管理文献选读 课 程 名 称: 管理文献选读 专 业: 企业管理 学 号: 19728003 姓 名: 胜利 Baltabekova Kymbat 成 绩: 二〇一九年十二月 1. Time management ( also contains ‘’Managing oneself’’ literature observation) 2.What is strategy 3. Crafting strategy 4. Deliberate and emergent types of strategies 5. Dinamic capabilities and strategic managemnet During selected reading class I have learnt a lot of new things. Before I had general knowledge about subject topics. I like this class from very start. And I strongly belive that this class is survively important for us. For future managers and who knows, maybe even the owners of their own corporations.This class deepens on management. The managing oneself and the company. Our teacher started this class with the topic managing oneself. The main suggested literatures were ‘’ Seven habbits of highly effective people’’ by Steven Covey and ‘’Managing oneself’’ by Peter Drucker. The first book considered to be world best seller must read book in self-development ganre. I have read this book two years ago. And surely will keep it as desk book for whole life. To be sure, I was nicely amazed with suggestion of our teacher. The second book was new for me. I have read it. I got the understanding about manger’s self time management and future image. Made by the suggestion of the book - the monkey in the mirror practice. The practice pushes you to look at yourself in future, create your future immage and start to work on realizationn of it. The final point was how teacher gave us the ‘’Self time management sheet’’. That time I felt myself as not having a class, but as in self development semenare. Contunualy we learnt what is company’s stategy. Before I thought that strategy and operation are the same. But it turns out that they are complitely different. The strategy is what company stands for, what features differentiates the company from another companies- the company’s uniqness. It is building the image of the company, as well as is the key to profitability and competitiveness. The main goal is to differentiate against competitors, and strengthen their own positions. For example the strategy of Domino's Pizza is: "Fast delivery of hot pizza no more than 30 minutes after order acceptance. Reasonable prices, reasonable profits." Microsoft Corporation-software manufacturing strategy is: For years, Microsoft has been driven by a strategic vision: "a Computer in every home, on every desktop, plus top-notch software." However, the advent of the Internet and the widespread adoption of electronic devices other than PCs, such as pocket calculators and set-top boxes, forced Microsoft in 1999 to expand the vision as follows: "to Provide new opportunities anytime, anywhere, on any device with first-class software." Strategy and leadership are always goes together. There no success in business without good strategy applied. What about operational management, it is also necessary for company. It is about performing similar operations better than other players in the market. It includes, but is not limited to, the lowest cost operations. It is related to activities that allow the company to make better use of existing factors of production, for example by reducing product defects or by rapidly developing better products. Only the maximum improvement of all business operations allows a small firm to compete with the giants of the market, which can afford to focus on strategic directions. Strategy creates by the key members of company. By management association. It brings the crafting strategy conception. What likely springs to mind is an image of orderly thinking: a senior manager, or a group of them, sitting in an office formulating courses of action that everyone else will implement on schedule. The keynote is reason—rational control, the systematic analysis of competitors and markets, of company strengths and weaknesses, the combination of these analyses producing clear, explicit, full-blown strategies. Now imagine someone crafting strategy. A wholly different image likely results, as different from planning as craft is from mechanization. Craft evokes traditional skill, dedication, perfection through the mastery of detail. What springs to mind is not so much thinking and reason as involvement, a feeling of intimacy and harmony with the materials at hand, developed through long experience and commitment. Formulation and implementation merge into a fluid process of learning through which creative strategies evolve. Also, strategy has it’s types of formation deliberate and emergent. The difference between deliberate strategy and emergent strategy is a distinct one and businesses can adopt either approach for strategy formulation. Adopting a deliberate approach is difficult due to many unforeseen changes in the business environment, however, it is not impossible to achieve a competitive advantage based on this method. Emergent strategy, on the other hand, serves as a more flexible alternative to deliberate strategy where the businesses can learn and grow with the environmental changes. Strategy types can be planned, enterprenual, ideological, umbrella, process, unconnected, composes and imposed. Planned strategy is when all processes and goals planned in detail by laeding group of the company. In this strategy all is predictable. No surprizes. All actions are taken care beforehand. Enterprenual is when company directed and hold by one indivisual. Usually by company owner. He makes decisions by himself and has independent company vision. Vision can be made by whole company members. And it cames out to the company ideology. It calls ideological strategy. The umbbrella strategy is when the main directions put by several company leaders and implements into realization by another workers. Leaders porsue them to implement it, but don’t do it by themselves. They guide directly. In the proccess strategy company headquarters don’t direct collrctive directly. They settle the goals and share it with company managers for their realization by guiding company workers. Unconnected strategy is when company members act independently from each other. Central management don’t settle them exact goal and guide. Workers act by themselves. Consensus strategy is when collective has the same view and directs by itself. It doesn’t need any leaders or managers. Sometimes, inspite having it’s own leaders the company strategy can be made with the great impact of outside factors as goverment or stronger corporations. Company can’t resist to their influence. This strategy calls as imposed. Now let’s think about How do firms compete? How do firms earn above normal returns? What's needed to sustain superior performance long term? An increasingly powerful answer to these fundamental questions of business strategy lies in the concept of dynamic capabilities. These are the skills, processes, routines, organizational structures, and disciplines that enable firms to build, employ, and orchestrate intangible assets relevant to satisfying customer needs, and which cannot be readily replicated by competitors. There are three existing paradigms and describe aspects of an emerging new paradigm that is dynamic capabilities. They are: Competitive forces approach , Strategic conflict approach, Resource-based perspective and Dynamic capabilities approach. Competitive Forces : Views the essence of competitive strategy formulation as ‘relating a company to its environment. Strategic conflict: This approach utilizes the tools of game theory to analyze the nature of competitive interaction between rival firms. Resource-based perspective : This approach focuses on the economic rents accruing to the owners of scarce firm-specific resources rather than the economic profits from product market positioning. The dynamic capabilities approach: The ability to achieve new forms of competitive advantage as ‘dynamic capabilities’ to emphasize two key aspects . Dynamic-the capacity to renew competences so as to achieve congruence with the changing business environment Capabilities- the key role of strategic management in appropriately adapting, integrating, and reconfiguring internal and external organizational skills, resources, and functional competences to match the requirements of a changing environment. Markets and strategic capabilities : The properties of internal organization cannot be replicated by a portfolio of business units amalgamated just through formal contracts as many distinctive elements of internal organization simply cannot be replicated in the market. 3 categories will help determine a firm’s distinctive competence and dynamic capabilities: processes, positions, and paths. Organizational and managerial processes are: Coordination/integration (a static concept): the way production is organized by management inside the firm is the source of differences in firms’ competence in various domains. (coordinative routines.) competence/capability is embedded in distinct ways of coordinating and combining helps to explain how and why seemingly minor technological changes can have devastating impacts on incumbent firms’ abilities to compete in a market. Positions difficult-to-trade knowledge assets and assets complementary to them, as well as its reputational and relational assets determine its competitive advantage . There are can be Technological assets, Complementary assets, Financial assets, Reputational assets, Structural assets, Institutional assets and Market (structure) assets. Path is where a firm can go is a function of its current position and the paths ahead. Path dependencies recognizes that ‘history matters.’ The importance of path dependencies is amplified where conditions of increasing returns to adoption exist. In the presence of increasing returns, firms can compete passively, or they may compete strategically through technology-sponsoring activities. Technological opportunities technological opportunities may not be completely exogenous to industry, not only because some firms have the capacity to engage in or at least support basic research, but also because technological opportunities are often fed by innovative activity itself. Replicability and imitatability of organizational processes and positions involves transferring or redeploying competences from one concrete economic setting to another. Imitation is simply replication performed by a competitor. In competitive markets, it is the ease of imitation that determines the sustainability of competitive advantage. The more tacit the firm’s productive knowledge, the harder it is to replicate by the firm itself or its competitors.