Uploaded by Casandra Perry

Renewable vs. Nonrenewable Resources & Environmental Impact

Renewable resources are those that can be replaced through various cycles and nonrenewable
resources are those that cannot be replaced.The three examples of renewable resources are
Biomass, Solar Energy and Hydropower. The three examples of nonrenewable resources are
Fossil fuels, Oil and Natural gases.
The effect of biomass is that the usage of fossil fuels that area being used. It can also cause
reduction between the air pollution and the acid rain. The benefits of biomass is that it is better
for the environment than fossil fuels, very easily available, less dependency on fossil fuels,
reduces the landfills, and the cost of biomass is that the biomass boiler is higher than a regular
gas or oil boiler.
The effect of solar energy is that the land use, habit loss and water use of hazardous materials.
The benefits of solar energy are installing solar panels to our houses can help combat greenhouse
gas emissions, reduces our dependence of fossil fuels and there is a traditional electricity is a
from fossil fuels and coal and also natural gases. The cost of solar energy is $15,000 to 29,000.
The effect of hydropower is that it does not pollute the air, but it does facilitates large
environmental impacts to the environment and also affecting land use, homes, natural habitats in
the area. The benefits of hydropower is that it is a domestic energy which allowing each state to
produce their very own energy. The cost of hydropower is 90% of energy that we use.
The effect of fossil fuels are that it emits a large number of air pollutants that are very harmful to
the environment and the public health. The benefits of fossil fuels are it dramatically reduces
wasted energy, water, coal, oil, wind, solar geothermal, and other types of renewable sources.
The cost of fossil fuels are $7 billion to $1 trillion each year.
The effects of oil is that it can have wide ranging of impacts that very often portrayed to by the
media as long lasting as environmental disasters that are happening over the world. The benefits
of oil are that it is a nonrenewable source that creates air pollution. The cost of oil is $47.73 per
barrel of oil that we use everyday.
The effect of natural gases are it produces negligible amounts of sulfur, mercury and particulates.
The benefits of natural gases are that it is the cleanest fossil fuel and it is composed chiefly of
methane, which is the simple chemical composition of nature gas is a molecule of one carbon
atom. The cost of natural gas is between $2.21 to $2.28.
Air pollution affects lithosphere by not coming in contact with the atmosphere where the
pollution is. Air pollution affects the hydrosphere by having us not drink or being able to bathe in
the water because of the pollution. Air pollution affects the biosphere by causing acid rain,
reducing visibility, damaging plants and animals, and contributing to climate change. Air
pollution affects the atmosphere by having the greenhouses cause global warming and trapping
the heat from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere.
Ozone depletion is a steady decline of about four percent in the total amount of ozone in the
earth’s stratosphere, and a much larger springtime decrease in the stratospheric ozone around the
earth’s polar regions. Human activities cause the emission of halogen source gases that contain
chlorine and bromine atoms. These emission go into the earth’s atmosphere which ultimately
lead to the stratospheric ozone depletion. To slow down ozone depletion we can minimize rocket
flights, stop high altitude aircraft flights,encourage the growth of plants that produce oxygen,and
deforestation, decrease high temperature steam, eliminate production and release known ozone
depleting chemicals, establish controls to assure that new compounds to be used in high volume
are surveyed for effect on ozone.
In conclusion, The earth needs to be healthy and full of live instead of dead with people making
air pollution all over the world.