Uploaded by seth heinz

the summoning

Nellie knelt in the shadows sighting down the shaft of her arrow
at a young buck. If she was unsuccessful in her hunt, she and her
family would go to bed hungry tonight. She thought “I must not
fail” as she drew back the arrow on her bow. she said a small
prayer to the goddess of the hunt and let the shaft fly. The shot
was true, and the deer fell. She went to the fallen deer, dressed it
and dragged it home.
When she got home, she was met by her parents and they went
inside and cooked the deer. The next morning nellies father went
into the town of the hollow to sell the antlers and some of the
meat. While her father was out, Nellie and her mother preserved
what they kept back of the deer. After Nellie was done, she went
out to the local tanner to get the hide tanned so that she could
make a warm jacket for the coming winter.
While at the market she got a pot of spice and carried it home to
surprise her mother. As she approached her home, she was
greeted by the smell of a venison roasting on the fire. Her mouth
began to water.
Her mother was delighted with the spice but gently chided her
daughter for such an expensive gift. As night fell Nellie went to
sleep lighthearted and with a full stomach.
“Nellie,” a strange voice said. “what are you hunting?”. Nellie
looked around trying to identify the speaker, “who is addressing
me?” she asked, Perring into the shadows.
“it is I,” replied the wolf stepping out of the shadows.
“who are you and what do you want?” she asked.
“so many questions” he sighed. “I have no need of names, but I
am here to teach you”.
“when you wake up say “so lo fa in te na to le po ni sa le na lo
fas” it will summon me, and I will help you.” Said the wolf.
Then, Nellie woke up. She told her parents she was going
hunting then went out back. She went far away and said “so lo fa
ni te na to le po ni sa le na lo fas” and then a bright ball of light
blinked into existence in front of her and she heard a low hum.
Then, the ball started getting bigger and then shrunk to an atom
disappeared and the wolf was standing there. He was a dark gray
color and had very padded feet, he walked around in a circle,
looking around. “What are we hunting?” he said in a hushed
Nellie looked over the hill they were by where there was a deer
eating some grass. “there is a deer I'm hunting over that hill; I'm
planning to shoot an arrow into a tree that’s on the other side of
it to get it hopefully running in this direction. Then you could
bite its leg and stop it, then I would come over and cut it.”She
drew back on her bow, and shot, the deer ran at the wolf then
everything else happened exactly as she planned. she took the
deer home and she went home and presented the deer to her