LA MÓDULO 5 HISTORIA LATINO AMERICANA America was named after Amerigo Vespucci, a 15th century Florentine merchant who owned a business in Seville, Spain. He was the first to call America "A new world" STORY BEHIND THE NAME LANGUAGES Spanish Portuguese AREA 18.840.000 km POPULATION 387.489.196 THE ORIGIN The first migrations of mankind THE ORIGIN The first migrations of mankind THE ORIGIN The first migrations of mankind Before Columbus THE ANCIENT AMERICAN CULTURES: MAYANS, AZTECS AND INCANS THE INCA LIVED HIGH UP IN THE ANDES MOUNTAINS. THEY BUILT CITIES OF STONE AND THEY HAD TERRACED FIELDS FOR GROWING CROPS. THE AZTECS HAD A MIGHTY CAPITAL CALLED TENOCHTITLAN. THEY WERE VERY POWERFUL UNTIL 1519, WHEN A SPANIARD NAMED HERNANDO CORTEZ CONQUER THE COUNTRY. THE MAYAN CIVILIZATION DEVELOPED ABOUT 600 YEARS AGO. THEY DISAPPEARED SUDDENLY JUST BEFORE THE SPANISH ARRIVAL. AN ADVANCED CIVILIZATION ART, ARCHITECTURE, MATHEMATICAL AND ASTRONOMICAL SYSTEMS INVENTION OF THE CALENDAR By far the most important planet for the Mayans was Venus. They had devised accurate methods to track its movements and knew that one year in Venus is equal to 584 days. The Mayan calendar isn’t just noteworthy for its spurious connection to doomsday theories. It was the first known incidence of humans attempting to keep a historical record, and counts the days since a mythological starting point. WN OW-DO THE L Writing and Codexes The Mayans developed a complex script that has now been almost completely deciphered. Mayan writing consists of glyphs in both syllabic (writing things out phonetically) and logogram (full words) form Ritual Sacrifice Ritual sacrifice was an integral part of Mayan religion – with the victims being both animals and humans. Animal sacrifice and human blood-letting attended by a priest was a frequent practice at festivals and rituals Complex Religion Religious and contact with the Gods was an important part of their daily life. Mayan shamans took hallucinogenic mushrooms to induce trance-like states during performances and rituals. Their gods had animal nature. the Olmec Dragon, the Bird Monster, the Fish Monster, the Banded-eye God, the Water God, the Maize God, the Were-jaguar and the Feathered Serpent THE COLLAPSE AND DESTRUCTION OF THE NEW WORLD THE AGE OF DISCOVERY WHY? SPICIES GOLD LAND EXPANSION RELIGION CORTES CONQUERED THE AZTEC EMPIRE Moctezuma II, the Aztec leader, believed that Cortés was a god. Moctezuma sent Cortés gifts, including gold. Cortés wanted more gold, so he went to Moctezuma. Cortés took Moctezuma prisoner. The other Aztecs attacked Cortés and his men. The Spanish were driven out, but Moctezuma was killed. PIZARRO CONQUERED THE INCAS A CIVIL WAR BEGAN IN THE INCA EMPIRE BETWEEN THE TWO SONS OF THE KING, ATAHUALPA AND HUÁSCAR. ATAHUALPA EVENTUALLY WON THE WAR AND RULED THE EMPIRE. A GROUP OF CONQUISTADORS LED BY FRANCISCO PIZARRO ARRIVED IN THE EMPIRE. THEY DEMANDED THAT ATAHUALPA CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY. MOCTEZUMA II, THE AZTEC LEADER, BELIEVED THAT CORTÉS WAS A GOD. THE INCAS TRIED TO FREE ATAHUALPA WITH A ROOMFUL OF GOLD AND SILVER, BUT THE SPANISH KILLED HIM ANYWAY. "A ignorant people is his blind instrument of his own destruction" SIMON BOLIVAR He was known as "El Libertador" (The Liberator). The independence of Latin America After the natives of South America lost most of their control, South America was primarily dominated by the Spanish. It was initiated by the Spanish conquistadors and developed by the Monarchy It lasted for over four hundred years, from 1492 to 1898. THANK YOU! A century of war and conflicts To Know more Contemporary Latin Culture Writers Julio Cortazar Jorge Luis Borges Gabriel Garcia Marquez Adolfo Bioy Casares Mario Vargas Llosa FEATURED ARTIST DIEGO RIVERA FRIDA KHALO FERNANDO BOTERO