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South Korea Cross-Cultural Training Presentation

Cross cultural training
Flow of Presentation
Introduction to South Korea
Greetings and Addressing
Body Language
Language and its connotations
Timing and Punctuality
Behavior at Meal and Tipping
Significance of Colors
Dress Code
Capital – Seoul
Official Language – Korean
Area - Total 100,210 km2 (108th)
Population(2010 estimate) - 48,875,000
MAJOR RELIGION(S): No affiliation
46.5%,Christian 26%, Buddhist 26%,
Confucianism 1%, other 1%.
• Density - 491/km2
Korean Economy
• GDP (PPP) 2010 estimate - Total $1.459
trillion - Per capita $29,835
• GDP (nominal) 2010 estimate - Total $1.007
trillion - Per capita $20,590
• Gini (2010) .316
• HDI (2010) 0.877
• Currency South Korean won (₩) (KRW)
• In 2010, South Korea was the sixth
largest exporter and tenth largest
importer in the world
India – South Korea relations
• South Korea is currently the
• fifth largest source of investment in India.
• Korea-India Comprehensive Economic
Partnership Agreement (CEPA) effected in
January last year
• Trade increased exponentially from $530
million during the fiscal year of 1992-1993,
and the $10.7 billion during 2010-2011.
Greeting and Addressing
• Greeting customs are highly culture and
situation specific
• It can be audibly
• It can be physically
• A combination of the two
• Use titles such as “Dr.”, “Mr.” and
“Mrs.” to demonstrate respect
Greeting and Addressing
• Bow is the most common method
• Shaking hands
• Posture
• Greetings are vocalized when bowing
Greeting and Addressing
Men greeting Men:• Korean men bow to one another when greeting and
Women greeting Women: • Bow is common
Greetings between Men & Women:• Bow is common. In business settings a handshake is also
Social gathering: • Wait to be introduced
• When you leave good-bye and bow to each person
• Respectful 30º ~ 45º Bow:- The most
common, this is the standard bow. It is commonly used in
business environments.
• “Belly-button” Bow: -
Formal respectful
bow that is mostly used by women in uniform
• 90º Bow: -
It’s a form of utter respect, an
intentional showing of service and obedience.
• Big Bow: -
“Big Bows” are reserved for special
occasions to show extreme remorse or gratitude. The
method of bowing is different for men and women.
When shaking hands, support your right forearm with your left
Return bows if you are receiving one.
Say hello, thank you etc along with bow
Bowing occurs from the waist
While bowing stand straight with knees closed.
The younger man should bow lower than the older man
When you leave a social gathering, say good-bye and bow to
each person individually.
Do not bow deeper to someone when you are already with
another person who is that someone’s senior.
Do not bow “down” to someone, when you are on a staircase.
The “silent bow” is just plain rude, unless you’re in an
environment where you have to be quiet like the library or
Don’t try to bow while moving.
Koreans don’t bow with their hands together in a prayer pose
unless they’re Buddhist or in a religious setting
THE DON’TS:• Don’t be bird head
THE DON’TS:• Don’t be a gorilla:- Keep your arms naturally at your side.
Personal Space and
• Koreans prefer to stand at arms length
distance from one another.
• Both gender are very comfortable in each
others spaces if friends.
• No apologies fro bumping into other
• Expect limited personal space and a lot of
pushing in public areas.
• PDAs are not acceptable in Korean
Personal Space and
• While greeting, a big no no to
hugging and kissing.
• It is ok for a teacher to knock his
student’s head(lightly).
• Feet should not touch people or
Eye Contact
• Indirect eye contact is
favored over direct eye contact.
• During conversations both direct and
indirect is acceptable.
• When speaking with elders, Koreans
usually use indirect eye contact.
• Refrain from staring.
• It is best to point with your whole hand
or middle finger.
• To call someone use a palm that is
facing downwards.
• Beckoning with the palm up is reserved
for calling animals.
• Use two hands while offering or
receiving something.
• Talking or laughing loudly is considered
Gestures (Contd..)
• Spitting on the street is not uncommon.
• Take your shoes off when entering a
Korean home.
• It is considered impolite entering a
room without knocking.
• Blowing ones nose in public is
considered rude.
• Avoid facial expressions and big
hand/arm gestures during
Brief Recap
• Do’s
– Maintain arm length distance from others.
– Prefer indirect over direct eye contact.
– Use palm facing downwards when calling
– Take your shoes off when entering a
Korean home.
– Use both hands while receiving or offering
– Use whole hand or middle finger to point.
Brief Recap(Contd..)
• Don’ts
– Kiss or Hug when greeting someone
– Talk or laugh loudly
– Use direct eye contact wit elders
– Enter a room without knocking
– Use facial expressions and big hand/arm
gestures during conversation
– Blow your nose in public
Language and
Importance & Need
• Shortcut to gain respect of Koreans.
Example: reading their name, in Korean, from a
business card.
• Makes things easier in the country.
Example: Giving Instruction to the driver of the cab
• All relevant Documentation should be
made available in both English &
Basic Words: Translation
and Phonetics
English Word
Good night
안녕히 주무세요
Do’s & Don’ts
Documentation to be
made available both in
English & Korean.
Do not use Korean, when
not confident.
Learn the Korean
translation of words used
Read Client’s name in
Korean, from a business
Timing and punctuality
Timings: Working Hours
• Business Hours
9 AM to 5 PM Monday to Friday
• Time difference
Korea is 3:30 hours ahead of India
• Holidays
A Korean Calendar should always be kept
Timings: Working Hours
• Duration preferred over Quality.
• Senior Managers usually stay till late.
• Recommendation:
Staff Members should avoid ending their day
before their Boss.
Timings: Business
• Planning & Proactive Communication:
 Prior Appointments are required.
 At least 3 to 4 weeks in advance
• Best Meeting Timings:
 10:00 AM to 12 Noon (KST )
 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM (KST )
Note: KST-South Korean Standard Time
Punctuality: Business
• Expectations
• Avoid Weak Excuses when you are
• Ground Rule:
Arrive on time for meetings, as
this demonstrates respect for the person
Punctuality: Social
• Movies & other public events tend to
begin late.
• Koreans themselves are fairly
relaxed about time.
• Its normal to be 15 to 20 minutes
late but rude to be later than 30
Do’s & Don'ts
Send the invitation & agenda of the Leave for home before your
appointment, 3 to 4 weeks prior to superior.
the actual date.
Avoid scheduling business
meetings b/w mid-July to midAugust or any other national
Get late for the meeting.
Check South Korea’s calendar
before fixing an appointment.
Pin point the Korean client if he
comes late
 Give an excuse of traffic when
you arrive late.
Dining Etiquette
If you are invited to a South Korean's house:
• It is common for guests to meet at a common
spot and travel together.
• You may arrive up to 15-20 minutes late.
• Remove your shoes before entering the house.
• The hosts greet each guest individually.
• The host pours drinks for the guests in their presence.
(the hostess does not pour drinks)
• The hosts usually accompany guests to the gate or to their car
because they believe that it is insulting to wish your guests farewell
• Send a thank you note the following day after being invited to dinner.
Table Manners
• Wait to be told where to sit. There is often a strict protocol to be
• The eldest are served first.
• The oldest or most senior person starts the eating process.
• Never point your chopsticks.
• Do not pierce your food with chopsticks.
• Chopsticks should be returned to the table after every few bites and
when you drink or stop to speak.
• Do not cross your chopsticks when putting them on the chopstick rest.
Table Manner (Contd..)
• Do not pick up food with your hands. Fruit should be speared
with a toothpick.
• Bones and shells should be put on the table or an extra plate.
• Try a little bit of everything. It is acceptable to ask what
something is.
• Refuse the first offer of second helpings.
• Finish everything on your plate.
• Indicate you are finished eating by placing your chopsticks on
the chopstick rest or on the table. Never place them parallel
across your rice bowl.
Eating and Drinking
• Koreans use chopsticks with a twist: alone among the peoples of
Asia, they prefer chopsticks of metal.
• Typically, restaurants have stainless steel chopsticks, but fine silver
ones are also available.
• Unfortunately for the chopstick learner, these thin and slippery sticks
are not the best implements to practice with, but if you can eat with
wooden or plastic chopsticks you'll manage with some fumbling.
• When eating as a group, communal dishes will be placed in the
center and everybody can chopstick what they want, but you'll still
get individual portions of rice and soup.
• Unless you are eating royal cuisine, most dishes are served family
Eating and Drinking(Contd..)
• In many traditional households, children were taught that it was
impolite to speak during meals.
• Don't be surprised if there's complete silence while eating. People,
particularly men, will use mealtimes to quickly eat up and move on
to other things.
• This can be attributed to the short mealtimes during military
service that most young Korean men must perform.
Some etiquette pointers
• Do not leave chopsticks sticking upright in a dish, especially rice.
This is only done when honoring the deceased.
• Similarly, a spoon sticking upright into a bowl of rice is also not a
good sign.
• Do not start eating unless the eldest at the table has begun to eat.
• Do not lift any plates or bowls off the table while eating, as Koreans
consider this to be rude.
• You can use your spoon to eat your rice and soup. Koreans will
normally use a spoon to eat their rice and use chopsticks to eat the
other dishes.
• Don't be self-conscious of whether you're doing something right or
wrong. Just use your common sense of politeness and good
manners, and everything will be fine.
Some etiquette pointers (Contd..)
• In addition to chopsticks, South Koreans regularly use soup spoons at meals.
• The chopsticks are used primarily for side dishes, while the spoon is used for soup and
• Unlike in Japan, it's not appropriate to pick up your rice bowl while eating. All plates
and bowls should stay on the table.
Drinking in South Korea
There are a few etiquette rules to observe when drinking with Koreans
such as:
•You're not supposed to fill your own glass; instead, keep an eye on
others' glasses, fill them up when they become empty (but not before),
and they'll return the favor.
•It's considered polite and respectful to use both hands when pouring
for somebody. Though filling a companion's glass with beer or soju
(similar to vodka) is appropriate, it's essential that the glass is
completely empty before pouring.
•This may seem like a trivial concern, but will count for a lot in the eyes
of your South Korean friends.
•Turn your head away from seniors when drinking.
Drinking in South Korea
• Younger people often have a difficult time refusing a drink from an
older person, so be aware when asking someone younger than
you if they want to drink more as they will often feel unable to say
no to you.
• Of course, this works both ways. Often times, if an older person
feels you are not keeping up with the party, he may offer you his
glass, which he will then fill and expect you to drink.
• It is considered polite to promptly return the empty glass and
refill it.
Paying when Socializing
• Among young people, the person who issued the invitation usually
• If you're out with a group, the bill is split and everyone pitches in.
• Among older Koreans, one person will take care of the bill, and
roles will switch the next time.
• Tipping is not a traditional Korean
custom; however, a 10 percent service
charge is added to bills at all tourist
hotels and tipping is not expected.
• As a rule, tipping is not necessary
anywhere in Korea, and is not practised
by locals, although bellhops, hotel
maids, taxi drivers and bars frequented
by Westerners will not reject any tips
you care to hand out.
Significance of Colors to
The People of South
TAEGEUKGI, is the national flag of Korea.
• Taegeukgi is based on the colour white.
• There is a large circle in the center.
o The circle is divided into two colours, red & blue.
• Taegeukgi also has the black Gwae of four.
The Color WHITE
Relevance to the
National Flag
• White represents both
land & peace.
• Korean people respect
peace of the world.
• White stands for Korea’s
Relevance to people
• Korean people were
called: “The whiteclad folk,” which refers
to Innocence.
• They wear white clothes
on the first day of the
new year.
• White signifies a pure &
innocent attitude.
The Colour BLUE
Relevance to the
National Flag
Relevance to people
• Blue refers to shade, water
& Land.
• Blue symbolizes
• Blue is one half of the
circle in the center, its
contrasted with another
colour, Red.
• During the Chosun
Dynasty, a scholar, a
man of virtue, was
accepted as a person of
• Their goal was to live a
life, wherein they could
keep their hands clean.
The Colour RED
Relevance to the
National Flag
• Red is one half of the
circle in the center, its
contrasted with another
colour, Blue.
• Red means brightness,
fire & sky.
• Taken together with
Blue, they stand for
Relevance to People
• Modern day Korea is
represented by Red.
• Red Devil, is the name
of the supporters of the
Korean soccer team.
• This title was given by
commentators during
FIFA in Mexico 1983.
• Korean’s wear red
clothes & they crowd
around the city hall for
• Korean’s display the color's of significance to the Korean
Society, by using them on the TAEGEUKGI or wearing
specific colored clothes on specific days.
• Koreans like to express their racial characteristics by using
• White signifies innocence of the white-clad folk.
• Blue signifies integrity.
• Red symbolizes the passion of the Red Devil.
• The colors of Korea, are represented by their behavior &
their national flag. The colors that primarily represent Korea
are white, blue, and red.
• The culture of Korea is one of the world’s oldest.
• The traditional dress is known as hanbok
• Koreans commonly wear clothes in white, red, yellow, blue,
and black.
• Formal suits are widely accepted in business environment.
Dark colored trousers
Light colored full sleeve cotton shirts
Properly polished leather Lace-up shoes
Properly knotted conservative tie reaching the middle of your
belt buckle
Socks darker shade of the trouser color
Neat shave, mild after shave and deodorant.
Nails neatly clipped
Hair properly trimmed and combed
No items that bulge in your pockets
Don’ts:• Sloppy facial hair
• Shiny tie pins or clips or big belt buckles
• Visible jewelry
• Open top shirt button with a tie.
• Short-sleeved dress shirts
• Short socks
Formal Dress Code for
Western business suit
Wear shoes with heels up to 1 ½” to 2”
Simple Jewelry
Nails properly clipped, no colorful nail polish at best use
neutral nail polish
Simple make-up
Hair neatly combed and held in place
Use sober colored lipsticks/lip gloss
Use light perfumes or avoid totally
Formal Dress Code for
Anything too bright, tight, sheer or short.
Stilettos or Heels so high you're unsteady
Too much makeup
Wear big, shiny buckles or jewelry
Fashion jewelry
Earrings that are large or dangle
Bangle bracelets (or anything noisy)
Occasions for Gifting
• Shinjeong:- New Year day; 1 January
• Seollal:-1st day of the 1st month in the
lunar calendar, also known as "Korean New
• Sameeljjeol:- 1st March, in commemoration
of the March 1st resistance movement
against the invading Japanese Imperial
Army in 1919.
• Orininal:- means Children's Day, 5th May
Occasions for Gifting(contd.)
• Buchonnim osinnal or sawolchopa-il:- means
Buddha's birthday, 8thday of the 4th month in
the lunar calendar
• Hyeonchung-il:- means memorial day, 6th June.
In commemoration of people who gave their lives
to the nation.
• Gwangbokjjeol:- means Independence Day, 15th
Occasions for Gifting(contd.)
• Chuseok:- often dubbed "Korean
Thanksgiving", is celebrated on the 15th day
of the 8th lunar month of the year.
• Christmas:- has become a major holiday in
Korea due to the large number of Christian
converts in recent times.
• Birthdays, Anniversaries and other personnel
General Gifts
• Korean Paper Fans
• Korean Seals
• Korean pendant with name written in
Hangul Characters.
• Korean Green Tea
• Korean Hanbok Teddies.
• Korean Bookmarks.
• Korean Hair Pin /
• Korean Hahoe Masks.
• Korean Wooden
Goose (a symbol of
trust and fidelity).
• Korean Yut Nori
(Indoor Game).
• Korean Silk Pouches.
• Korean Chop Sticks.
• Korean Money Clip.
• Korean Clay Magnets
• Korean Key Rings
• Korean Hanguel
Printed Tees
• Korean Clay toys
• Korean Rice Cake.
• Korean Walnut
• Korean Antiques.
• Coffee Mugs with
Korean Prints or
colourfull prints
• Korean Bokjori
Gifts for Boys
• Korean Soccer Player T-Shirts.
• Electronic Gadgets like mp3/mp4 player from
• Korean Tie pins.
• Male purses
• iPod Covers n Accessories.
• Korean Movie collection.
• Korean Smoking Pipes.
• Korean winter jackets
• Hiking gear
• Scarf (Sukapu), gloves and caps
Gifts for Girls
• Clothes – if you tired of Dongdaemun and
Namdaemun then you visit the market at Guson
Bus Terminal, Hangang Park.
• Cosmetics – Aritaum, Etude, Face Shop,
Neutrogena and so many other brands.
• Jewellery and accessories.
• Bags with Korean Prints.
• Shoes.
• Korean Winter collection,
scarf, hood tees, gloves….
Gifts for Kids
• Hanbok Dress.
• Korean Traditional
Game – Yut Nori.
• Make your own
Korean Paper Castle
• Pencil box and other
• Soft toys.
Do’s and Don’ts
• Bring fruit or good
quality chocolates
or flowers if invited
to a Korean's
• Giving 7 of an item
is considered lucky
• Gifts should be
wrapped nicely
• Don’t give someone
an expensive gift if
you know that they
cannot afford to
• Don’t give gifts
multiples of 4. The
number 4 is
considered to be
Do’s and Don’ts
• Use both hands
• Do not wrap gifts
when offering a gift
in green, white, or
black paper.
• Wrap gifts in red or
yellow paper, since
these are royal
• Do not sign a card
in red ink.
• Alternatively, use
yellow or pink
• Don’t open gifts
paper since they
immediately after
denote happiness.
receiving it.
1. When meeting a Korean on business, how should you
address them?
a)With title and surname
b)With surname
c)With first name
2. Gifts are exchanged in business as...
b)A way of opening negotiations
c)A way of cementing relationships
3. When receiving a gift it is good etiquette to...
a)Kiss the givers right shoulder
b)Refuse it three times
c)Accept it with the left hand while shaking hands with the right
4. When reciprocating in gift giving, what should you do?
a)Make sure the gift you give in return is more expensive.
b)Make sure the gift you give in return is of equal value/worth.
5. If you were to buy a Korean one of these gifts, which would
be the most suitable?
a)Business stationery
b)Craft item from your own country
6. Putting business cards into a pocket is considered rude.
7. When receiving a business card you should do so with...
a)Left hand propped up with right hand
b)Both hands
c)Right hand only
8. Maintaining eye contact is considered good etiquette.
9. Which of these religions has an influence over Korean
culture and values?
10. How do Koreans greet one another?
a)Rub noses
b)Shake hands
Answer key: 1.a 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.b 6.a 7.b 8.b 9.a 10. c