2019 Grocery Shopping Database Management System IST 659 PROJECT DESIGN REPORT HARSHIL MEHTA, ANUSHI DOSHI AND YAKSH SHOBHAWAT Project Summary A person having an average household income is often sensitive to price differences in case of items purchased regularly. Grocery expense is one such unavoidable expense which forms a major proportion of household expenditure and hence, every individual would want to save on it without sacrificing the required items. Grocery shopping often becomes a tedious task when one is ignorant about the prices which differ from store to store for a similar item. With n number of stores around your locality, it is hard to find which will be one best store to purchase your groceries at the cheapest price possible. A person on average buys groceries 4-5 times a month. He is either forced to travel store to store looking out for the cheapest price of a product which is a waste of time, energy and money or end up spending more on a totality basis. If a person wants to buy a list of products, they will choose a store assuming they will get their desired product at the cheapest price. This may be true in some cases, but the price of products keeps varying from time to time which will not always be the best option monetarily. The proposed database will assist consumers in selecting the most suitable store considering various factors like the price of products to be purchased and quantity to be purchased. The database will integrate the data of various stores on a single platform. It will include products available, price, and monetary benefits available to customers. Based on the items required by the consumer, the system will compute the total cost of all such items and suggest the best store which should be visited. The system would also allow the store managers to track the inventory level, identify the depleting items for which purchase order needs to be raised on time to ensure availability of stock, update the product prices and increase sales by attracting more consumers through promotional offers and competitive prices. Entities and Attributes: ENTITIES AND ATTRIBUTES USER UserID UserFirstName UserLastName Email PhoneNo AddressLineNo1 AddressLineNo2 City State ZipCode Country MANAGER ManagerID ManagerFirstName ManagerLastName STORE StoreID StoreName AddressLineNo1 AddressLineNo2 City State ZipCode ManagerID MEMBERSHIP UserID StoreID MembershipNo PRODUCT ProductID ProductName ProductType PRODUCTYPE TypeID TypeDescription STOREPRODUCT StoreID ProductID DESCRIPTION Customer ID – Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key Foreign Key Primary key + Foreign key Primary key + Foreign key Membership Number of customer from grocery stores Primary Key Primary Key Category of the product Primary Key + Foreign Key Primary Key + Foreign Key StoreName StoreAddress PRODUCEDPRODUCT ProducedProductID PLUCode ProductTypeID PerLbCharge PRODUCETYPE ProduceTypeID ProduceName PRODUCTBRAND BrandID BrandName MEASUREMENT MeasurementID MeasurementDescription PACKAGEDPRODUCT PackagedProductID ProductQuantity MeasurementID ProductMeasurementValue BrandID ProductTypeID Primary Key Price Look up Code to identify produce items Foreign Key Primary Key Unique identity of the brand of the product Primary Key Name of the brand Primary Key Unit of measurement of the product Primary Key Foreign Key Price of the product Foreign Key Foreign Key Grocery Shopping Database Management System Entity Relationship Diagram: Business Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A customer can have one and only one membership in each store. A product available in one store is also available in other stores. A customer can be a member in one or more stores. A product can have one and only one unit of measurement. A product can be of one or more type. Major Data Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Which store has lowest price for a particular product? Which is the most expensive store overall? What is the average price of a particular product across all the stores? Which store has the highest quantity of a particular product? Which store has the maximum unique item? What is the average price of all the products in a particular store? Which store has the highest number of members?