failed to provide high quality services as compared to less stressed ones (Varca, 2009). Competition is also growing day by day among the banking industry. The job environment of banking employees is extremely tedious as it includes the immediate client connection in all levels. Bankers are under a massive deal of stress and that too because of many factors of stress, for example, Overload, Role ambiguity, Role conflict, Responsibility for people, Participation, Lack of Performance evaluation and appraisal, Lack of feedback, pay scale, Lack of management support and staying aware of quick innovative change The objective of the study is to explore the stress related problems of bankers of Kathmandu valley and examine the factors that play crucial role for creating stress 2 Work Stress and Employee Performance in Banking Industry among the employees of banks as well as effect of such stress in their performance. Literature Review In banking sector particularly higher management doesn’t realize the impact of stress on employee performance which ultimately results in critical managerial dilemmas as Subha and Shakeel (2009) described “Higher level of stress existed with no managerial concern for solution consequently lowering the employee performance, staking organizational reputation and loss of skilled employees, these situations call for immediate concern from organization management for employing effective stress management practices to increase employee satisfaction and overall employee performance.” According to Oreoluwa and Oludele (2010), the major changes implemented such as workforce cutbacks in the banking sector in recent times have had a large impact on workers by negative effects on their working and personal lives. Cutbacks put pressure on the remaining workforce with increased work overload or stress. From their study, they found that there is higher level of stress among the executives than the non-executives in the Nigerian Banking Industry. The heavy workload demands in the banks often turn into long working hours which affect personal health significantly. Moreover, to compete with other banks, bank management must necessitate change to improve performance. Management can improve it by re-engineering, rationalization of branches and business lines, increased working hours, staff education and retraining. The findings indicated that bank workers who are victims of management reactions are subject to stress. However, the study had a research gap as it did not address other factors that would affect employee satisfaction. In addition, the study failed to utilize factor analysis and odd ratio regressions as these are the appropriate methodologies of analyzing Likert scale data. An individual in his or her job in bank face stress as Jamshed et al., (2011) suggested “The workplace is potentially an important source of stress for bankers because of the amount of time they spent in their respective banks.” And that stress often decreases their performance. “Therefore, occupation of individuals could be a major source of stress in the given circumstances. When individuals face stress 3 Work Stress and Employee Performance in Banking Industry due to various conditions of their occupation and fail to cope with stress, it results into burnout.” Basically, in banking sector lack of administrative support from boss(manager), work overload & time pressure, riskiness of job, poor relationship with customers & coworkers, and work family balance cause stress which in turns decrease employee performance. Massaran Bamba (2016) stated the objective of the study is to investigate the impact of job stress over employees work performance. This paper is of great theoretical and realistic significance to strength the research on the work pressure, job performance, and their relationship which can help to make the best use of the potential of people properly and improve their quality of life and their work satisfaction and can finally help the company to improve the level of production. Preet Kaur Risham and Sharma Gautam Poonam (2016) said that in India, banks are amongst top ten stressed work places. This article is an effort to study the need of stress management programs due to increasingly dangers of stress under which it becomes difficult for an employee to work. It also suggests that the organization should understand the share they should spend on stress management programs so that they can maximize their profit which would also help in generating satisfaction amongst employees and creating a stressful environment. Earlier studies and researches were conducted on employees of various industries but this study focuses on the banking industry inside Kathmandu valley. After the review of articles related to work stress and employee performance, it was found that no such studies were conducted in banking sector in Kathmandu valley. To fill research gap, this study aims to study factors affecting work stress among banking employees and the impact of such stress on job performance. This study also aims to see whether the international studies are relevant to Nepalese context or not. This study examines the impact of various factors (independent variable) on stress of employees and their work performance. Stress level and employee performance is taken as the dependent variable. This study has age group and gender as the moderating variable. 4 5 Work Stress and Employee Performance in Banking Industry Theoretical Framework Independent variables • • • • • • • • Work Type Salary Pay scale Job Security Communication Work Overload Motivation Management Support Performance Evaluation& Appraisal Dependent Variables • Work stress and employee performance Moderating Variables • • Gender Age group Research Methodology Descriptive research design was used in this study, where survey was carried out by sending questionnaire to the employees working in the banks, to describe the characteristics of variables of interest, frequencies, and categories of factors of stress. The correlation research design has also been used to find association between work stress and employee performance. Structured questionnaires were distributed to employees of different branches of 5 commercial banks in Kathmandu through online forms. Total of 200 responses were collected from the selected banks: Prabhu Bank, NMB Bank, Civil Bank, Global IME and NIC Asia as per our judgement, convenience and easy access to the data sources. The study was conducted from the employee point of view. Primary data were collected through online questionnaire where the questionnaires contained both open ended questions and close ended questions, prepared with the help of Google forms. The secondary data involved in this article has been gathered from different reports, publications and journal articles. Quantitative method had been used for the collection of data for exploring the stress related problems of bankers and examining the factors that play crucial role for creating stress among the employees of banks. The questionnaire data were analyzed using SPSS software. Frequency analysis, and descriptive analysis was used as statistical tools to draw conclusion on factors that play crucial role on stress level and employees’ performance. Mean of Likert scale questions were analyzed to find the 6 Work Stress and Employee Performance in Banking Industry factors that contribute to stress. Levene’s test was carried out to find the association between gender and stress level. Pearson’s correlation matrix was used to determine the relationship between stress level and decreased work performance. Data Presentation and Analysis Respondent’s profile Table 1: Respondent's Gender Gender Frequency Percent Male 110 55% Female 90 45% Total 200 100% Above table shows that male respondents were greater than female respondents, which implies that any results drawn from this report can be generalized on male employees while results may not be generalized on female employees. Table 2: Respondents Age Age Frequency Percent 18-24 70 35% 25-31 63 31.5% 32-38 36 18% 39-45 22 11% 46 and above 9 4.5% Total 200 100% The response was distributed into 5 age groups. Since majority of the respondents were of age group 18-24 years, followed by age group 25-31 years, the results of this study can be applied to those youths only whereas it may not be applicable to employees of other age groups. 7 Work Stress and Employee Performance in Banking Industry What makes you feel stressed in your work place? Table 3: Reason behind stress Problems Frequency Percent Work Type 28 14% Salary Pay scale 22 11% Lack of Job security 30 15% Poor Communication 28 14% Work Overload 33 16.5% Lack of Motivation 24 12% Lack of Management Support 16 8% Lack of Performance Evaluation & Appraisal 15 7.5% Others 4 2% Total 200 100% The table 3 shows us the reasons or problems of why employees working in the banking industry feel stressed. It can be seen that work overload is the main factor that play crucial role for creating stress among the employees of the bank. It might be so because, employees in Nepalese banks has such type of cultures where they take work as a burden, not as an opportunity to learn. How would you rate the level of your stress? Table 4: Level of stress Level of Stress Frequency Percent Mild 50 25% Moderate 57 28.5% Severe 65 32.5% Extreme 28 14% Total 200 100% Among the 200 respondents who were working in the banking industry of Kathmandu valley, majority of them were having severe level of stress at their workplace. It was immediately followed by employees having moderate level of stress. Very few responded that they felt extreme level of stress. This might be so because those that felt extreme level of stress might have left the banking sector. Those who responded the moderate and severe level of stress might have higher 8 Work Stress and Employee Performance in Banking Industry stress tolerance capacity or they might not have found the alternate job opportunities. Table 5: Descriptive statistics Variables affecting work performance N Mean Work overload 200 2.9950 Lack of training 200 3.2950 Long working hours 200 2.9700 Responsibility delegation 200 2.7700 Job insecurity 200 3.1950 Role conflict 200 3.4200 Rest breaks between works 200 2.9050 Above table 5 shows that, on the Likert scale of “never, occasionally, sometimes, often, always”, Role conflict, Job insecurity, Lack of trainings often affect employees’ performance. Likewise, Work overload, Long working hours, Breaks in between Works and Responsibility delegation sometimes affect the employees’ performance. Table 6: Independent sample t test between gender and stress level Levene's Test for Equality of Variances F Sig . Lev el of Stre ss Equal varianc es assume d Equal varianc es not assume d 1.13 9 .28 7 Independent Samples Test t-test for Equality of Means t df Sig. (2taile d) Mean Differen ce Std. Error Differen ce 1.40 8 198 .161 -.201 .143 1.41 5 193.6 82 .159 -.201 .142 95% Confidence Interval Low Upp er er .081 .483 .481 .079 The table 6 shows that the p value is 0.161. Since p-value (i.e. 0.161) is more than 0.05 (level of significance), it indicates that the stress level of male and female do not differ significantly. Since, there is no significant mean difference between male and female, it can be concluded that the moderating variable gender does not influence the level of stress. 9 Work Stress and Employee Performance in Banking Industry Table 7: Correlation matrix showing relationship between Stress Level and Work Performance Correlation Matrix Stress Level Stress Level Pearson 1 Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Decreased Work Pearson .926** Performance Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) .000 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Decreased Work Performance .926** .000 1 This table 7 shows the significant positive relationship between stress level and decreased work performance of bank employees. Since the correlation coefficient is 0.926, we can conclude that increased in level of stress increase the chance of decrease in work performance. Discussion This study was conducted to explore the stress related problems in bankers and examine the factors affecting their stress. In our study, majority of the respondents were male. Results drawn from this report can be generalized on male employees while results may not be generalized on female employees. Our sample included majority (35%) of respondents of age category 18-25, it may be so because of more involvement of youths in banking sector. Work overload was the major reason behind stress among the employees, which was followed by lack of job security, poor communication and work type. It might be so because employees in Nepalese banks has such type of cultures where they take work as a burden, not as an opportunity to learn. Most of the respondents felt their stress level was severe and very few felt that their stress was extreme. Those that felt extreme level of stress might have left the banking sector and those who responded the moderate and severe level of stress might have higher stress tolerance capacity or they might not have found the alternate job. Role conflict often influenced employees’ performance. Lack of training and job insecurity were often considered main factors that affected employees’ performance. Independent t test shows that there is no association between gender and the level of stress, which means gender does not Work Stress and Employee Performance in Banking Industry 10 influence the level of stress. Major factor affecting the job performance were ‘role conflict’, ‘lack of training’ and ‘job security’. Likewise, stress level has negative impact on job performance, i.e. increase in stress level significantly decreased work performance. Conclusion and Recommendation This article aims to explore the reason behind stress in bank employees and the effect of such in their performance. Role conflict, work overload and lack of training still played significant role in affecting the employee’s performance. As per data analysis and presentation through tables, it is realized that gender differences do not significantly influence the stress level. As concluded in research by Rao, S. & S. Borkar, (2012), Subha Imtiaz & Shakeel Ahmad (2009), Varca, P. E. (2009), this research also concludes that stress level decreases the employees’ performance. This result is consistent with international studies. This might be because of similarities in working practices in banking sectors over the countries. Most of the Banking organization should focus on minimizing the job role conflict among the employees. Sufficient and related training should be provided to improve the employees’ performance. Work overload and long working hours should be avoided with sufficient breaktime between the jobs. Stress level decreases the performance level significantly, which eventually impact negatively on overall performance of the banking organization.Employees are the real assets of the organization. Most of the banking employees felt stress because of the lack of job security, work type and poor communication. Such organization shall provide job security and better working environment to the employees. Clear job roles and a better platform for clear communication shall be established. However, it is not enough because employees deserve other additional benefit packages that increase their performance level and their commitment. Hence, uplifting the motivational state of employees to create a positive energy at work place is must. References Jamshed K. Khattak, Muhammad A. 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