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Child Development Test Questions: Language & Education

Children's ability to communicate is related to
(p. 243)
A. general knowledge.
B. popularity.
C. intent to communicate.
D. All of these.
Guidepost: How does language improve, and what happens when its development is delayed?
Papalia - Chapter 07 #93
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Type: Knowledge
Mr. Rogers is a kindergarten teacher. He observes that some of the children in his class use
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private speech more than others. Of the following, Mr. Rogers is MOST likely to say that the
children who engage in private speech
A. have less self-regulation than the other children.
B. are more sociable than the other children.
C. do not talk to themselves when working out problems.
D. tend to think privately.
Guidepost: How does language improve, and what happens when its development is delayed?
Papalia - Chapter 07 #94
Type: Comprehension
The Garrol family is concerned because their 3-year-old son is still not talking. Which of the
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following is a possible reason for the delayed language development of about 3 percent of
preschool children?
A. problems in fast mapping
B. otitis media
C. cognitive limitations
D. All of these.
Guidepost: How does language improve, and what happens when its development is delayed?
Papalia - Chapter 07 #95
Type: Application
Corrine is struggling with a difficult math problem and is talking to herself and muttering out
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loud. Corrine's behavior is an example of
A. self-regulation.
B. a language deficit.
C. private speech.
D. delayed language development.
Guidepost: How does language improve, and what happens when its development is delayed?
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Papalia - Chapter 07 #96
Type: Comprehension
To enhance the development of good reading and writing skills, parents who wish to
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incorporate educational television programs such as Sesame Street into their children's lives
A. watch the programs with their children and talk to them about what they see.
B. let their children watch the program with their peers.
C. let their children watch the programs alone so they can focus their attention on the material.
D. strictly limit children's viewing of such programs, because they foster passive behavior.
Guidepost: How does language improve, and what happens when its development is delayed?
Papalia - Chapter 07 #97
Type: Comprehension
The mastery of the skills that are necessary before a child can begin to read include the
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knowledge and attitudes that underlie reading. This is referred to as
A. emergent literacy.
B. phonemic awareness.
C. shared reading.
D. general linguistic skills.
Guidepost: How does language improve, and what happens when its development is delayed?
Papalia - Chapter 07 #98
Type: Knowledge
Which type of preschool is most likely to be found in China?
(p. 245)
A. society-centered
B. child-centered
C. role-centered
D. academically centered
Guidepost: What purposes does early childhood education serve, and how do children make the transition to kindergarten?
(p. 245)
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Papalia - Chapter 07 #99
Type: Knowledge
Which of the following children is most likely to benefit from high-quality daycare?
A. Amanda, whose divorced mother is poor and under stress
B. Brett, whose IQ is below average
C. Cara, who is eager to learn
D. None of these; it is impossible to predict which child will benefit the most.
Guidepost: What purposes does early childhood education serve, and how do children make the transition to kindergarten?
Papalia - Chapter 07 #100
Type: Comprehension
By their late teens, children who had attended Project Head Start or similar programs were
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more likely than other needy children to have done which of the following?
A. achieved permanent gains in IQ
B. been in regular, rather than special education, classes
C. finished high school and enrolled in college or vocational training
D. All of these.
Guidepost: What purposes does early childhood education serve, and how do children make the transition to kindergarten?
Papalia - Chapter 07 #101
Type: Knowledge
For most U.S. children today, _______________ is the beginning of formal schooling.
(p. 246)
A. daycare
B. preschool
C. kindergarten
D. first grade
Guidepost: What purposes does early childhood education serve, and how do children make the transition to kindergarten?
Papalia - Chapter 07 #102
Type: Knowledge
Children in full-day kindergarten tend to learn ______ than those attending a half-day
(p. 246)
A. more
B. less
C. equal
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D. None of these.
Guidepost: What purposes does early childhood education serve, and how do children make the transition to kindergarten?
Papalia - Chapter 07 #103
Type: Comprehension
Compensatory preschool programs, such as Project Head Start, have had positive outcomes,
(p. 246)
yet participants' school and IQ performance has ____________ the performance of middle-
class children.
A. equaled
B. not equaled
C. exceeded
D. lagged far behind
Guidepost: What purposes does early childhood education serve, and how do children make the transition to kindergarten?
Papalia - Chapter 07 #104
Type: Comprehension
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