See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Laser cladding repair of turbine blades in power plants: From research to commercialisation Article in International Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering · September 2009 DOI: 10.1179/174951409X12542264513843 CITATIONS READS 27 1,728 5 authors, including: Milan Brandt Shoujin Sun RMIT University Griffith University 299 PUBLICATIONS 4,266 CITATIONS 95 PUBLICATIONS 2,342 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Philip Bendeich Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation 43 PUBLICATIONS 419 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: 3D Printed(SLM) Titanium Scaffold for Improved Bone Tissue Regeneration View project Development of Ti64 TPMS Gyroid Structures via SLM for Orthopaedic Implants View project All content following this page was uploaded by Milan Brandt on 08 July 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE TECHNICAL PAPER Laser cladding repair of turbine blades in power plants: from research to commercialisation M. Brandt*1, S. Sun1, N. Alam2, P. Bendeich3 and A. Bishop4 Reliable and efficient power generation is a major global issue due to both political and environmental concerns. Nevertheless, many critical components, particularly the blades of the low pressure (LP) side of power generating steam turbines, are subject to failure due to severe erosion at the leading edges. Since taking machines offline for maintenance and removal of damaged blade for repair is extremely expensive, increasing the service life of these critical components offers significant economic and political benefits. Conventional techniques to increase service life include brazing of an erosion shield at the leading edge of the turbine blade, open arc hardfacing, and cladding with erosion resistant materials using gas tungsten, manual metal or plasma transferred arc welding. The authors have been investigating since 2001 the use of laser cladding technology to deposit a high quality and erosion resistant protection shield on the leading edge of LP blades. The project has demonstrated the feasibility of in situ repair of turbine blades in trials conducted at a power station using a fibre delivered diode laser and a robot. A company, Hardwear Pty Ltd, was established in late 2005 to commercialise this technology and has to date carried out successfully several commercial contracts involving the repair of 340 LP blades. Keywords: Steam turbine erosion, Diode laser, In situ repair, Laser cladding, Low pressure steam blades Introduction In the conventional generation of electricity from fossil fuelled power stations, a boiler is used to heat water to produce steam. This steam is superheated and then enters a turbine where the stored energy is used to turn the turbine shaft which then turns a generator. Superheated steam is very dry and causes no mechanical damage to the blades. In a typical boiler, the superheated steam enters the high pressure stage of the turbine at y545uC and 16?5 MPa pressure. The same steam is returned to the boiler through the hot reheat system, after which it enters the intermediate pressure stage of the turbine, again at y545uC but only at 4?5 MPa pressure. The steam then goes directly to the low pressure (LP) stage by which time the inlet temperature has dropped to y215uC and the outlet pressure is basically below atmospheric (5?7 kPa) as the steam enters the condenser. A typical LP stage is shown in Fig. 1. 1 Industrial Laser Applications Laboratory, IRIS, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Vic., Australia CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering, Melbourne, Vic., Australia 3 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas Heights, Sydney, NSW, Australia 4 Welding Technology Institute of Australia, Melbourne, Vic., Australia 2 *Corresponding author, email ß 2009 IHTSE Partnership Published by Maney on behalf of the Partnership DOI 10.1179/174951409X12542264513843 As the steam exits the turbine, the pressure drop may be enough to start the condensation of water droplets. This is a function of the turbine design and the temperature–pressure relationship at the exit. Since these droplets have greater mass and inertia than the vapour phase, they do not attain the same velocity as the expanding steam. Their velocity relative to the leading edge of the last row blade, commonly manufactured from martensitic stainless steel, UNS 42000, is very high and oriented directly towards the leading edge leading to water droplet erosion.1,2 One of the methods the manufacturers have used to minimise the erosion is to add a shield to the blades in the area where there is erosion. The materials tried as a shield include Stellite 6, a cobalt based alloy and tool steels. The shields are often used as pressed and sintered part and are attached to the blade using a silver brazing alloy. This has proven to extend the life of the blades considerably, but over time shields also erode as shown in Fig. 2a. On some blades, the shields are too short so that the blade material itself is subject to severe erosion after only a few years in service as shown in Fig. 2b. Over the years, researchers have investigated the potential of repairing erosion damaged turbine blades by laser cladding. Laser cladding is a laser surfacing process in which the objective is to cover a particular part of the substrate with material which has superior International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering iht84.3d 19/10/09 22:10:13 The Charlesworth Group, Wakefield +44(0)1924 369598 - Rev 7.51n/W (Jan 20 2003) 2009 VOL 3 NO 3 1 Brandt et al. ; Laser cladding repair of turbine blades in power plants costs involved in replacing blades are substantial. Each LP blade is in the order of AU$5000 and since there are typically 90 blades per row and two rows affected per tribune, blade replacement alone is some A$1m. Added to this is the production loss of electricity of y30 days in the range from A$100 000 to A$200 000 per day adding up to another A$3m to A$6m. In 2001, the Cooperative Research Centre for Welded Structures and the Welding Technology Institute of Australia arranged funding from a group of power stations in Australia to develop a suite of research projects that could benefit the group. One of the research projects was to investigate the possibility of in situ laser repair of LP blades, that is, on site repair and without removing the blades from the rotor. The vertical blade surface and restricted space in which the clad had to be applied presented some challenges from the practical application of the technology (Fig. 3). At the start of the project, laser cladding a surface that was not horizontal created complexity due to the effects of gravity on the coaxial powder delivery to the melt pool.9 In such nozzles, the powder biased towards the bottom of the coaxial delivery annulus resulting in an uneven distribution of powder across the melt pool and a potential for clogging of powder during delivery within the nozzle. Experimental results showed that with a biasing of powder flow, a maximum tilt angle of y20u from the vertical was possible before there were significant effects within the clad layer. The design of the powder delivery nozzle was therefore a critical element of this project. It had to have a coaxial powder delivery, operate in a horizontal direction, be compact enough to fit the space between the blades and be robust enough to work outside the laboratory. This was achieved by developing a distributed type nozzle with multiple powder delivery apertures rather than a single annulus. By measuring the laser beam intensity profiles at and around the focus, it was possible to arrange the powder feed to as closely match the laser spot on the surface of the blade.10 By limiting the laser power used to 2 kW at the workpiece and using standoff distances greater than 10 mm, high reliability clads up to 1 mm in thickness with powder efficiencies typically y50% were obtained. The cladding head was also constructed in a modular form to allow rapid replacement of components should failure occur and to facilitate rapid change to cladding conditions or powder. ONLINE COLOUR ONLY 1 Typical low pressure stage from 200 MW turbine showing the blades properties, producing a fusion bond between the two with minimal mixing (dilution) of the clad by the substrate. The process has received a lot of attention over the years and is now applied commercially in a range of industries such as the automotive, mining and aerospace. For turbine blade repair, the process offers controlled dilution and bonding with the substrate, low heat input, hence low level of distortion and fine microstructure due to rapid melt cooling rates.3–6 In addition, the developments in laser technology itself such as the fibre coupled diode lasers and fibre lasers7,8 open the possibility of bringing the laser to the part. Laser cladding technology has been successfully applied to the repair of leading edge of turbine blades with the increased complexity of cladding blades, while they are still attached to the LP rotor (total mass: 27 t) and while located at the power station, that is, in situ. The technology involves a portable fibre coupled diode laser, a robot and a specially developed powder delivery nozzle. Presented and discussed in this paper are some of the issues examined in achieving this outcome. Powder delivery and cladding nozzle Power station operators when faced with blade erosion issues have the choice of completely replacing worn blades with new blades or fitting new shields. In either event, the blades have to be removed from the rotor. The ONLINE COLOUR ONLY 2 Erosion of a shield and b blade past shield after some 10 and 8 years in service respectively 2 International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering 2009 VOL 3 NO 3 International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering iht84.3d 19/10/09 22:10:41 The Charlesworth Group, Wakefield +44(0)1924 369598 - Rev 7.51n/W (Jan 20 2003) Brandt et al. Laser cladding repair of turbine blades in power plants ; ONLINE COLOUR ONLY 3 a position of blades on rotor showing limited access to leading edge: spacing between blades is y40 mm; shown is compact powder delivery nozzle which was developed for application, and b powder flows from nozzle with and without shielding gas In service, the cladding head was found to be remarkably robust in its performance being able to provide reliable clads over significant changes in nozzle workpiece distance, powder types and surfaces angled with respect to the incident laser beam. An international patent application on the nozzle design has been lodged.11 Experimental programme Initially, a series of experiments were conducted in the laboratory using a fibre coupled Nd:YAG laser. Following the purchase of a fibre coupled diode laser, further experiments were conducted. The experiments investigated the optimum parameters for producing metallurgically sound clad layers with low dilution, and no cracks or porosity.12,13 In addition, experiments were also carried out on a range of alloy powders to determine their erosion resistance. Other issues were anticipated. These included the development of residual stresses during cladding and the effect the distortion would have on the blades. Also considered was the issue of robot programming for a relatively complex surface profile of the LP blades. This experimental programme took some 3 years to complete before embarking on field trials. Materials The powder used was Stellite 6 with the particle size in the range of 50–120 mm. The substrate initially was a plate 10 mm thick of SS 420 grade stainless steel, which has a similar chemical composition to that of LP steam turbine blades. Following this, experiments were conducted on spare worn blades to better optimise the parameters and procedures. The chemical composition of clad powder and substrate is listed in Table 1. Table 1 Nominal chemical composition (wt-%) of Stellite 6 powder and substrate C Si Mn Cr Co W Fe Mo Ni V Stellite 6 1.57 1.0 0.3 28.7 Bal. 3.9 0.4 0.6 1.6 … SS420 0.41 0.7 0.45 14.3 … … Bal. 0.6 0.2 0.2 Laser cladding The cladding was performed with a Laserline fibre coupled diode laser with maximum output power of 3?5 kW and a Motoman robot. The cladding powder, delivered at a given mass flowrate, was injected into the laser spot on the workpiece through the coaxial nozzle which was positioned horizontally relative to the stationary workpiece. The robot scan rate was selected to represent a range of speeds up to 2000 mm min21. Both single track and multitrack clads were prepared to investigate the dilution, distortion and cracking. The multitrack was achieved by moving the laser beam at a range of increments from 0?75 to 2?0 mm. Metallurgical analysis The microstructure was examined under optical and scanning electron microscopy. The clad samples were cross-sectioned, mounted, polished and etched with Marble’s reagent to reveal the heat affected zone. The thicknesses of the clad layer and heat affected zone (HAZ) were measured on the optical microscopy images. The clad layer was etched electrolytically in 4% nital at 10 V direct current to reveal its structure. The variation of clad microstructure along its length and height was observed by optical microscopy. The elemental analysis in the unetched clad layer was carried out by energy dispersive X-ray analyser. The dilution was calculated based on both the elementary analysis and geometry measurement for the multitrack clad. Microhardness across the clad and heat affected zone was measured in accordance with the ASTM E9282 using a Buehler Micromet 2100 microhardness tester. Blade distortion Before embarking on the field trials, it was envisaged that there would be an issue with residual stress. Laboratory trials were undertaken in an attempt to create the anticipated residual stress and measure the subsequent amount of distortion. Test coupons of dimensions 100632 mm having a tapered profile similar to a blade were machined from the blade material. Illustrated in Fig. 4 is the experimental set-up for measuring distortion. International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering iht84.3d 19/10/09 22:10:46 The Charlesworth Group, Wakefield +44(0)1924 369598 - Rev 7.51n/W (Jan 20 2003) = 2009 VOL 3 NO 3 3 Brandt et al. ; Laser cladding repair of turbine blades in power plants cavitation erosion apparatus. The apparatus consisted of a power supply, piezoelectric transducer, amplifier and horn. Erosion samples having a diameter of 24?8 mm and a mass between 18 and 21 g polished to a 1 mm finish, were preweighed to ¡0?1 mg and attached to the end of the horn. The erosion tests were conducted at vibration frequency of around 20 kHz and amplitude of 50 mm. Most of the tests were run for 34 h. Tests were interrupted at regular intervals to examine changes occurring to the erosion surface using an optical microscope and to measure weight loss. The weight loss was plotted against time. Erosion damaged surfaces were also analysed to characterise the erosion process and to establish correlations with microstructures. Detailed description of the tests and results is presented in Ref. 14. ONLINE COLOUR ONLY Stress measurements The deposition of a Stellite 6 clad layer on a steel substrate results in the generation of residual stresses in the clad region due to a number of complex mechanisms. These include differences in thermal expansion between the Stellite 6 (coefficient of thermal expansion from room temperature to 900uC is 15?56 1026 mm mm21 uC21) and parent metal (coefficient of thermal expansion from room temperature to 900uC is 11?761026 mm mm21 uC21) during cooling, thermal strains resulting from differences in heating/cooling at differing locations and the directional stiffness within the sections present. Both test coupons and a section of a LP blade were prepared for stress measurements. Residual stress measurements were carried out using the neutron diffraction method so that strains could be measured at depth. Detailed description of the measurements is given in Ref. 15. 4 a experimental set-up for measuring distortion and b blade sample shape and dimensions These experiments investigated the effect a range of laser and powder parameters had on distortion. After each layer of clad, the test coupons were cooled to room temperature and measured for distortion relative to a datum point. Also investigated was the effect of stress relieving and grinding of the coating on distortion. Results and discussion Erosion testing Effect of processing parameters An important aspect of this research was the material that would exhibit high resistance to erosion damage. In the early stages of this programme, both powder and wire feedstock were considered as a possible deposition material. It was shown early in the project that wire cladding was not as forgiving as powder and the project focused on powder cladding. Erosion tests, however, were conducted with both types of samples. Samples were machined from a laser clad steel bar. The overlays were deposited using Stellite 6 and Stellite 21 in both wire and powder forms and nickel based wire. The diameter of the wire was 1?6 mm, while powder particles varied in size between 53 and 150 mm. The chemical composition of these alloys is given in Tables 2 and 3. Cavitation erosion tests were performed in distilled water in accordance with ASTM G32 using a vibratory The effects of diode laser power on clad thickness, penetration into the substrate, HAZ and dilution for constant mass flowrate and increment are illustrated in Fig. 5. It can be seen that with increasing laser power from 750 to 1500 W, the clad layer thickness increases from y0?55 to 0?74 mm. The increase in clad thickness is due to the greater amount of powder being melted at higher laser power and fused to the substrate. At the same time, the increased penetration, i.e. melting of the substrate material, is reflected in the significant rise in dilution. The effects of powder mass flowrate on clad layer thickness, penetration into substrate, HAZ and dilution for constant laser power and increment are shown in Fig. 6. The powder mass flowrate was varied from 11 to 29 g min21. The clad thickness increased from 0?24 to 1?24 mm, while the dilution decreased from 35 to 1%. During laser cladding, the laser energy is distributed into Table 2 Nominal composition (wt-%) alloy used for laser cladding Stellite Stellite Stellite Stellite 6* 6{ 21* 21{ of cobalt based C Si Mn Cr Co W Fe Mo Ni 1.10 1.21 0.22 0.25 1.0 1.3 0.5 2 0.6 0.4 0.5 1.0 62.8 59.9 61.4 58.8 4.5 4.9 … … 2 2 3 2 28.0 28.3 27.1 28.0 … 0.1 5 5.5 Table 3 Nominal composition (wt-%) of nickel based wire used for laser cladding … 2.1 2.7 2.5 *Wire form. {Powder form. 4 International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering 2009 VOL C Si Mn Cr Ni W Fe Mo Other 6/40 C0 0.35 0.08 4.5 … … … 22 16 R R 1.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 … 16 625 0.05 … 0.50 22 R … 4.5 9 B51.6 Co52.5 V50.35 Nb53.5 3 NO 3 International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering iht84.3d 19/10/09 22:10:49 The Charlesworth Group, Wakefield +44(0)1924 369598 - Rev 7.51n/W (Jan 20 2003) Brandt et al. Laser cladding repair of turbine blades in power plants ; ONLINE ONLINE COLOUR COLOUR ONLY ONLY 5 Effects of laser power on clad layer thickness, penetration into substrate, HAZ and dilution with substrate three parts: absorption by powder, absorption by substrate and reflection by powder and substrate.16 The laser energy incident on the substrate is the energy remaining after attenuation by the powder jet by either ONLINE COLOUR ONLY 6 Effects of laser power on clad layer thickness, penetration into substrate, HAZ and dilution with substrate: laser power 1500 W and increment 1?0 mm 7 Effect of scan increment on clad layer thickness, penetration into substrate, HAZ and dilution with substrate: scan velocity 800 mm min21, powder flowrate 20 g min21 and laser power 1500 W reflection or absorption. The energy attenuated by the powder is directly proportional to the powder mass flowrate. Therefore, with increasing powder mass flowrate, a greater fraction of the laser energy will be absorbed by the powder rather than the substrate, leading to an increase in clad height and a decrease in penetration into the substrate. At too high mass flowrate for a constant laser power, insufficient energy is available to melt the powder and fuse it to the substrate. The increment or centre to centre spacing between the tracks is an important parameter in laser cladding as it can significantly affect the integrity of the clad layer at the interface with substrate material,12 in particular the formation of inter track porosity which can lead to crack initiation in fatigue type situations. Shown in Fig. 7 are the effects of increasing increment on clad layer thickness, penetration, HAZ and dilution. It is clear that with increasing increment from 0?75 to 2 mm, the clad layer thickness decreases from y1?1 to 0?55 mm. The decrease in layer thickness with increasing increment is due to the decreasing overlap between the individual tracks. From these results and those of simulated blade distortion experiments described in the section on ‘Blade distortion and cracking’, the operating conditions selected were chosen to minimise any distortion while producing a metallurgically sound clad layer of less than 10% dilution at maximum scan velocity on a laboratory repaired blade. The blades were clad on the rear surface near leading edge, the front surface and the leading edge after the original worn edge shields where removed. The sequence and direction of cladding used facilitated minimal distortion while providing a wide enough International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering iht84.3d 19/10/09 22:10:55 The Charlesworth Group, Wakefield +44(0)1924 369598 - Rev 7.51n/W (Jan 20 2003) 2009 VOL 3 NO 3 5 Brandt et al. ; Laser cladding repair of turbine blades in power plants with each successive clad layer, the distortion changes. It increases significantly from the first layer to the second followed by a decrease with the deposition of the backface layers. Cladding on the leading edge does little to change the initial distortion. It can also be seen that the test coupons tend to return towards their original shape as the clad material is ground away. The main mechanisms that drive blade distortion are, first, the differential of thermal expansion between the martensitic stainless steel (11?761026 mm mm21 uC21) and Stellite 6 (15?561026 mm mm21 uC21) which causes the blade to bend towards material with the greater thermal expansion during cooling and second, the input of heat into the surface. It is clear from Fig. 10b that both of these play a significant role in blade distortion with the layer thickness being the dominant factor. The results indicate that to keep blade distortion to a minimum heat input should be kept to a minimum using low laser powers and avoiding heat build-up at edges and that the clad thickness should be kept to a minimum. This was followed in practice. Apart from minimal blade distortion, the quality of the clad layer itself needs to be maintained. It was shown in laboratory trials that with variation of the powder feed rate, laser power, clad increment and clad speed, the clad on the blade material which initially appeared good quality was in fact porous or reduced in wear resistance between the clad tracks, resulting in increased wear rates and surface flaws when ground. This results from insufficient energy to melt completely the clad track as a result of the high clad height to clad width ratio. Typically, intertrack porosity can be seen in crosssections as a small regular pore at the clad to substrate interface or on occasion by a shallow surface flaw that appears at the surface during grinding. It is believed that the surface flaw results from the failure of the weakened surface which is under tensile stress as a result of the differential expansion between the coating and substrate which leads to blade distortion. Stellite 6 clad tracks on the blades can also crack. Two modes of cracking were observed, first, cracks that appear within a clad track itself and second, cracks that appear across the clad tracks. These crack types are shown in Fig. 11. Cracking within the clad track such as that of Fig. 11a occurs where dilution rates are greater than 50% and clad temperatures are excessive. Reducing ONLINE COLOUR ONLY 8 a surface of Stellite 6 clad layer, b cross-section and c cross-section of coating around leading edge at higher magnification build-up to facilitate the reconstruction of the leading edge. Typical appearance of a clad layer is shown in Fig. 8. Microstructure of clad layers The microstructure of the Stellite 6 clad layer is shown in Fig. 9. In general, it shows a fine dendritic structure with well developed secondary arms. The dendrites consist of a face centred cubic cobalt based solid solution and are surrounded by a eutectic formed of M7C3 type carbide and face centred cubic cobalt based solid solution. The microstructure at the interface (Fig. 9b) exhibits a plane solidification front, while that near the surface of the clad layer is equiaxial. This is consistent with a decrease in the G/R ratio (temperature gradient/solidification speed) from the interface to the top of the clad layer. This type of microstructure is well suited to the erosion type environment found in the LP stage of a turbine.17 The hardness of the first clad layer was y520 HV which reduced to y500 HV after the application of second layer. Blade distortion and cracking The distortion of the coupons as a function of the different procedures for a fixed laser power of 1000 W, scan speed 1000 mm min21 and mass flowrate of 13?9 g min21 is shown in Fig. 10a. Here the distortion is measured along the leading edge. It can be seen that 9 Microstructure of clad layer a near surface and b at interface with substrate 6 International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering 2009 VOL 3 NO 3 International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering iht84.3d 19/10/09 22:11:08 The Charlesworth Group, Wakefield +44(0)1924 369598 - Rev 7.51n/W (Jan 20 2003) Brandt et al. Laser cladding repair of turbine blades in power plants ; ONLINE COLOUR ONLY 10 Distortion of test coupons during a multiple layer cladding of Stellite 6 and b different laser powers, scan speeds and mass flowrates the dilution by decreasing raster increment, laser power and/or change in scanning speed eliminated this. Cracking across the clad tracks is believed to result from high stresses that result from differential contraction after cladding. These cracks were eliminated by reducing the clad length. Erosion Erosion results for clad layers are plotted as a function of testing time in Fig. 12. It is evident from this figure that the erosion resistance of the Stellite 6 powder clad layer was similar to that of the Stellite 6 wire clad layer. However, there are slight differences in the erosion resistance for the Stellite 21 powder and wire clad layers after 20 h of testing. For this alloy, the powder clad layer was found to be less resistant than the wire clad layer. In all cases, the rate of erosion loss was ONLINE COLOUR ONLY ONLINE COLOUR ONLY 11 Cracking of Stellite 6 clad a within clad track and b across clad tracks 12 Plot of erosion loss for stellite clad layers deposited on steel substrate International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering iht84.3d 19/10/09 22:11:15 The Charlesworth Group, Wakefield +44(0)1924 369598 - Rev 7.51n/W (Jan 20 2003) 2009 VOL 3 NO 3 7 Brandt et al. ; Laser cladding repair of turbine blades in power plants ONLINE COLOUR ONLINE ONLY COLOUR ONLY 13 Comparison of cavitation erosion loss of typical low pressure (LP) blade and various cobalt and nickel based alloys: numbers above bars indicates test duration 14 Coupon stress measurements in parent metal: depth under Stellite 6 layer is indicated the Stellite 6 and HAZ are simultaneously quenched by the bulk of the substrate. As this occurs, the stellite and HAZ layers begin to contract, generating a global tensile stress balanced by compressive stresses in the substrate. As the Stellite 6 has a higher coefficient of thermal expansion, there is also a local stress gradient generated at the interface between the stellite and the HAZ. approximately constant over the first 12 h period, and then increased significantly. The nickel-based clad layers were also tested in a similar way. However, due to their high rate of erosion, these samples were only tested for 10 h. Additional testing was carried out for turbine blade to compare the erosion resistance of both cobalt and nickel based alloys with that of an LP turbine blade. The results are plotted in Fig. 13, and illustrate that the erosion resistance of the blade is substantially less than that of the laser clad layers. It also reveals that the stellite clad layers have a higher erosion resistance than the nickel base alloys. The wear mechanism in the cobalt based alloys has been studied by others18–20 and phase transformation induced by strain during the collapse of bubbles has been identified as the main reason for the increased erosion resistance. Based on these tests, it was decided to use Stellite 6 powder alloy for the trials. Field trials The stresses in the LP blade were a factor of 2 higher than those in the test coupons; nevertheless, the trend in the result is consistent with the results of the coupon measurements. A comparison of transverse stresses in the clad and post-weld heat treated (PWHT) LP blades clearly indicates the benefit of the heat treatment in minimising tensile stress. The significance of the PWHT results is that there are not the stress gradients through the parent metal that were present in the clad test coupons and clad LP blade samples. This indicates that the PWHT was effective in minimising the stresses imparted by the cladding process, thus reducing the probability of any crack generation in the clad layer. One of the power stations supporting the research, TRUEnergy at the time, now AGL Torrens Island in Adelaide, SA, Australia, agreed to participate in a field trial, and made a LP section of a 200 MW turbine available. The field trial was carried out in September 2004 during a scheduled outage. The objective was to clad a few blades and then operate the unit followed by detailed inspection and a further trial. It involved bringing all the processing equipment and personnel from Swinburne University to AGL. Repair was carried out on six blades selected by AGL staff. The trial showed that in situ laser cladding of turbine blades was feasible and practical. Shown in Fig. 15 is the robotic cladding operation at the power station. It is believed that this was the first time in the world that such an in situ application has been successfully carried out. Although successful, the trial also highlighted a number of issues such as blade preparation, blade distortion during cladding and cladding path. The leading edge of the actual blades was thinner than that of the laboratory blades which in some repaired blades resulted in distortion. Although it was of little significance to the blade performance and only in the order Stress measurements In test coupons, the stresses calculated from the strains in the parent metal (Fig. 14), within y0?5 mm of the Stellite 6 interface, appear to be in compression. A steep stress gradient occurs towards a tensile stress peaking at y1?3 mm below the interface before reversing back into compression through the majority of the thickness before translating again to a strong tensile stress near the backface of the coupon. The relatively high tensile stresses near the backface of the coupons reflect the dominance of the global bending force generated by the contraction of the stellite and HAZ at the coupon/clad interface. Examination of the test coupon results shows clearly the significance of cladding a dissimilar material, Stellite 6, onto a steel substrate at the interface region, namely, large stress gradients are generated at the interface which is a result of the dissimilar thermal expansion coefficients of the two materials. This is particularly marked between 600uC and room temperature where the Stellite 6 has thermal expansion values ranging between 1?4 and 6?5 times that of the parent metal respectively. During heating, the Stellite 6 layer behaves as a soft compliant material. As heating continues, the substrate softens in the HAZ relieving the strain. During cooling, 8 International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering 2009 VOL 3 NO 3 International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering iht84.3d 19/10/09 22:11:27 The Charlesworth Group, Wakefield +44(0)1924 369598 - Rev 7.51n/W (Jan 20 2003) Brandt et al. Laser cladding repair of turbine blades in power plants ; in processing parameters and processing technology such as the real time clad layer thickness measurement. These are currently being addressed. Shown in Fig. 16 are the as clad and ground blades from the repair activity carried out in 2008. ONLINE COLOUR Conclusions ONLY 15 In situ laser repair of eroded low pressure (LP) blade of 1?0 mm, it still warranted further investigation. The robot path also required modifications to better follow the profile of the blade and keep the distance between the cladding nozzle and surface of the blade within designed limits. Following the inspection of the laser clad blades and demonstrated improvement in erosion resistance of laser repaired blades, it was decided to conduct another trial in 2005 again at AGL. The issues of blade distortion and robot path programming were addressed in laboratory and implemented in the 2005 trial. In this trial, an additional seventeen blades were repaired. The distortion was almost eliminated being on the order of 0?3 mm in some blades. The clad path was also improved with better blade surface following path and a reduction in the speed of processing. This in particular is important when considering the repair of the full blade complement. In parallel with this, a company, Hardwear Pty Ltd, was established to commercialise this technology. The company has to date carried out laser repair at AGL in 2007 and 2008 repairing 340 LP blades in total. Further repair is planned at AGL and blade repair enquiries have been received from a number of local and overseas utilities. Similar to field trials, the large scale repair activity has also demonstrated the need for improvement The in situ laser cladding repair of steam turbine blades has been achieved using a compact coaxial laser cladding head coupled to a fibre delivered diode laser. This head facilitates even powder delivery at any angle of presentation and is modular in construction for quick repair or changing cladding conditions. To successfully clad repair the blades with Stellite 6 alloy requires controlling the amount of material deposited and care with the substrate temperature especially where edges are involved. The elimination of cracks in the clad layer is achieved by reducing dilution with substrate, reducing the length of clad and optimising cladding conditions. The clad layer thickness was shown to change as a result of the thickness of the substrate showing it also to be a parameter when cladding. The 2004 field trial showed that in situ laser cladding of turbine blades is feasible and practical. This was the first time in the world that such an application had been successfully demonstrated. In May 2005, the turbine was inspected and the laser repaired blades demonstrated good performance and no sign of damage. The October 2005 trial increased the level of confidence further in the technology through increased number of repaired blades and improved processing. A company, Hardwear Pty Ltd, was formed to commercialise the technology and has successfully delivered two commercial contracts in 2007 and 2008 respectively. It is now examining other opportunities. Finally, this project has clearly demonstrated the benefits of a partnership between industry, research providers and government in delivering a cost effective solution to a major industry problem. It also highlights the importance of having an industry champion such as the AGL Torrens Island Power Station in this project without which the commercialisation path of this technology would have been more difficult. ONLINE COLOUR ONLY 16 Laser clad blade shown in front and rear view a and b after cladding and c and d after grinding International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering iht84.3d 19/10/09 22:11:33 The Charlesworth Group, Wakefield +44(0)1924 369598 - Rev 7.51n/W (Jan 20 2003) 2009 VOL 3 NO 3 9 Brandt et al. ; Laser cladding repair of turbine blades in power plants 10. M. Brandt, J. Harris, S. Sun, B. Dempster, N. Alam and A. Bishop: ‘In-situ cladding of leading edge of LP turbine blades using fibre delivered diode laser’, Proc. Conf. ICALEO 2005, Miami, FL, USA, October–November 2005, LIA, Paper 1103. 11. J. Harris and M. Brandt: ‘Powder delivery nozzle’, Australian Provisional Patent Application PA2005904580, 2005. 12. S. Sun, M. Brandt, J. Harris and Y. Durandet: ‘The influence of Stellite 6 particles size on the inter-track porosity in multi-track cladding’, Surf. Coat. Technol., 2006, 201, 998–1005. 13. S. Sun, Y. Durandet and Y. Brandt: ‘Parametric investigation of pulsed Nd:YAG laser cladding of stellite 6 on stainless steel’, Surf. Coat. Technol., 2005, 194, 281–291. 14. A. Nazmul, H. Damien and S. Akif: ‘Erosion assessment of laser clad overlay deposited using stellite in powder and wire forms’, Proc. Conf. PICALO 2004, Melbourne, Vic., Australia, April 2004, LIA, Paper 301. 15. P. Bendeich, N. Alam, M. Brandt, D. Carr, K. Short, R. Blevins, C. Curfs, O. Kirstein, G. Atkinson, T. Holden and R. Roggee: ‘Residual stress measurements in laser clad repaired low pressure turbine blades for the power industry’, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2006, A437, 70–74. 16. H. Gedda, J. Powell, G. Wahlström,W.-B. Li, H. 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Many thanks for your assistance Query Reference Query Remarks 1 Author: Please confirm the running head. 2 Author: Please supply city, country and month of the conference. 3 Figures 3b and 4a are low quality, please supply a higher resolution version if possible. International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering iht84.3d 19/10/09 22:11:41 The Charlesworth Group, Wakefield +44(0)1924 369598 - View publication stats Rev 7.51n/W (Jan 20 2003)