Name: Sree Nimmalagadda Date: 11/15/19 Block: 1 Does Jackson deserve to be on the $20 Bill? Use this website to answer the following questions about extending the right to vote in the 1800s. Put your answers in a different color. The Era of Good Feelings and the Two-Party System 1. Why is this era called the Era of good feelings? Because of its one-party dominance 2. What political party disappeared? The Federalists 3. How did financial policy resemble that of the federalists? List three ways: It had a national bank, protective tariffs to support American manufactures, and federallyfunded internal improvements. The National Bank was a policy that federalist Alexander Hamilton wanted, federalists wanted tariffs to get money from imported goods, and the funding of internal improvements would be use to help the central government 4. Was Van Buren elitist? Why or why not? No because he reached out to the brains of the general public 5. What is the party platform? How did knowledge of it spread to common people? A party platform was a carefully crafted list of policy commitments that aimed to appeal to a broad public, which was spread by newspapers The Expansion of the Vote; the White man's Democracy 1. What legitimized political parties? The two-party system that broke the shady traditions of the Democratic-Republicans and Federalists 2. Why did lawmakers believe people should own property to vote? Because citizens were believed to need an economic stake in society in order to be trusted to vote wisely. 3. How did the rise of wage workers lead to the abolishment of the property requirement to vote? As wage labor increased, the property requirement to vote became unfavorable over time 4. Who was disenfranchised as a result of state legislatures opening suffrage to all white men? Democratic-Republicans The 1824 Election and the “Corrupt Bargain 1. Why didn’t Jackson win the election even if he got more electoral votes than anyone else? Henry Clay secures the White House seat for Adams 2. Who chose the president? The electoral college 3. Why was this known as the “corrupt bargain?” The Adams-Clay Alliance as seen as corrupt 4. How did Jacksonians use this to their advantage? By using government favors to reward their friends and economic elites Jacksonian Democracy and Modern America 5. What percentage of people voted for Jackson? What percentage of people turned out to vote? 70% of voters voted for Jackson and popular participation reached 60% Name: Sree Nimmalagadda Date: 11/15/19 Block: 1 6. What did Jackson say the nation had been corrupted by? “Special Privilege” 7. What were the three chief qualities of Jacksonian Democracy? First, Jacksonian Democracy declared itself to be the party of ordinary farmers and workers. Second, it opposed the special privileges of economic elites. Third, to offer affordable western land to ordinary white Americans, Indians needed to be forced further westward. 8. What party challenged the Democrats? What was their platform (their beliefs) The Whigs who favored active government support for economic improvement as the best route to sustained prosperity. The Rise of the Common Man 9. How was Jackson different from the past 6 presidents? He was the spokesperson for the “common man” A Strong `Presidency 10. What did Jackson use more than any other presidents combined and why? The veto because he took the view that only the President could be trusted to stand for the will of the people against the aristocratic Congress. 11. What is the “Spoils system” and why did Jackson hate it? The spoils system did not allow for enough rotation in the office and Jackson hated it because it would eventually lead to corruption The South Carolina Nullification Controversy 12. Why did the south hate tariffs? Because they felt that it only helped the industrialized north 13. What is nullification and why did SC think they could nullify a federal law? Nullification is when a state can declare a national law void. SC thought they could nullify national law because they felt that the law went against the constitution and that it was not in the nation’s sovereign interests 14. What side did Jackson support? The federal side but he made a compromise to reduce tariffs. The War Against the Bank 15. What were Jacksons concerns about the bank? He was concerned about the Bank's constitutionality and the general soundness of paper money in place of gold and silver 16. What did Jackson do with all the money after he vetoed the re-charter bill? He ordered the federal government's deposits removed from the Bank of the United States and placed in state or "pet" banks. The Trail of tears- The Indian Removals 17. Who stood to benefit from Indian Removal? Settlers and speculators 18. What did the supreme court rule on Indian policy? How did Jackson feel about it? Supreme Court ruled that Georgia had no jurisdiction to force the Natives out of their lands and Jackson was angered by the decision Name: Sree Nimmalagadda Date: 11/15/19 Block: 1 19. Why is it known as the Trail of Tears? It is the most sorrowful legacy in the Jacksonian era as Natives were forced to brutally march out of their land and many of them died when doing so