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Student Progress Report: English Vocabulary & Commands

Seguimiento Estudiantes
Mortigo Lugo Paula Vanessa
Conoce algunos verbos usados durante las rutinas, repasar
verbos como: have breakfast, walk, have lunch, have dinner,
go, eat, meet, live, like, do, watch read, write, listen, run,
arrive, leave, want, help, start, brush teeth, .
Repasar comandos en el aula :sit down, stand up, get in groups,
fill the blanks, be quiet, talk to a parter, share your ideas,
complete, answer the questions, open your book, put ____
there, go to the break, turn on the lights, turn off the lights, etc.
Repasar estos equivalentes negativos: don’t sit down, don’t
talk, don’t write, don’t draw,
Repasar preposiciones de lugar: in, on, at, under.
Repasar objetos en el aula: chair, desk, bookcase, door, board,
cupboard, pencil case, pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener, rubber,
mat, computer, window, blackout.
Practicar: There is /There are
Numbers 1-100
The alphabet: Spelling short words
Colors: reinforce Orange, White, gray, gold, purple, Brown.
Ejercicios sugeridos
Play simon says with verbs and commands: