Løsningsforslag oblig 7 ● What are the two main concepts in a graph data model? ○ Nodes and edges ● Which of the following data models are aggregate oriented? ○ Graph data model is not aggregate oriented. ○ Heap files is an implementation model and not a database model. ○ Relational data models can be aggregate oriented, but the term is normally only applied to NoSQL databases. ○ Key-value store is aggregate oriented. ● Name the two forms of a replication distribution model. ○ Master-slave ○ Peer-to-peer ● Can some data queries be processed on the server that houses a column family store? ○ Yes. ● Does the CAP-theorem apply to the relational data model? ○ It applies to all distributed database models. ● Which of these data forms cannot be a document store? ○ BLOB