
Mother Tongue-Based
Multilingual Education
• As the name implies MTB-MLE is
education in several languages based on
the mother tounge. The beginning
language and learning is the mother
tongue , termed as language 1 (L1). This
leads to the learning of a second
language, is called Langauge 2 (L2) and a
third language called Langauge 3 (L3). In
the Philippines, Langauge 1 may differ
across the country.
• The framework shows that MTB-MLE has for its end
goals lifelong learning and communative
competences. See figure 13.
• What is lifelong learning? As the name implies it is
learning that is pursued throughout life. Based on
Delors' (1996) four 'pillars' of education for the futere,
lifelong learning crosses sectors, promoting learnign
beyond traditional schooling and throughout life.
• Communative competences is the other end goal of
MTB-MLE as shown in the framework. What is
communative competences? Simply put, it is the
learner's ability to understand and use language
appropriately to communicate in authentic situations.
In MTB-MLE, communative competence includes two
or more than two language.
Learning Area Standard of
• This is what the DepEd Curriculum Guide of
MTB-MLE states: Use Mother Tongue
appropriately and effectively in oral, visual,
and written communication in a variety of
situations and for variety of audiences,
contexts and purposes including learnig other
content sujects and languages, demonstrate
appreciation of various forms of literacy
genres and take pride in one's cultural
Key Stage Standard
• The DepEd K-12 Curriculum Guide spells out the
standards for each learning area in each key
stage. The key steges referred at the end of Grade
3, at the end of Grade 6 and at the end of Grade
10. Mother Tongue as a subject is taught only until
Grade 3, hence ha sonly one key stage standard,
i.e, at the end of Grade 3.
• By the end of Grade 3, student will enjoy
communicating in their first language on familiar
topics for a variety of purposes and audiences
using vocabulary and phrases; read L1 text with
understanding and create their own stories and
text in L1.
Guiding Principles for
Teaching and Learning in
1. Effective language learning proceeds from
the known to the unknown.
2. Language learning, and all other kinds of
learning for that matter, is an active process.
3. Successful language learning focuses on
meaning, accuracy and fluency not either
fluency or meaning or accuracy but both
meaning, accuracy and fluency.
The Bridging Process
• Bridging is process of “transitioning from
learning one language to another. It refers
to the use of L1 as the initial medium of
instruction, gradually introducing
increasing amounts of instruction in L2,
until either L1, is based out entirely, or
both L1 and L2 are used as media of
The Two Kinds of Transition
in the Bridging Program
1. Early-exit transition - The mother tongue or
L1 is the medium of instruction (MOI for 2-3
years, then switch to L2 and/or L3 as MOI and;
2. Lare-exit transition - The another mother
tongue or L1 is the medium of instruction for 56 years or more, then switch to L2 and/or L3 as
an MOI.
In the Philippines, what is practiced is early-exit
Why Mother Tongue-Based
Multilingual Education
• There was much opposition when the K to 12 Curriculum
introduced mother tongue as medium of instruction in the
early grades. There was much more opposition when it was
also introduced as a separate subject from Grade 1 to Grade
3. From the public, a sarcastic question like this one was
raised. “We thought we are going global. Are we progressing
or retrogressing? Why are we back to the mother tongue?”
• The Department of education, however, claims that they have
overwhelming evidence from national and international
researches that tell us that children who were first taught in
mothe tongue learned a second language faster and better
than children who were not taught in their mother tongue.
children who were not first taught in the mother tongue
performed much better than those who were not first taught in
the mother tongue.