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ghost stories

Prose Study
STARTER 10 min.s
Outline course content
Prepare questions on genre.
Create class framework to
Introduce title of first story – discuss what
title offers
Go over pupils’ responses to framework 1
& ensure they’ve found suitable quotes &
made appropriate comments.
Discuss pupils’ research on writer
Introduce the concept of narrative
Go over pupils' responses to framework 2
& ensure they’ve found suitable quotes &
made appropriate comments.
Introduce title of second story – discuss
what title offers
Go over pupils' responses to framework 1
& ensure they’ve found suitable quotes &
made appropriate comments
Revise the concept of narrative structure
Go over pupils' responses to framework 2
& ensure they’ve found suitable quotes &
made appropriate comments.
Introduce title of third story – discuss
what title offers
Go over pupils' responses to framework 1
& ensure they’ve found suitable quotes &
made appropriate comments
Revise the concept of narrative structure
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DEVELOPMENT 15 mins read 15 mins task
Explore soc./hist. context of ghost story
genre (article will need to be adapted)
Draft paragraph on history of genre.
PLENARY 10 mins
Check understanding
Read first quarter of story & discuss.
Using framework 1, model how to explore
techniques used to hook reader.
Read next quarter of story & explore setting.
Pupils note down quotes.
Pupils find own examples of
techniques & complete
framework 1
What mood is created by the
Read next quarter of story, focusing on way
in which the writer builds tension.
Complete framework 2.
Read ending of story.
Complete framework 3
Go over findings of pupils.
Peer proof-reading
Complete paragraph on
history of genre. Research
information on writer.
Go over findings of pupils.
Read first quarter of story & discuss.
Using framework 1, model how to explore
techniques used to hook reader
Read next quarter of story & explore setting.
Pupils note down quotes.
Pupils find own examples of
techniques & complete
framework 1
What mood is created by the
Read next quarter of story, focusing on way
in which the writer builds tension.
Complete framework 2.
Read ending of story.
Complete framework 3
Go over findings of pupils
Read first quarter of story & discuss.
Using framework 1, model how to explore
techniques used to hook reader
Read next quarter of story & explore setting.
Pupils note down quotes.
Pupils find own examples of
techniques & complete
framework 1
What mood is created by the
Read next quarter of story, focusing on way
in which the writer builds tension.
Complete framework 2.
Go over findings of pupils
Draft a paragraph on your
opinions of the first story
Create framework for less
able pupils.
Go over findings of pupils.
Draft a paragraph on your
opinions of the second
Create framework for less
able pupils.
Prose Study
STARTER 10 min.s
Go over pupils' responses to framework 2
& ensure they’ve found suitable quotes &
made appropriate comments.
Introduce title of fourth story – discuss
what title offers
DEVELOPMENT 15 mins read 15 mins task
Read ending of story.
Complete framework 3
PLENARY 10 mins
Go over findings of pupils.
Read first quarter of story & discuss.
Using framework 1, model how to explore
techniques used to hook reader
Read next quarter of story & explore setting.
Pupils note down quotes.
Pupils find own examples of
techniques & complete
framework 1
What mood is created by the
Read next quarter of story, focusing on way
in which the writer builds tension.
Complete framework 2.
Read ending of story.
Complete framework 3
Go over findings of pupils
Read first quarter of story & discuss.
Using framework 1, model how to explore
techniques used to hook reader
Read next quarter of story & explore setting.
Pupils note down quotes.
Pupils find own examples of
techniques & complete
framework 1
What mood is created by the
Revise the concept of narrative structure
Read next quarter of story, focusing on way
in which the writer builds tension.
Complete framework 2.
Go over findings of pupils
Go over pupils' responses to framework 2
& ensure they’ve found suitable quotes &
made appropriate comments.
Introduce essay plan
Read ending of story.
Complete framework 3
Go over findings of pupils.
Explore structure of essay & useful paragraph
Give pupils a range of paragraphs , & in
groups assess these applying c/w criteria
Pupils create list of do’s & do
Compare grades
Go over pupils' responses to framework 1
& ensure they’ve found suitable quotes &
made appropriate comments
Revise the concept of narrative structure
Go over pupils' responses to framework 2
& ensure they’ve found suitable quotes &
made appropriate comments.
Introduce title of fifth story – discuss what
title offers
Go over pupils' responses to framework 1
& ensure they’ve found suitable quotes &
made appropriate comments
Take a paragraph from a past essay & show
how examiners would apply coursework
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Draft a paragraph on your
opinions of the third story
Create framework for less
able pupils.
Go over findings of pupils.
Draft a paragraph on your
opinions of the fourth
Create framework for less
able pupils.
Draft a paragraph on your
opinions of the fifth story
Create framework for less
able pupils.
Prose Study
STARTER 10 min.s
Peer proof-reading of introduction
DEVELOPMENT 15 mins read 15 mins task
Make a class list of key elements in ghost
stories. Explore similarities & differences.
Class selects 3 best openings & explore the
techniques used.
PLENARY 10 mins
What have you learnt about the
ghost story genre?
Revise point/quote/comment
Model how to write a section on the
stories' beginnings
Pupils draft own version
Peer proof-reading
Introduce holiday homework
Continue drafting
Put 5 titles of stories in order of preference.
Which are the most effective? Why?
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Complete introduction
Complete section on
Prose Study
Literary Ghost Story Study Guidelines
Essay title: In your study of nineteenth century ghost short stories, what have you learnt
about the ghost story genre, and what makes an effective story?
Show understanding of what a ghost story is & how it is different to other types of story.
Show understanding of the history of ghost stories
Middle Sections
Write about the title of the stories you have read
Refer to at least two or three.
Do they give a clue as to what will happen?
Why are the titles important?
Write about the beginning of the stories you have read
Refer to at least two or three.
How do the stories grab your attention?
Are the stories written in the 3rd or the 1st person?
How are the characters described?
Look at the words chosen. What moods are created by
word pictures?
How do the writers get the reader to read on?
Write about the setting
Look at the clues in the descriptions of rooms & houses,
or the weather
Are the settings typical of Victorian ghost stories?
What kind of mood is created?
Write about the suspense
How does the writers get the reader to read on? How
does he or she hook the reader's attention?
Does the tension gradually build to a climax in the stories
or does the tension build, then fade away, then build
Describe the climax of the stories.
How is the ghost described?
Is the ending satisfying?
Conclusion This is the most important section as you can write about what you have learnt
about ghost stories overall and show your own individual thinking.
Which stories do you prefer? Show understanding of the stories' underlying meanings (read between
the lines), the reasons & messages the writers want to convey. Show understanding of the writers'
use of language to create effects.
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Prose Study
What are the ingredients that make a successful ghost story?
In this essay I will be writing about the ghost story genre. The ghost story is different to other types of story
because it …..
Ghosts have always appeared in plays and stories; for example…………….
People still enjoy ghost stories in works such as ………………………………
In the nineteenth century ghost stories became very popular because….
Before the ghost story became fashionable, the …............... was popular.
The ghost story was different to this as………………..
I think the reason that Victorians enjoyed ghost stories was because…………..
I will be studying the stories of …………………. and exploring the important elements in these stories such as
……………………, which make the reader want to read on.
The title of a story is very often important because………………..
Middle Sections
…………………………… is an effective title as it catches the reader’s attention.
It suggests that……………….
…………………………….is another good title as it makes me think that……………
The titles are important because…………..
The short story writer has to attract the reader’s attention straightaway so the beginning of a story is
In the beginning of …………., ……………………………. (more details on how the writer has tried to
catch the reader’s attention)
A story can be told in different ways. ……………………. is told in the first/third person.( Give example)
The advantage/disadvantage of the first person/third person narrative is that ………….
The writer has chosen first/third person narrative to tell the story because………………….
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Prose Study
The main character in this story is described as …………… This suggests/implies that he/she
( write about how the character is presented, including details about appearance, actions, ways
of talking etc)
The writer has used language in the beginning to create effects. He/She has used words such as
……………………..which creates a mood of ……….
The writer has used short sentences for impact/ an appeal to the senses/ alliteration/ effective verbs/
personification/ metaphors/ similes ( give example) because ……( make a comment)
The setting of a story is important because………………
……………….. is set in …………………………….
The writer uses adjectives/metaphors/similes such as………………….to create a mood of ………………..
A typical setting in a Victorian ghost story might include ……….
This setting is typical/ not at all typical of a Victorian ghost story which I would expect to have ………….
The short story writer has to capture the reader’s attention with an effective opening and then has to make
sure to keep their attention throughout. In the novel the writer has more time for slower scenes as too much
action would ………………….
The short story writer must build tension throughout the action. He/she can either increase the tension
slowly , building to a climax, or build it up, then let it drop, then increase it again until the climax. ( give
( now include techniques that you have noticed writers use. These techniques include:
repetition, leaving things unsaid, keeping the reader guessing, making the reader sympathise
with the character, dropping clues rather than explaining everything)
Endings are important because ……
In …………… the ending has been given extra impact by………………
(does it provide a twist in the tale/ withhold important information right to the end/ gives clues
so that the reader can guess what will happen next/ leaves the reader guessing?)
Useful phrases
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In conclusion
I believe
I prefer
It is clear that
Prose Study
Why has the writer chosen this title?
Techniques used
first/third person
an appeal to the
effective verbs
short sentences
for impact
long list sentence
to build tension
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Prose Study
Does the tension gradually build to a climax in the stories or does the tension build, then fade away, then build
List the scary points in the story
Does the tension build slowly and reach a climax or does it go up and down?
Techniques used
leaving things unsaid
keeping the reader
making the reader
sympathise with the
Techniques used
does it provide a twist
in the tale?
withhold important
information right to
the end
gives clues so that the
reader can guess what
will happen next
leaves the reader
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