Running head: DIFFICULTIES LEARNING IN A SCHOOL ENVIORNMENT Difficulties Learning in a School Environment Kelan Fraise Department of Psychology Albany State University DIFFICULTIES LEARNING IN A SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Table of Contents Abstract….…………....………………………………………………………………...Page 3 Introduction……………………………………………………………..….…………Pages 4Literature Review……………….……………………………………………...….......Pages Method………………....………………………………………………..………..........Page Results………...……………………………………………………......…................…Page Discussion.………………………………………………………………………….....Pages References……………………...…………………………………………..………….Pages 2 DIFFICULTIES LEARNING IN A SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Abstract The current study will focus on the difficulties and the possible causes grade students face in a school environment. The current study will also highlight grade students learning disorders and in relation to their social economic status. The present study will be a qualitative and meta-analysis study which will examine research studies that support and align with the proposed hypotheses. Selected research studies will focus on the possible reasons as to why students face difficulties in a learning environment. Studies like Ríos-Gallardo & VillanuevaBonilla (2019) will provide support for some explanations and reasons why students face learning complications in grade school. The several factors of difficulties learning in a school environment will be defined and the examples of disorders will be provided. Keywords: grade school, grade students, students, teachers, disorders, difficulties 3 DIFFICULTIES LEARNING IN A SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Introduction In Al-Oweidi (2015) article reviewing, learning disabilities (LD) issues are viewed as one of the most significant issues as they have been analyzed by doctors, therapists, sociologists, educators and guardians. With the reduction of scholastic accomplishment in LD scholars, there are numerous issues identified with the scholarly, social, and mental factors affecting legitimately the kid and their achievements. Children with Learning Disabilities (LD) frequently have issues that go a long ways past the individuals who are knowledgeable about reading, writing, math, memory, or organization. A study was conducted with the population of all learning resources room students in public schools totaling two hundred thirty-nine male and female students. To accomplish the point of this investigation, the Jordanian type of the variables recorded went with LD was built up, the fundamental instrument was created by Prof. Ahmad Awad Nada in Egypt. Al-Oweidi (2015) announced that the study is a descriptive research survey aimed to analyze and evaluate the characteristics of a particular group, or a certain position. The population comprised of all learning assets students in state funded schools totaling two hundred thirty-nine male and female students in center and north governorates. Al-Oweidi (2015) explains how the Jordanian intends to assess and classify LD understudies so it utilize the order in early mediation programs. It was created through related writing and studies, giving the accompanying variables: environmental factors, healthy factors, psychological factors, academic factors. Al-Oweidi (2015) found that the most problem face students with Learning Disabilities is attention general health problems like epilepsy or diabetes. In table five, it displayed the teaching method that was the most common reason related to academic factor, and the weakest reason was 4 DIFFICULTIES LEARNING IN A SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT the length of curriculum. Al-Oweidi (2015) will continue conduct supporting Learning Disabilities (LD) students in terms of psychological problems. The necessity to pay careful attention to LD students’ academic needs and the individual differences during teaching methods. It was founded that another common factor which influences LD students was academic, healthy and environmental, psychological factors respectively (Al-Oweidi, 2015). Results demonstrated that there were no distinctions in issues factors with Learning Disabilities’ scholars except from health factors. 5 DIFFICULTIES LEARNING IN A SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Literature Review The purpose of Ríos-Gallardo & Villanueva-Bonilla (2019) was to distinguish and look at research distributed in Spanish and Latin American diaries in the previous 10 years with productions made in English and distributed in various journals during the previous 2 years, about procedures of intercession in kids with learning troubles, explicitly tending to dyslexia and dysgraphia. Ríos-Gallardo (2019) used intervention studies that were written in English that was distributed from January 2015 to May 2016 and written in Spanish studies were looked from January 2007 to May 2016. The databases counseled to recognize the articles in English that were from Scopus, PubMed, and ScienceDirect. The terms in English were extracted from Mesh Browser and the articles identified in the initial literature review and final selection of 23 studies of 16 journals. Ríos-Gallardo (2019) selected for the Spanish search, the databases of Redalyc, Scielo, Dialnet, and the Google Scholar search engine were selected. In both searches of English and Spanish, a selected few of disorders were selected such as: dyslexia, dysgraphia, developmental dysgraphia, agraphia, alexia, developmental agraphia, developmental reading disorder. Ríos-Gallardo & Villanueva-Bonilla (2019) used Essential examinations were surveyed for clinical preliminary, controlled clinical preliminary, randomized controlled preliminary, or case reports. Thirty-five articles that were found in the twenty-two psychology journals that were counseled and last choice of eight examinations. Ríos-Gallardo (2019) created an excel matrix framework; the accompanying data was gathered from every one of the studies by title, author, year, objective, sample, instruments, intervention process, results, findings, and bibliography. 6 DIFFICULTIES LEARNING IN A SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Ríos-Gallardo & Villanueva-Bonilla (2019) collected all articles of the inquiry were chosen utilizing the previously mentioned (eight in Spanish and twenty-three in English), the accompanying areas describe Latin American and overall research at a first minute, after which the condition of the exploration completed is thought about, including the pertinence of the mediations and the outcomes displayed. Ríos-Gallardo (2019) founded that the research carried out specifically on intervention with children with learning difficulties is found in smaller numbers at a Latin American level (Spanish) compared to the world literature. The neuropsychological intervention program was highlighted through game activities that sought to improve the abilities related to the reading process, such as accuracy, speed of reading, comprehension of texts, and phonological awareness. The children were evaluated through tests of cognitive assessment and IQ that showed improvement in their reading performance (child neuropsychological assessment) according it Ríos-Gallardo (2019). The results of intervention projects to lessen the challenges related with dyslexia are assessed through numerous instruments that permit acquiring legitimate and solid outcomes. According to Ríos-Gallardo & Villanueva-Bonilla (2019). A 5-year follow-up to a perusing intervention program was done with students of the third grade (n = 2212), positive changes were created in spelling, decoding of words, and comprehension connection to with the control group. In Ríos-Gallardo (2019) last evaluation, the guardians announced positive changes in their kids' enthusiastic and social abilities dependent on the information and execution of the procedures got the hang of during the program. 7