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Childcare Nappy Changing Procedures & Policy: ACECQA Guidelines

 My name is Jashinta and I have been in childcare
industry for over 10 years. Most of this 10 years has
been, in family day care but I have also worked in long
day care Centres.
Nappy Changing
Childcare Industry
Ice breaker and Introduction
by Class
House Keeping
 Toilets are on the left hand side as you leave the room.
 Phones are to be on Silent. If you need to take calls,
please take calls outside the room.
 Please make yourselves aware of the fire exists which
are located at both ends of this room.
 In case of emergency evacuation, a Fire Warden will
come to guide us to the designated assembly area,
which is on the other side of the road.
Ground Rules
 Being respectful towards everyone.
 No swearing in class.
 Not using phone in class.
 Everyone should participate.
Consequences for breaking
Ground Rules
 Apologize to everyone for being disrespectful.
 Person swearing had to add $1.00 to the Swear jar,
every time he/she swears.
 Phones will be taken off during class times and given
back on breaks and when we finish for the day.
 If there is lack of participation from a student, they will
be asked to lead the class.
ACECQA and its role in Childcare
Assessment and Rating in Childcare
Nappy changing Policy
Nappy changing Procedure
Additional Strategies that are helpful for nappy change
Statutory Legislation and Considerations that Relate to Nappy changing
Practical demonstration of a Nappy change procedure
Hand washing
Importance of using policy and procedure for nappy change in childcare.
Learning the correct nappy change procedure and being able to follow it.
Learning the importance of the nappy change policy and procedures and why Educators have
to follow this procedure
The Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority who works with all governments to
provide guidance, resources and services to support the sector to improve outcomes for children.
ACECQA works with the Australian and state and territory governments to:
implement changes that benefit children birth to 13 years of age and their families
monitor and promote the consistent application of the Education and Care Services National
Law across all states and territories.
Assessment and Rating in
Nappy Changing Policy
Nappy Change policy aims to ensure best practice guidelines are adhered to for nappy
changing and toileting. Ensuring the area is hygienic, reducing the spread of infectious disease.
Meeting the needs of children by providing clean nappies and a safe and hygienic place for
changing children is a basic need that is important for children’s comfort and happiness.
“Nappy changing and toileting rituals are also valuable opportunities to promote children’s
learning, meet individual needs and to develop strong relationships with children. Having their
needs met in a caring and responsive way builds children’s sense of trust and security—which
relates strongly to the Early Years Learning Framework.”
Goals / What are we going to do?
The education and care service will follow best practice guidelines for nappy changing to
ensure the area is hygienic and to reduce the spread of infectious disease. The education and
care service aims to make the nappy change experience a relaxed, happy and social routine
that provides an opportunity for educators and children to further develop trusting and positive
Nappy Changing Procedure
We aim to ensure best practice guidelines are adhered to for nappy changing and toileting. Ensuring
the area is hygienic, reducing the spread of infectious disease.
Additional Strategies
*Nappy change bins will have a ‘hands-free’ lid. Nappy bins will be located out of children’s reach,
in a child proof cupboard where possible. Nappy bins will be emptied once during the day and at the
end of each day. This may need to be done more regularly if there are soiled nappies.
*Educators will clean nappy change mats and areas after each use. They will be thoroughly cleaned
with hot soapy and water and paper towel after each use. Nappy change mats will be placed in
direct sunlight after being cleaned.
Statutory Legislation and Considerations
that Relate to Nappy Changing
Education and Care Services National Regulations
Children (Education and Care Services) National Law NSW
156 Relationships in groups
103 Premises, furniture and equipment to be safe, clean and in good repair
105 Furniture, materials and equipment
106 Laundry and hygiene facilities
109 Toilet and hygiene facilities
115 Premises designed to facilitate supervision
Practical Demonstration
Show Quality Areas Poster
Importance of using policy and Procedures for
Nappy Change
The policy and procedures will ensure safe and hygienic practices are being practiced and
children are experiencing toileting and nappy changing that supports their health and wellbeing.
Appropriate, respectful procedures and practices can promote learning and capacity building.
Policy and procedures helps to minimise any risk of infection.
What we covered?
ACECQA and its role in Childcare.
Assessment and Rating
Purpose of Nappy change policy and procedures
Demonstrated and learnt how to nappy change