International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 On the Homogeneous Ternary Quadratic Diophantine Equation 3x y 2 xy 12 z 2 2 H. Ayesha Begum1, T.R. Usha Rani2 1PG Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Shrimati Indira Gandhi College, Trichy-2, Tamil Nadu, India. Professor, Department of Mathematics, Shrimati Indira Gandhi College, Trichy-2, Tamil Nadu, India. ---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2Assistant 12ab,2a Abstract – The ternary quadratic equation given by 2 3x y 2 xy 12 z 2 is considered and searched for its many different integer solutions. Eight different choices of integer solutions of the above equations are presented. A few interesting relations between the solutions and special polygonal numbers are presented. 2 10b 2 8ab, a 2 5b 2 , 18 A 2 90 B 2 72 AB, , 24 A 2 120 B 2 12 AB,9 A 2 45B 2 112 A 2 560 B 2 308 AB, , 126 A 2 630 B 2 168 AB,49 A 2 245B 2 Key Words: ternary quadratic, integer solutions. MSC subject classification: 11D09. 2a 10b 2 8ab,12ab, a 2 5b 2 2 1. INTRODUCTION The diophantine equations offer an unlimited field for research due to their variety [1-3]. In particular, one may refer [4-15] for quadratic equations with three unknowns. This communication concerns with yet another interesting equation representing 3x y 2 xy 12 z homogeneous quadratic equation with three unknowns for determining its infinitely many non-zero integral points. Also, few interesting relations among the solutions are presented. 2 Introduction of the linear transformations u v 0 x uv , y u v (2) in (1) leads to t m,n n term of a regular polygon with m sides. th n 1m 2 n1 2 2 However, we have solutions for (1), which are illustrated below: 2 2. Notations , 216 A 1080 B 108 AB , , 126 A 2 630 B 2 792 AB ,81A 2 405B 2 2 2 1134A 5670B 1512AB, 2 2 2 2 504A 2520B 4788AB,441A 2205B 2 Triangular number of rank n, T3,n 5u 2 v 2 6 z 2 Different patterns of solutions of (1) are presented below. nn 1 2 3.1. PATTERN-1 Write ‘6’ as 3. Method of Analysis: The ternary quadratic diophantine equation to be solved for its non-zero distinct integral solution is 3x y 2 xy 12z 2 2 (3) 6 1 i 5 1 i 5 Assume (1) Note that (1) is satisfied by the following non-zero integer solutions. (4) z a 2 5b 2 where a and (5) b are non- zero distinct integers. Using (4) and (5) in (3), we get 5u 2 v 2 1 i 5 1 i 5 a 2 5b 2 2 Equating the positive and negative factors, the resulting equations are © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2383 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 5u 1 i 5 a i 5b v i 5u 1 i 5 a i 5b 2 v i 2 v (7) Replacing Equating real and imaginary parts in (6), we get v a 5b 10ab 2 Substituting the values of u and v in (2) we get, x xa, b 2a 2 10b 2 8ab (8) y ya, b 12ab (9) a and b by 3 A and 3B 1 9 A2 45B 2 126 AB 3 v 1 63 A2 315B 2 90 AB 3 Substituting the values of xa,1 ya,1 4t3,a 2 Pra 2t 4,a 0mod 2 xa,1 ya,1 za,1 4t3,a 23 Pra 23t 4,a 0mod 3 za, a 1 4t 4,a 10 Pra 0mod 5 (14) PROPERTIES: 3.2. PATTERN-2 x1, a z1, a 75 Pra 174t3,a 87t 4,a 0mod 3 xa 1,1 ya 1,1 12t3,a 90 Pra 90t 4,a 0mod 2 z1, a y1, a 90t3,a 27 Pra 27t 4,a 27 is a cubical integer. Write ‘6’ as 3.3. PATTERN-3 6 7 i 5 7 i 5 Write ‘6’ as (10) 9 6 Using (5) and (10) in (3), we get 5u 2 v 2 7 i 5 7 i 5 a 9 2 5b 2 7 i 5 a i 5b 3 2 7 i 5 a i 5b 5u 3 2 5u 2 v 2 © 2019, IRJET | (11) 17 i 5 17 i 5 a 5b 49 2 2 2 v i 5u 17 i 5 a i 5b 7 (16) v i 5u 17 i 5 a i 5b 7 (17) (12) Impact Factor value: 7.211 (15) 49 Equating the positive and negative factors, the resulting equations are Equating real and imaginary parts in (11), we get 1 2 a 5b 2 14ab 3 17 i 5 17 i 5 Using (5) and (15) in (3), we get 2 Equating the positive and negative factors, the resulting equations are u (13) Thus (13) and (14) represent the distinct non-zero integral solutions of (1) in two parameters. v i u and v in (2) we get, 2 2 and from (5) z z A, B 9 A 5B PROPERTIES: v i 5u respectively, we get x x A, B 24 A2 120 B 2 12 AB y y A, B 18 A2 90 B 2 72 AB Thus (8), (9) and (5) represent the distinct non-zero integral solutions of (1) in two parameters. u u a 2 5b 2 2ab 2 1 2 7a 35b 2 10ab 3 (6) 2 2 Equating real and imaginary parts in (16), we get | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2384 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 u 1 17a 2 85b 2 10ab 7 v 1 2 a 5b 2 34ab 7 Replacing a and b by v i 5u 17 i 5 2 i 5 a i 5b 7 3 v i 5u 17 i 5 2 i 5 a i 5b 7 3 2 2 u 1 833 A2 4165B 2 490 AB 7 u 1 19a 2 95b 2 58ab 21 v 1 49 A2 245B 2 1666 AB 7 v 1 29a 2 145b 2 190ab 21 u and v in (2) we get, x x A, B 126 A2 630 B 2 168 AB y y A, B 112 A2 560 B 2 308 AB and from z z A, B 49 A 2 5B 2 (18) (19) b by 21A and 21B respectively, we get u 1 8379 A2 41895B 2 22578 AB 21 v 1 12789 A2 63945B 2 83790 AB 21 Substituting the values of u and v in (2) we get, x x A, B 1008 A2 5040 B 2 2772 AB y y A, B 210 A2 1050 B 2 520 AB PROPERTIES: Replacing a and Thus (18), and (19) represent the distinct non-zero integral solutions of (1) in two parameters. (23) Equating real and imaginary parts in (22), we get 7 A and 7 B respectively, we get Substituting the values of (22) ya, a 1 za, a 1 1918 Pra 917t 4,a 0mod 5 (24) x1, a z1, a 770t3,a 217 Pra 217t 4,a 0mod 3 and from z z A, B 441 A 2 5B 2 is a cubical number. Thus (24), and (25) represent the distinct non-zero integral solutions of (1) in two parameters. 10xa,1 ya,1 378t 4,a 140 Pra 0mod 119 3.4. PATTERN-4 PROPERTIES: One may write (3) as 5u v 6 z *1 2 2 2 (20) x1, a y1, a z1, a 315t 4,a 15960t3,a 0mod 7 xa, a 1 za, a 1 8694t 4,a 17703 Pra 0mod 3 ya,1 za,1 462t3,a 4977 Pra 4977t 4,a 0mod 3 Write ‘1’ as 2 i 5 2 i 5 1 9 (21) 3.5. PATTERN-5 Using (4), (5) and (21) in (20), we get 5u 2 v 2 (25) 17 i 5 17 i 5 2 i 5 2 i 5 a 49 9 5u 2 v 2 6 z 2 2 5b 2 z 2 2 v2 5 u2 z 2 z vz v 5u z u z Equating the positive and negative factors, the resulting equations are (26) Equation (26) is written in the form of ratio as © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2385 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 zv uz p ,q 0 5u z z v q vu z u p ,q 0 6z u v u q (27) From the First and third factors of (27), we have From the First and third factors of (32), we have zv p 5u z q v u p 6z u q z vq 5u v p 0 uq 6 p vq 6 zp 0 (28) From the second and third factors of (28), we have z u p v u q u z q z v p 0 uq p vp zq 0 (29) Applying the method of cross multiplication for solving (28) and (29), Applying the method of cross multiplication for solving (33) and (34), u 6 p 2 q 2 v 5 p 2 q 2 10 pq v 6 p 2 q 2 12 pq z 5 p 2 q 2 z 6 p 2 q 2 2 pq v in (2) we get x x p, q 10 p 2 2q 2 8 pq y y p, q 12 pq Thus (30) along with the value of solutions to (1) z Substituting the values of represent the integer ya,1 za,1 24t3,a 7t 4,a 0mod1 z (35) represent the integer xa,1 a ya,1 a 28 Pra 10t 4,a 0mod 2 z1, a 1 8t3,a 3t 4,a 0mod 3 y1, a z1, a 11t 4,a 14 Pra 0 is a nasty number. 3.6. PATTERN-6 v in (2) we get v PROPERTIES: xa,1 a ya,1 a za,1 a 20t 4,a 0mod 1 u 6 z u 2 and Thus (35) along with the value of solutions to (1) x1, a z1, a 5 Pra 6t3,a 5t 4,a 0mod 5 2 u x x p, q 12 p 2 12 pq 2 y y p, q 2q 12 pq (30) PROPERTIES: (34) u 5 p 2 q 2 2 pq Substituting the values of u and (33) From the second and third factors of (32), we have uz p z v q (32) 2 2 3.7. PATTERN-7 v u v u 6z u z u Equation (3) is written in the form of ratio as uz 3u z p ,q 0 2u z u v q (31) One may write equation (31) in the form of ratio as (36) From the First and third factors of (32), we have © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2386 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 6z v 6z v 6a b 6a b 6 1 6 1 uv p 2u v q 2 uq 2 p vq 2 zp 0 Equating positive and negative factors, the resulting equations are (37) From the second and third factors of (36), we have 3u z p u v q 6z v 6z v (38) v z 2 p 2 3q 2 2 pq y ya, b 2b 2 12ab and (39) z (46) (47) x1, a 1 y1, a 1 28 Pra 26t 4,a 0mod 2 represent the integer y1, a z1, a 9t 4,a 20t 3,a 0 is a nasty number. za, a 1 18t 3,a 5 Pra 5t 4,a 0mod 1 za,1 a Pra 6t3,a t 4,a 0mod 3 4. REMARKABLE OBSERVATIONS: x1, a y1, a z1, a 26 Pra 35t 4,a 0 is a Let nasty number. za,1 xa,1 20t3,a 12t 4,a 0mod 3 u , v , z be any given integer solution of (3), 0 0 0 Then, each of the following triples of non-zero distinct integers based on u0 , v0 , z0 also satisfies (1). 3.8. PATTERN-8 4.1. Equation (3) can be written as 6 z 2 v 2 5u 2 u 6a 2 b 2 6 1 Triple 1: u 0 h, v0 , z0 h Here, (40) 1 n n 12 1 10 u 0 12 1 12 z 0 v0 2 1 n n yn 12 1 10 u 0 12 1 12 z 0 v0 2 1 n n zn 10 1 10 u 0 10 1 12 z 0 2 xn (41) Write ‘5’ as in (2) we get PROPERTIES: PROPERTIES: 6 1 (44) Thus (45), (46) and (47) represent the distinct non-zero integral solutions of (1) in two parameters. v in (2) we get Thus (39) along with the value of solutions to (1) and x xa, b 12a 2 12ab u (43) (45) u Substituting the values of x x p, q 4 p 2 12 pq 2 y y p, q 6q 12 pq 5 2 v 2 p 2 3q 2 12 pq Substituting the values of Assume 6 1 z 6a 2 b 2 2ab u 2 p 2 3q 2 6 1 2 v 6a 2 b 2 12ab Applying the method of cross multiplication for solving (37) and (38), 6a b 6a b Equating rational and irrational parts in (43), we get u3q p vp 3zq 0 2 (42) Using (41), (42) in (40) and employing the method of factorization the above equation (40) is written as © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2387 4.2. 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