Uploaded by Gina Anderson

The Giver Movie Permission Slip

Movie Permission Slip
Dear Parents,
We have been reading the book The Giver as our class book for the
last couple months. Your child has an opportunity to watch the
movie before Christmas break. We will be comparing the movie and
the book. This movie is rated PG-13. Due to the fact that this movie
is rated PG-13, your child needs to have a signed permission form to
participate in the viewing of this film.
Please return this form no later than December 13th. Should your
child not have permission or a signed permission form to watch the
movie, he or she will be put in another class with an alternate
assignment during this time.
____________________________, ELA Teacher
__ Yes, I give my student permission to watch The Giver film.
__ No, I do not want my child to watch the movie.
____________________________________ Parents Signature
_____________________________________Student Name
***There is information about this movie
on the back side of this page***
The Giver
Movie review by Sandie Angulo Chen, Common Sense Media
94 minutes
Common Sense says age 11+
Parents say
age 10+
Based on 23 reviews
Kids say
age 10+
Based on 75 reviews
The parents' guide to what's in this movie.
Positive Messages The movie's themes and messages echo the book's: how Sameness
has eradicated personal expression, how conformity is a threat to individuality, how
having no choices for the sake of equality is really oppression, and more. The movie
also tackles the tough subject of whether pain is necessary for joy and whether love and
heartbreak are preferable to stability and community.
Positive Role Models & Representations The Giver is a complicated character because
he seems so sad and unhappy, but it's for an understandable reason. He's patient and
teaches Jonas and encourages him to see the world for how it really is.
Violence Jonas punches his friend in the face after a confrontation. Two people await
lethal injection. The Giver and Jonas have slightly disturbing dreams and visions of past
Sex Some hand holding, longing looks, and a couple of kisses.
Language No foul language
Consumerism none
Drinking, Drugs & Smoking none