Uploaded by Tolga Özdemir

Biofabrication: Solution or Problem? Essay Abstract

Tolga Özdemir | 4843959 | Durán group
UD2010 Critical Reflection on Technology (2018/19 Q2)
Argumentative Essay — Abstract
Biofabrication: Solution or problem
Abstract: Biofabrication is an evolving field, being spread rapidly and inviting more
researchers from various disciplines. Research in this field is run between the fields such
as physics, biology, medicine, robotics, material and computer science. Overall,
biofabrication is defined as the fabrication of complex biological products using
unprocessed materials like living cells and biomaterials. Current studies aim to find
solutions in medicine and space research as well as energy supply and food production.
Many countries suffer from hunger, some of which cannot find food at all and in some of
which producers are using unhealthy methods to meet the demand upon affordable
prices. These methods result in serious health problems as nutrition-related diseases and
food-borne illnesses. Besides, to shift the land use to agriculture and animal husbandry,
the forest lands are being destroyed, connecting to global warming and creating a vicious
circle with the food trouble. Thus, this is not the individual problem of several countries
but all. In this paper, the answer to the question of how biofabrication is capable of
helping the food industry is sought. Biofabrication is claimed to offer solutions in
supplying food to premises with limited resources. Specialists state that tissueengineered food will be inevitably naturalised in the future. Today’s high cost of
producing animal-free meat is estimated to be reduced with the transition to large-scale
production, cutting down on the land area required for animal breeding and optimising
the nutritional values of food for the healthy diet of communities. Furthermore, this new
branch of food industry to be established would create new research fields and job
opportunities in the underdeveloped and developing countries, democratising people.
However, biofabrication makes formerly impossible things seem possible, so its
overselling might lead up false hopes and fraud. Unrealistic statements can damage the
area’s reputation. Although the sector would obtain self-control to secure itself,
responsibilities of the supply-side stakeholders must be underscored. Biofabrication is a
significant step of the globalisation of technology on which the future of the societies are
dependent, and it needs comprehensive attention of governments and institutions.
• Introduction
• Argument: Biofabrication offers solutions in supplying food in environments with
limited resources, supplying quality employment to communities.
i) Reducing the land use area for food. (Animal-free meat)
ii) Reducing nutrition related diseases (cardiovascular diseases or diabetes) and
food-borne illnesses (food poisoning and epidemics)
iii) Supplying quality employment in underdeveloped and developing countries.
• Ethical issues about its overselling
• Conclusion