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MTB-MLE Effects on Grade 1 Pupils: A Research Study

Effects of Mother Tongue Based Multi- Lingual Education (MTB-MLE) to Grade 1 pupils
at Tumauini South Central School
Presented by:
Ma. Victoria V. Daludado
Presented to:
Research Professor
Chapter 1
The Problem
Language is one of the most important characteristic forms of Human behavior. Is has
accordingly always had a place in the academic world. Determining what language will be used to teach
children are one of the most important decisions that ministries of the education make.1 The language
used in the classroom dramatically affects children’s opportunity and ability to learn. Yet, this decision is
often made without a careful consideration of implications for learning outcomes. Furthermore, education
improvement efforts rarely consider the impact that language of instruction will have when designing
education projects. Instead the mother tongue or familiar languages are dismissed as a “political or
national issue”. Language plays a vital role in facilitating the learning of pupils and academic
The population of the Philippines includes over 11 million indigenous peoples, most of who can
be considered socio economically deprived, especially in terms of access to government services and
educational programmers. They often the least educated and the least able to benefit from the national
curricula and other opportunities due to factors such as the distance of schools from the communities. 2 No
priorities were given to them on their mother tongue because only the national language, Filipino was
used for the delivery of basic education.
Consistent with the 1987 constitutional mandate and a policy declared by the national Board of
Education in bilingualism in the schools, the Department of Education culture and Sports promulgated its
language policy, Which is as follows; the policy of bilingualism of education aims at the achievement of
competence in both Filipino and English at National level, through the teaching of languages and their use
as medium of instruction at all levels.
Regional language, example Ybanag shall be used as auxiliary language in grades 1-3. This
means that Filipino and English shall be used as medium of instruction, and the regional languages
(Mother tongue) shall be used as auxiliary medium of instruction, and its initial language for literacy.
In 2009, the department of Education Challenged the bilingual Education policy by issuing the
order that called for the institutionalization of mother tongue based multilingual education (MTB-MLE).
This orders requires the use of the learners first language as the medium of instruction for all subjects
areas in pre- kindergarten through grade 3 with Filipino and English being taught as a separate subjects. 3
Mother tongue shall be used as medium of instruction and as a subject from grades 1 to grade 3. Another
order was issued in 2012 that offered more specific guidelines for MTB-MLE and embedded the reform
in the newly adopted “K to 12 Basic Education Program.4 This order shifted from the original mother
tongue approach by specifying the regional languages to be used as the language of instruction. This order
requires teachers to use their mother tongue as a medium of instruction provided government issued
materials in their regional languages but are expected to adapt them to reflect the student’s first language.
In learning language one does not learn in language if he does not understand. When the beginning
language learner thinks, he uses the language that he grew up with. Children can learn to read with
understanding within the first few years of schooling in a language they used and in a language they
understand. And this is the reason why children should listen, speak, read and write first in a language
that they used and understand their mother tongue.
Gradual Implementation started with grade one pupils in 2012 and will be followed by grades two
and grade three in 2013 and 2014. The used of Mother Tongue is an expression of one’s culture, it aims to
develop the young learners an awareness and appreciation of their own culture. The MTB-MLE aims
improve the pupil's language and cognitive development as well as his or her socio-cultural awareness.
The mother tongue as a subject focuses on the development of reading and speaking from Grades 1 to 3.
As a medium of instruction, the mother tongue is being used in all learning areas from kinder to Grade 3..
Filipino is introduced on the second semester of Grade 1 for oral fluency (speaking). "For reading and
writing purposes, it will be taught beginning in the second semester of Grade 1. The four other macro
skills which are listening, speaking, reading and writing in Filipino will continuously be developed from
Grades 2 to 6. English as a subject will be introduced in the second semester of Grade 1 while reading and
writing in English will start in the first semester of Grade 2.
In implementing the MTB-MLE, DepEd cites local and internationals studies which have shown
that using the language that is being used at home (mother tongue) inside the classroom during the
learners' early years of schooling produce better and faster learners. They can also easily adapt to learn a
second (Filipino) and third language (English).
Institutionalization of teaching MTB-MLE as one of the subjects from Grade 1 to Grade 3 and as
the medium of instruction from kinder to Grade 3 can develop well-rounded and life-long learners under
the K to 12 basic education reform program. In MTB-MLE the beginning reader develop and gains
control of oral language, grows and aware of sound–symbol relationship, developing listening to reading
comprehension. Three outcomes cited in the 2009 order focused on the speed in which pupils will gain
literacy under the MTB-MLE reform, the learners learn to read more quickly when their first language
(L1), Pupils who have learned to read and write in their first language learn to speak read, and write in a
second language (L2) and third language (L3) more quickly than those who are taught in a second or third
language first, In terms of cognitive development and its effects on the other academic areas, pupils
taught to read and write in their first language acquire such competencies more quickly. 5 Mother tonguebased education prescribes the use of the language learners speak at home in delivering lessons and in
classroom discussions. MTB-MLE is implemented from pre-school up to Grade 3 and in the alternative
learning system. Learning to use effective oral communication is one of the important aspects in learning
of one’s child.
Because of language contact and the new education functions that our native languages have
been asked to perform, it is inevitable that new patterns and practices relative to pronunciation,
vocabulary development, code-mixing, etc. will emerge and become more diversified. Through
constant use and experimentation, we hope to arrive at the best possible orthographic strategies that we
can use to educate our children for mother tongue-based multilingual education (MTB-MLE).
Statement of the Problem
This study is an assessment of the effect of Mother Tongue Based- Multilingual Education on
grade one pupils in Tumauini South Central School.
Specifically it will seek to answer the following problems:
1. What is the status of Implementation of Mother Tongue Base Multi-Lingual Education in Grade one of
TSCS in Terms of
a. Description of languages used
b. frequency of use
c. nature of Implementation
2. What are the effects of Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education on learning of grade one pupils?
a. Listening
b. Speaking
c. Reading
d. Writing
3. What problems were encountered by the teachers in the implementation of MTB-MLE?
4. What recommendations may be proposed to further enhance the implementation of MTB-MLE by the
future teachers?
Scope and Delimitation
This study will generally cover the effects of Mother Tongue to grade one pupils in Tumauini
South Central School. The study will look into effects of Mother Tongue in grade 1 pupil in terms of
Cognitive development, reading readiness and Socio Cultural development. It also discussed the problems
that were encountered by the teacher in implementation of MTB-MLE, as well as the recommendation
may be proposed for the future teachers.
However, this study did not deal on the other school.
Significance of the Study
In implementing the MTB-MLE, DepEd cites local and internationals studies which have shown
that using the language that is being used at home (mother tongue) inside the classroom during the
learners' early years of schooling produce better and faster learners. They can also easily adapt to learn a
second (Filipino) and third language (English).
These research findings may be significance of the following because it could also serve as a
basis for establishing the effect of Mother Tongue Based Multi- lingual Education to the pupils.
Administrator. This would motivate the administrators to motivate and support the mother tongue
based multilingual Education regarding the importance of first language.
Teacher. The experience shared by the teachers would serve as feedback for the learner’s
development. Their insight would necessary strengthen the instructional preparation and opportunities to
improve the pupils in reading readiness by the used of mother tongue as a first language.
Pupils. Competent pupils are proficient participants that would benefit the pupils themselves
making them ready to become language learner.
Parents. They would be aware and actively participate in implementation of mother Tongue
based Multi-lingual Education. However understand better the pupils competency as well as the
opportunity to assist their own teacher.
Researcher. To the proponent and other researchers, the information drawn by the study could be
input for the future studies
MTB-MLE Network www. Mlenetwork. Org (online beginning September , 2011)
Improving the quality of Mother Tongue- based literacy and learning: Case Study from Asia and
South America. Bangkok UNESCO,2008, p90.
Philippine Department of Education, 2009
Philippine Department of Education, 2011 DepEd Order 31,s 2012
Philippine Department of Education 2009 p1
Review of Related Literature and Studies
This chapter Reviews the related literature and studies by other researcher that are the same and
related to the current study. The related review examines relevant studies in the effects of Mother Tongue
based Multi –Lingual Education in Grade One Pupils In Pulba Elementary School. The problem
encountered by the teachers in implementation of Mother Tongue and also the recommendation maybe
proposed to the future teachers. With the determination of the effects of mother tongue, the review
includes a detailed description of literature and studies conduct in the places. This will also include the
conceptual paradigm, theoretical paradigm and definition of terms.
Related Literature
Language policy is relatively new academic field that has evolved immensely since the 1960. It
began with a philosophy of modernization through national development and focused more on linguistic
than language preservation. The MTB-MLE policy in the Philippines is indicative of this shift in
perspective at a National level. Our knowledge of language is complex and abstract, the experience of
knowledge we receive is limited our minds could not create such complex knowledge on the basis of such
information.1 The United Nations Declaration on the rights of indigenous people particularly article 14
provides that the indigenous individual specially the children have the right to all levels and forms of
education of the state without discrimination where possible in their own culture and language .2 Cultural
diversity recognizes strong relationship among biodiversity, cultural diversity, and linguistic diversity.
The position paper of the said organization viewed mother tongue instruction as the means
improving educational quality while multilingual education as the means to promote social and gender
quality.3 Mother tongue Based Multi Lingual Education, a key element of linguistically diverse societies.
It also looked at the language as essential component of inter- cultural education to encourage
understanding between groups.
The impression being pursued is to start learning how to read and write with the language learner.
Theoretically, this is the beginning with the known and moving progressively to unknown. Skills in the
first language of literacy should be considered before the second is mastered preferably during at least
three years of study.
The depEd started small with 100 to 200 schools. It’s a massive undertaking but it is something
we need to do. Quijano asserts partnership with local and international non-government organization as
well as advocacy groups such as SIL, and direct active involvement of all sectors concerned are
Macro Skills in learning language, Ermetes (2012)5 cited the important of macro skills in teaching
a particular language involve listening, speaking, reading and writing. He said that in speaking, it is
important that the child must be able to talk to someone, of making utterance with intentional and
unintentional dealings or of a dialect of a person really speaks. In Mtb-Mle pupils will practice their
speaking abilities if they will used their mother they can express more what really in their mind. In this
situation the teachers and the pupils will have an interaction with each other. Pupils will exercise their
ability for oral expressions. The child must be developed their listening skills as most important in
communication. When the pupils listen he undergoes processing of sounds. The pupils must understand
well. Learning language cannot complete without reading. It is important as listening and speaking. It
involves process such as word recognition, comprehension, fluency and, motivation. The pupils can get
more information from written letter or words. And learners need to practice writing; it is thinking
process which is characterized by a purposeful selection and organization of experience.
Related Studies
There are several related studies that were reviewed and presented which gave direction and serve
as the guide in completing the present study.
The mother tongue but in teaching literature was the contribution of Arino 6 the study said that
teaching literature in mother tongue bears a significant impact on the teaching and learning process and
more importantly on our culture, both study recognized the use of mother tongue and the effect of it to the
The choice of language specifically on the unique teaching methods used at the university of the
Philippines integrated school was conducted by Burkdart and Gomez7 The study concentrated with the
effectiveness of Filipino as the language of Instruction is crucial learning the fundamental skills of
subjects. This study is the same to the present study because it is also dealt to the medium of instruction
which is the Mother Tongue.