ff4i *Nonpreference 0 Preference: Section 6 (a) (1) Q Section 6 (a) (2) Q fe I/?; I I PORT OF American Consulate General Habana, Ou^a* I certify that the within-named immigrant. JAN25 1343 1"n'- . j -MXO-TION visa No. vAN 5 1S43 Date ^ SEEN: The bearer. arUlielm 7UGES and was insirected by me a»ifl iliily \ ^ ^ Department's advisoiy Opinion of Dec»10,1942 arrived arrived in in the the United United States States at at this this port port on on the the 8. 8. S. S. Fffasifir-" ifiMt f ^ ^ who 18 of without (Clticen or mbjecl) nationality, having been seen and examined, is classified OS a quota immigrant and is granted this Immigration Visa pursuant to the Immigration Act of 1924, as amended. The validity of this Iiumipration Visa expires on RECORD OP BSI 4, 194S fadmitted Thevdthia-iiamedimmlgrant was ^excludeandappeal t granted iorge' SiBjkiHV Consul . of ihe United States of America. C/ia«nnan BSI. BECORD OP APPEAL Admitted Excluded Fee No. ^ ^ Immigrant idontifioatmn card No. Passport No. ~ issued. or other travel document Affidavit in lieu of Passport (ileecritwJ ismnti^o oxocutod by tho applicant Tfiniipfl hy Amorican Consalato Gonoral in Habana, Cuba, on Boc•15,1942. Valid notil Notb.—Tliis Immigration Visa will not entitle the ^ person to whom issued to enter the United States if, m upon arrival in the United States, he is found to be • inadmissible to the United States under the Immigra- B tion Laws. (Subdiyision (g), see. 2, Immigration Act of 1924.) *Check appropriate classification. fRiuTiiio ornce td—0S87 rtTTi; gixt**:T»y c-r7^yg;«T ryyscgaaearyrji BBSTGOPSrAVAE^ FomiLKo.s^ fOOBldH 8KBV1C&^ ^metlcant €ott£ittls$e (Revised MBFOh 1030) AT Habaiiai OuMj ;iiha^noo re&o^tiag the ag^'^ of 14 yeata I have roislded altj^O ffoUo\v^ r. :: d'uciifi^ the ^ -1 '*< P^ 5» i %?tremberc2g, 1^1 I Thht-tlie Jii&aea. datM ortafai, aiidpla^ibf x^imce^^^ V"a Jresent ^ .1**, 4^,^ ^ olifldrett are: t '|"^*i-l «T?haf: Trty naiHtifr^^^^ nnnnpfttfnn (fl nOHe ,lv falrr'i i.~ ,i Wl6r ;,' ' " -.1 that my.height ifl 5> ^pie '-i.-i,'"'';iif{[H' :lr' S ? a6nk^':"S ,. I&ainai "iraod {iSS}lo} ^ / ^fj an^jthat I boar the fdUowing^n^I^ of iden^oation: I«m fiSL.} to speak. German : • • ^ ''••'• :' . , whose rdation^p is '•',!' ' '; .,''i' : i • - ;|that the names and addro^ o^toy points,oio a8;f^0OT: Mothcff, Firc address, deceased'"father, lifeisr iFtlGHS ;i f address, " .Thtdl n^thter' pfniypaints is UvJng, and that thoname ofmy nearest relative in the" .; h®4v'6 , Sn and whoso address is ' >210 On© • f That my port ofembarkation is Habaiia, Puba »^at I shall enter the Unlt^ States atthe po^ Mdamd, -Florida Jthat my final destination beyondsuch,portis Cllicag.Pi IXlinOlS. ;ahd that Xdo MOT have aticket through to Buoh deatinatioh; that my passage was paid for by SOlK S6X & LOUiS FUCHS ; that I intend to jc whose address is whose address is se© abOV© (Oily, Btnto, Btioot, and number) 'relativel sons, as above H That my purpoee in going to tho United States Jb that I have NOT resid© •. been in prieon or alinahouse; that I have of the insane; that my {have} NOT , and I intend to remain ^emiaiie (Farmanenti^r len been in an institution or hospital for the care and treatment ^ ^ institution or hospital for the csxe ant! treatment of the insane; that Ihave NOT applied for an immigration or passport visa at any American consulate, either formally or informally. That, except as hereafter noted, I am not a member of any one of the following classes of individuals excluded from admission to the United States under the immigration laws: (1) Idiots; (2) imbeciles; (3) feeble-minded; (4) epileptics; (5) ins^e person; (6) nersoDs having had previous attacks of insanity; (7) persons with constitution^ psychopathic inferiority; (8) persons with chronic alcoholism; (9) paupers; (10) professional October 16, 1918, as amended by the act approved June 6, 1920; (20) prostitutes; (21) procurers; (22) contract laborers; (23) persons Ukely to leave tne UnitedStates umteu cscaiea voluntarilyin voiuntaniy in lieu iieu of or dcporta* aeporxabecome publiccharges; (24) personspreviously deportedor ordereddeported and permittea permitted to leavethe of entry3C(26) entry ;s(20) persons another: tion; (25) persons previously excluded from adrniseion to the United States atit a port of perMna whose passage paid by another: »; (30) to citizenship; or or (31) persons repatriated repatriated (2^ unaccompanied children; (28) natives of Asiatic barred zone; (29) illiterates; (30) aliens ineligible to at the expense of the U. S. Government - —~— That I claim to be exempt from exclusion on ocoount of the class or classes noted above, for the reasons following, to wit: (26) ThAt I am not a meoiber of any other ezcludod class* .r-t TTTirr rr-n-n-rriwr-'--- . U u U jt.u It ti liU'll U U U 44 it U U U UM UjiAf" fhftWaM for In parsgrapMl7 ofSubi That I an ? ner, or who eli representation or willful concealment oi a material lact enau oe pumsnaoie oy uno or uupitoouuwuv, ui outu. 1924 provides in part that a person who knowingly makes under oath anyfalse statement in any apphcation, affidavit, or otheraocument requiiea by the immigration laws or regulations issued thereunder shallbe punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both. Available documents required by the Immigration Act of 1924, as amended, arefiled herewith andmade part hereof, as foUows; Birth certificate; Cuban police and prison recox^s* I ' '* rapply 'oran Immigration Visa asaquota immigrant, pursua^^^e provisions of^e UnraigrationActof1924,^ Subscribed and sworn to Fee No. Fee 31. btfore me this 15^11 /mha day of D6C©St)©r,^ 19 ^2 of the United States of America, Ka^rlsruhe - Slmtsgeri^t ^ Durlaeh ©ebttttsutlittn&c (2Ju3jug'flus bem brim ^infsgericbt..Karlsruhe., —Durlaeh Mnualjrten ©«butteb«<^ bci ..i.sf.e.a,lt.1ulsehe.ji ®«mrinb« .....Weii^cten worn 3abrc 49 9?, ....,_ ). 9tad) bcm SIntrag ouf @eite wlften Januar bcs cinfou|«ibctf)tbunbert.--,f,Uhflll5d&echzig Weingarten "getauft wi Ihelrri israeHstengel) F u c h s« ehelieher &hn des hiesigen SUrgers and HandelsmaiinJSaler Fuehs u.pd .dessen .Ehefrau Eya .gebqrene ?rager_ yon Shairen' tt£.eh, beide, ^Qosaiseher r... -..-.....t gfir bie 9li(^tigbelt b«s Karlsrahe - Durlaeh ^ 19. November ®er Urhunbsbeomle ber ®ef<f)^IteUe: m -.60 (Beburteurhunbc (40! A4! 9. I«40: IQDOOi Z»). 19...4C PRer^bli'cade Cuba MINISTmO BE JUSTIOIA AURELIO ALVAREZ GAREIDO DEL NEGOCIADO "REGISTRO CENTRAL DE GRIMINALES Y DSL INSTITUTO DE LA REHABILIIaCION". CERTIFICO: que examinadas por los empleados correspon- dientes las Hojas Penales relativas a sentenciados por ra zdn de delitos desde 1? de Enero de ISSS y que const!tu- yen el archive del "RSGISTR0 CENTRAL DE CRIUINALES^ mi cargo, no aparece que C/' sefior haya side condenado por los Tribunales de Justicia de la V, Repilblica, a ninguna pena aflictiva ni correccional.-- Y a solioitud de 3 expido la presente, e^xumplimiento de lo dispuesto por I Director Gei^al de Juetiai^en la Habana,a ^ mil i^Wci'entos cuarenia ydos.E3 ^ . y " /'/ SINE N W'i E K D A. GRATIS. AUTSNTICACION^,D£ FIRMA ^ CERTIFICO; que es aut^ntica la precedente firma del Sr. 1 J Aurelio Alvarez Garrido, Jefe del Ngdo. "REGISTRO CENTRAL Z DE CRIMINALES Y DEL INSTITUTO DE LA REHaBIL5TACI0N" iilNISTSRIO DE JUSTICIA.- DEL ^ I. / ^FAED^. fMONT0RO SAUDRIGAS. Dj^ECTOR GeMaL DS JUSTICIA. ^ \ O \, VI7AVC 1)2 lA ABC3£tV0 PARISaS T KOSSHTO, Bacargado del AretttTe d4id Vlinac Buniciii^Al de la Sateaa. ' C £.& 1 I S I C O ; del Vivao a %ue cx ffiiaados los Hbros del ArciilTe no Q8 si enooatrado ea loe alnaee peri^^>^"K£ . Xa mraliafct-i j condocta '"de^ f« ?.F. rvr^c, (firc^ . iT r C'.-.cL^ ratural 1s • Cc/i'->oo de 9*^ -le TS^ado - S^ofasidi: hi .10 ae C<(&:?5rKWfi4rc<-^.. T r petlatdn del Ir/v- 'cci r* -. . en en el el TlTac VItrc de de la la Satena, Sateaa* a a /^Q-i-e C j/'<•/ :__, I ink e-rolde la p^eeate '"9 >| \t\ ...y df dc- 1-