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Wi-Fi Upgrade: Senior High Student Perspectives

Percentage of the Senior High School Students of Notre Dame Academy of San Fernando Cebu
Inc. to Consider Upgrading of Wireless Connection (Wi-Fi) for Academic Purposes
is presented to
Notre Dame Academy of San Fernando, Cebu, Inc.
Senior High School
Panadtaran, San Fernando, Cebu
Baraquil, Ruchie Ann P.
Cerbo, Seth Xavier
Canoy, Junnova
Dumaguit, Jaymeika Marie
Sangil, Ken Egie
Internet technology is omnipresent in our world (Brewer, 2019). In this generation most
of the schools activities are technology based, majority of students are using internet to access
the web to get information. K-12 curriculum mostly requires researching in the internet, wireless
connection could be a great help for the students to be more effective in their studies.
In addition, according to Brewer 2019, high-speed internet is needed in every school to
access and to stream videos for lessons and for the use of web-based applications. And highspeed internet access is not only vital for educational purposes, but also it enables the students to
grab the opportunity to understand technology and prepare for the real world.
Many studies include Gay et. al. 2009 and supported by Brown, Collins and Duguid,
1989; Soloway et al., 1999, said that wireless connection affects learning experience. They
revealed the transformative influence of technology on learning, that it could significantly
transform how students learn. They also said that students also learn best when they will be
given an opportunity to learn skills and theories in the context in which internet connection is
Relatively, inferior quality of services in wireless connection, results to an unaddressed
clamor for efficiency and quality for higher education.
Most of the task being given to the students requires internet like powerpoint presentation
for information resource, a research of topics that are inside the web and discussions that require
information that is in the internet, the researchers have observed that there are tasks that requires
internet connection
The purpose of this study is to know the percentage of senor high school students of
Notre Dame Academy of San Fernando Cebu who consider the upgrading of wireless connection
(Wi-Fi). And to also cope with the population of the students that will be consuming the wireless
connection “This generation of students is a digital generation, and young people are used to
work and develop their skills by using devices connected to the internet. Most students read their
books and write homeworks on their devices and some school even provide their own personal
computers and tablets for the students” (Nino 2016).
The study does not cover the Junior High School of Notre Dame Academy of San
Fernando Cebu.
Scope and Limitation
To contextualize, the researchers observed the inadequate providence of wireless
connection Senior High Campus of Notre Dame Academy of San Fernando Cebu. This direct the
researchers to know the percentage of students who consider the upgrading of wireless
connection for academic purposes.
The coverage of this study will limit its focus on knowing the percentage of senior high
school students of Notre Dame Academy who consider the upgrading of wireless connection.
The study does not cover the places outside Senior High School campus of Notre Dame
Academy of San Fernando Cebu, Inc.
Theoretical Framework
Symbol System Theory
Gavriel Salomon
Students who consider the upgrading
of the Wireless Connection
Low coverage Wireless Network
Percentage of SHS students of Notre
Dame Academy of San Fernando,
Cebu to consider the upgrading of
wireless connection
Figure 1.
The researcher’s selection of theory provides structure and connection to their specified
study being conducted. Bearing the research problem which aims to give the percentage of senior
high school students of Notre Dame Academy who considers the upgrading of wireless
connection, the researchers selected the Symbol System Theory that was developed by Gavriel
Salomon where he explained the effects of media on learning and its acquisition of knowledge in
a number of ways. Symbol System partly determine who will acquire how much knowledge
from what kind of messages. According to him, each media that we use is capable of creating
contents that are relative unto something. For example, watching a topic or lesson requires less
mental processing than reading and that both of them conveys the same meaning but television
tends to be less elaborative than those who were reading. It is also more likely that learning is
significantly influenced by the medium used is familiar with the learner. Thus, a person may
acquire information based from the media used where it can be equally obtained in a different
media but significantly influenced. He focused more on the reciprocal nature of instructional
communication, setting and the learner. Salomon believed that each framework or schema highly
influences how the learners receive, perceive and apply their learnings. It creates an image of
capacitated idea on how the information will be relayed or selected. Furthermore, each new
schema or framework highly affects the cognitive thinking of the learners on how they will
perceive new information.
Hence, the upgrading of wireless connection for the sake of learning of the students can
greatly influence the background idea of how they will perceive the information that would open
up new ideas. The need to adapt on the fast pacing change and evolution of technology, equates
the consideration of its positive and negative effects.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to address the need to have percentage of senior high school students of
Notre Dame Academy of San Fernando Cebu, Inc in improving and upgrading the wireless
connection (Wi-Fi) particularly, this study is entitled “Percentage of the Senior High School
Students of Notre Dame Academy of San Fernando Cebu Inc. to Consider Upgrading of
Wireless Connection (Wi-Fi) for Academic Purposes” Specifically, it seeks to answer to the
following questions:
General Question:
1. What percentage of the senior high school students of Notre Dame Academy of San
Fernando, Cebu Incorporated to consider an upgrading wireless connection for
academic purposes?
1. How was the NDA internet connection?
2. How many senior high school students of Notre Dame Academy of San Fernando, Cebu
Incorporated find the upgrading of Wi-Fi connection effective in their academic
Significance of the Study
The study will be a great attribute to consider upgrading of wireless connection (Wi-Fi)
for academic purposes. Hence, it promotes great importance to the following:
This research will help the students to attain high proficiency in learning through new
technology wire connection and provide a better scope of knowledge that brings the students
much closer to the 21st century learning competencies.
This research will help the teachers that work in the area to expand their teaching by
finding low-cost or free online materials that could help them provide a better experience for the
student’s academic performance.
Future Researchers
This research will be useful for the researchers who would plan to make a related study
precisely the standard underlying the ugrading of Wireless Conection. This study may serve as
guide and reference for the students who are undertaking similar research topic.
Definition of Terms
To avoid misconception, the researchers define the following terms as used in the context
of the study.
Academic Institution – The structural form of education in which the students gets
Academic Performance – The performance of intellectual ability of a student.
Academic purposes – this is utilized in the research to show the significant help of use of
wireless connection for the students school tasks and activity.
Inadequate- not enough internet connection
Internet – The access of web pages in which the students gets information.
Percentage – rate or the number of students who consider the upgrading of wireless connection
Strong connection – this is defined in the study as the level of the internet provide in the school
to accommodate the population of the students consuming the internet.
Technology – The media that the modern civilization uses to put their work at ease.
Upgrading- to improve internet connection
Web-based – a web-based school management system and modern teaching that uses internet
and modern technology
Wireless Connection – This serves as a tool to help the students to access in the internet to
search for resources in the world wide web, to be used in their presentation, reports, assignments
and etc. and it does not have to utilize cables or wire to be able to access the internet.
World Wide Web – The media that is use through internet connection.