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Voice Controlled Robot Assistant Research Paper

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Priyanga. V1, Priyadharshini . K.K2, Nanthini. T3, Nikhil Sriram. T4, Muthukumar. A5
Professor, Department of Electronics and communication Engineering, SNS College of technology,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
1,2,3,4Students Department of Electronics and communication Engineering, SNS College of technology,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
Abstract - The vast majority of Artificial Intelligence will inevitably prompt apply autonomy. Most neural systems
administration, common language preparing, picture acknowledgment, discourse acknowledgment/union research goes for in the
long run consolidating their innovation into the encapsulation of apply autonomy - the production of a completely humanoid robot.
The field of mechanical autonomy has been around almost as long as Artificial Intelligence - yet the field has gained little ground.
This is just normal, since the field endeavors to vanquish insight, yet in addition the body that epitomizes it - an impressive
undertaking. Mechanical autonomy, however, isn't just about humanoid robots; yet in addition about their business applications in
assembling, security and several different fields. It is just generally as of late that robots have begun to utilize a level of Artificial
Intelligence in their work - numerous robots required human administrators, or exact direction all through their missions.
Gradually, robots are winding up increasingly independent. Mechanical technology is a totally entrancing field that interests a
great many people. Robot is a framework that contains sensors, control frameworks, controllers, control supplies and
programming all cooperating to play out an undertaking. Robot ought to have Sensing, Movement, Energy and Intelligence
qualities. This task manages one of the use of vehicles. In this task one moving item is grown with the end goal that it is moved
according to directions given by the voice acknowledgment module and that order is gotten by microcontroller utilizing remote
correspondence. This undertaking is outfitted with DC engine, Voice Recognition module, ZigBee module, Micro controller
alongside the Power supply unit.
Key Words: Voice command1, Robot2, Microcontroller3, Artificial intelligence4.
It has consistently been a fantasy of individual to make machines that act like people. Perceiving the discourse and
reacting likewise is a significant piece of this fantasy. With the upgrades of the innovation and explores on counterfeit wise, this
fantasy works out generally. In this undertaking, it is planned to make a commitment to this fantasy. Controlling the machines
and condition with discourse makes human life simpler and progressively agreeable. This undertaking is a basic execution of
this methodology. A robot is constrained by voice directions. Voice order is taken through a receiver, handled in PC and sent to
the robot lastly the robot demonstrations in like manner. Discourse is the most utilized method for correspondence for
individuals. We brought into the world with the abilities of talking learn it effectively during our initial adolescence and for the
most part speak with one another with discourse for the duration of our lives. By the advancements of correspondence
innovations in the last period, discourse begins to be a significant interface for some frameworks. Rather than utilizing complex
various interfaces, discourse is simpler to speak with PCs. In this task, it is planned to control a robot with discourse directions.
The robot can perceive spoken directions to move effectively. To provide a guidance to robot, first the voice direction is send to
the ANDROID telephone. The android perceives the direction by discourse acknowledgment framework. And afterward android
changes over the voice order to course direction that predefined and unmistakable by robot. At the point when the robot gets
the heading direction, it moves as indicated by spoken order.
1.1 Movement control of the robot using voice command
The development of the proposed robot will be constrained by the voice direction of the client. The client will utilize an android
worked advanced mobile phone to give voice direction. The order can be gotten utilizing an application which will change over
the voice direction into content. The telephone will be associated with the microcontroller utilizing a Bluetooth module. After
discussion of the voice order into content the application will send essential information to the microcontroller utilizing
Bluetooth of the telephone and microcontroller will get the information utilizing Bluetooth module. As indicated by the order,
the robot will push ahead, in reverse, left, right or completely self-governing. For driving the robot there will be two outfitted
DC engines with grasped tire which will be worked by the assistance of DC engine driver. A ultrasonic sensor will be utilized for
impediment identification during independent mode. Arduino Uno will send sign as per perusing of the ultrasonic sensor to
give information about any obstruction before the robot inside a particular range. There will be a direction for halting the robot
at moment.
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.34
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 992
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
1.2 Communicate with the user by talking while performing each command
To speak with the client, the robot will have the option to talk while executing a particular order. After catalyst
the robot, it will welcome the client and request direction for playing out its activity. At the point when client will order for a
particular heading, the robot will say by producing voice record that the robot is moving for that course and request next
direction. Until the robot will get the following course, it will keep on following the past direction. Each direction robot will get,
it will create sound of each sentence characterized for its every activity. As model, for in reverse direction, the robot will say
"The robot is going in reverse". Thus, robot will talk with each guidance the client will give. The sound will be pre-recorded
human voices and put away to a miniaturized scale SD card associated with the microcontroller unit utilizing a SDcard module.
Installed frameworks are intended to do some particular errand, as opposed to be a universally useful PC for numerous
assignments. Some likewise have time execution imperatives that must be met, for reasons, for example, security and
convenience; others may have low or no exhibition necessities, enabling the framework equipment to be improved to lessen
costs. Installed frameworks are not generally independent gadgets. Many inserted frameworks comprise of little, automated
parts inside a bigger gadget that fills a progressively broad need. For instance, the Gibson Robot Guitar includes an inserted
framework for tuning the strings, yet the general reason for the Robot Guitar is, obviously, to play music. So also, an implanted
framework in a car gives a particular capacity as a subsystem of the vehicle itself. The program guidelines composed for
inserted frameworks are alluded to as firmware, and are put away in read-just memory or Flash memory chips. They keep
running with constrained PC equipment assets: little memory, little or non-existent console or screen.
Inserted frameworks go from no UI by any means, in frameworks devoted uniquely to one undertaking, to complex
graphical UIs that look like current PC work area working frameworks. Straightforward implanted gadgets use catches, LEDs,
realistic or character LCDs (for instance prevalent HD44780 LCD) with a basic menu framework. Increasingly advanced gadgets
which utilize a graphical screen with contact detecting or screen-edge catches give adaptability while limiting space utilized:
the significance of the catches can change with the screen, and choice includes the regular conduct of pointing at what's ideal.
Handheld frameworks regularly have a screen with a "joystick button" for a pointing gadget. A few frameworks furnish UI
remotely with the assistance of a sequential (for example RS-232, USB, I²C, and so on.) or organize (for example Ethernet)
association. This methodology gives a few points of interest: expands the abilities of implanted framework, stays away from the
expense of a presentation, streamlines BSP, enables us to construct rich UI on the PC. A genuine case of this is the blend of an
inserted web server running on an installed gadget, (for example, an IP camera) or a system switches. The UI is shown in an
internet browser on a PC associated with the gadget, in this manner requiring no bespoke programming to be introduced.
In this task we utilized keil programming. The Keil C51 C Compiler for the 8051 microcontroller is the most well known 8051 C
compiler on the planet. It gives a larger number of highlights than some other 8051 C compiler accessible today. The C51
Compiler enables you to compose 8051 microcontroller applications in C that, once accumulated, have the proficiency and
speed of low level computing construct. Language expansions in the C51 Compiler give you full access to all assets of the 8051.
The C51 Compiler makes an interpretation of C source records into relocatable article modules which contain full emblematic
data for troubleshooting with the µVision Debugger or an in-circuit emulator. Notwithstanding the article document, the
compiler produces a posting record which may alternatively incorporate image table and cross reference data.
Nine essential information types, including 32-piece IEEE gliding point.
Flexible variable assignment with bit, information, bdata, idata, xdata, and pdatamemory types.
Interrupt capacities might be written in C.
Full utilization of the 8051 register banks.
Complete image and type data for source-level troubleshooting.
Use of AJMP and ACALL guidelines.
Bit-addressable information objects.
Built-in interface for the RTX51 Real-Time Kernel.
Support for double information pointers on Atmel, AMD, Cypress, Dallas Semiconductor, Infineon.
Support for the Philips 8xC750, 8xC751, and 8xC752 restricted guidance sets.
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.34
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 993
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Support for the Infineon 80C517 number juggling unit.
At the point when we state voice control, the main term to be considered is Speech Recognition for example
making the framework to comprehend human voice. Discourse acknowledgment is where the framework comprehends the
words (not its importance) given through discourse. Discourse is a perfect technique for mechanical control and
correspondence. The discourse acknowledgment circuit we will plot, works freely from the robot's principle insight [central
preparing unit (CPU)]. This is something to be thankful for in light of the fact that it doesn't take any of the robot's primary CPU
handling power for word acknowledgment. The CPU should just survey the discourse circuit's acknowledgment lines every so
often to check if an order has been given to the robot. We can even enhance this by associating the acknowledgment line to one
of the robot's CPU intrude on lines. By doing this, a perceived word would cause an interfere with, telling the CPU a perceived
word had been expressed. The upside of utilizing a hinder is that surveying the circuit's acknowledgment line infrequently
would never again be essential, further lessening any CPU overhead. Another bit of leeway to this independent discourse
acknowledgment circuit (SRC) is its programmability. You can program and prepare the SRC to perceive the interesting words
you need perceived. The SRC can be effectively interfaced to the robot's CPU. To control and order an apparatus (PC, VCR, TV
security framework, and so forth.) by addressing it, will make it simpler, while expanding the proficiency and viability of
working with that gadget. At its most fundamental level discourse acknowledgment enables the client to perform parallel
assignments, (for example hands and eyes are occupied somewhere else) while proceeding to work with the PC or machine.
Mechanical technology is an advancing innovation. There are numerous ways to deal with building robots, and nobody can be
certain which strategy or innovation will be utilized quite a while from now. Like organic frameworks, mechanical autonomy is
advancing after the Darwinian model of natural selection. Assume you need to control a menu driven framework. What is the
most striking property that you can consider? Well the principal believed that struck a chord is that the scope of contributions
to a menu driven framework is restricted. Actually, by utilizing a menu all we are doing is restricting the info area space.
Presently, this is one trademark which can be valuable in actualizing the menu in independent framework
It is the Android application which is utilized in our task to control or ordering the robot. Uses android mobiles inner voice
acknowledgment to pass voice directions to your robot Pairs with Bluetooth Serial Modules and sends in the perceived voice as
a string. For instance in the event that you make proper acquaintance the android telephone will restore a sting *Hello# to your
Bluetooth module *and # demonstrate the beginning and stop bits Can Be utilized with any small scale controller which can
deal with strings. Models Platforms: Arduino, ARM, PICAXE, MSP430, 8051 based and numerous different processors and
A microcontroller (now and again curtailed µC, uC or MCU) is a little PC on a solitary incorporated circuit
containing a processor center, memory, and programmable info/yield peripherals. Program memory as NOR glimmer or OTP
ROM is likewise regularly included on chip, just as an ordinarily modest quantity of RAM. Microcontrollers are intended for
inserted applications, rather than the chip utilized in PCs or other universally useful applications. Microcontrollers are utilized
in naturally controlled items and gadgets, for example, vehicle motor control frameworks, implantable therapeutic gadgets,
remote controls, office machines, apparatuses, control devices, toys and other inserted frameworks. By diminishing the size and
cost contrasted with a plan that uses a different microchip, memory, and info/yield gadgets, microcontrollers make it prudent
to carefully control considerably more gadgets and procedures. Blended sign microcontrollers are normal, coordinating simple
segments expected to control non-computerized electronic frameworks. Some microcontrollers may utilize 4-piece words and
work at clock rate frequencies as low as 4 kHz, for low power utilization (single-digit milli watts or microwatts). They will for
the most part can hold usefulness while sitting tight for an occasion, for example, a catch press or other interfere with; control
utilization while dozing (CPU clock and most peripherals off) might be simply nanowatts, making a considerable lot of them
appropriate for dependable battery applications. Different microcontrollers may serve execution basic jobs, where they may
need to act progressively like a computerized sign processor (DSP), with higher clock speeds and power utilization.
A managed power supply is an inserted circuit; it changes over unregulated AC into a steady DC. With the
assistance of a rectifier it changes over AC supply into DC. Its capacity is to supply a steady voltage (or less regularly current), to
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.34
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 994
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
a circuit or gadget that must be worked inside certain power supply limits. The yield from the controlled power supply might
exchange or unidirectional, however is about consistently DC. The kind of adjustment utilized might be confined to
guaranteeing that the yield stays inside specific cutoff points under different burden conditions, or it might likewise
incorporate remuneration for varieties in its very own stockpile source. The last is substantially more typical today. In the
section 3 we examined in itemized about RPS.
A Bluetooth module is generally an equipment segment that furnishes a remote item to work with the PC; or now
and again, the Bluetooth might be an embellishment or fringe, or a remote earphone or other item, (for example, PDAs can
utilize.). On the off chance that the PC (is this PC related?) has equipment backing to utilize Bluetooth items and associations, at
that point whatever it is you are attempting to download and utilize, may work. There are part Bluetooth remote modules with
a USB plug on them to add this BT to PCs that didn't have it implicit. A portion of these modules may require drivers, however
as a rule Mac OS X has drivers incorporated with the framework to help a few items. In the section 4 we talked about in nitty
gritty about Bluetooth module.
These LCD screens are constrained to monochrome content and are frequently utilized in copiers, fax machines,
laser printers, mechanical test gear, organizing hardware, for example, switches and capacity gadgets. The screens arrive in few
standard arrangements. Normal sizes are 8x1 (one line of eight characters), 16×2, 20×2 and 20×4. Bigger custom sizes are
made with 32, 40 and 80 characters and with 1, 2, 4 or 8 lines. The most usually made bigger setup is 40×4characters, which
requires two exclusively addressable HD44780 controllers with development chips as a solitary HD44780 chip can just deliver
up to 80 characters. A typical littler size is 16×2, and this size is promptly accessible as surplus stock for specialist and
prototyping work. Character LCDs can accompany or without backdrop illuminations, which might be LED, fluorescent, or
In hardware, a driver is an electrical circuit or other electronic part used to control another circuit or other segment,
for example, a high-control transistor. They are generally used to manage ebb and flow moving through a circuit or is utilized to
control different factors, for example, different segments, a few gadgets in the circuit. The term is frequently utilized, for
instance, for a specific incorporated circuit that controls high-control switches in exchanged mode control converters. An
intensifier can likewise be viewed as a driver for amplifiers, or a steady voltage circuit that keeps a joined part working inside
an expansive scope of information voltages. Ordinarily the driver stage(s) of a circuit requires various attributes to other circuit
stages. For instance in a transistor control intensifier, commonly the driver circuit requires ebb and flow gain, regularly the
capacity to release the accompanying transistor bases quickly, and low yield impedance to keep away from or limit twisting.
The purpose of such robotic system is to help people with motor disabilities in controlling different widgets in
daily life using mobile phone. The proposed idea can be expanded to control almost any device with Bluetooth receiver. In
future we use a secured wireless channel using encryption and decryption. Consider larger bandwidth system should be
onboard because video streaming service desired. Some of interfacing applications which can be made are controlling home
appliances, robotics movements, Speech Assisted technologies, Speech to text translation, and many more. In future industries,
home auto machine, agriculture is also developed by robotics. To reduce the labour efficiency, work efficiency, to reduce the
working time to increase the productivity.
We accept such a framework would discover wide assortment of uses. Menu driven frameworks, for example, email
perusers, family unit apparatuses like clothes washers, microwaves, and pagers and mobiles and so on will progress toward
becoming voice controlled in future.
5.1. Home computerization.
The prominence of home mechanization has been expanding incredibly as of late because of a lot higher
moderateness and effortlessness through Smartphone and tablet availability. The idea of the "Web of Things" has tied in
intimately with the advancement of home mechanization.
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.34
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 995
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
5.2. Wheel seats.
In view of our undertaking the robot is constrained by giving a voice directions through android versatile. We can
move wheel effectively provide guidance directions to android without hand development.
5.3. Reconnaissance gadget.
Reconnaissance is the checking of the conduct, exercises, or other evolving data, more often than not of individuals to
impact, overseeing, coordinating, or ensuring them. This can incorporate perception from a separation by methods for
electronic hardware, (for example, CCTV cameras).
5.4. Military applications.
Versatile robots significant job in military issues, from board to managing potential explosives. "With reasonable
sensors and cameras to perform various missions, portable robots are worked remotely for observation watch and hand-off
back video pictures to an administrator.
5.5. Industrial Purpose.
Material taking care of is the most mainstream application with 38% of operational load of mechanical robots around
the world. This incorporates machine tending, palatalizing and different tasks for metal machining and plastic mounding. In
concrete enterprises machines are worked by robos. To lessen the utilization of works robots are utilized in stacking reason.
5.6. Agriculture Purpose:
It guides the visually impaired people to arrive at a specific Destination by utilizing the voice include.
 The robot is useful in places where humans find difficult to reach but human.
Voice reaches. E.g. in a small pipeline, in a fire-situations, in highly toxic areas.
 The robot can be utilized as a toy.
 It can be accustomed to bring and place little articles.
 It is the one of the significant phase of Humanoid robots.
 Command and control of machines and hardware.
 Telephone help frameworks.
 It is additionally utilized in Data passage.
 Speech and voice acknowledgment security frameworks.
 The photograph electric sensor in the robot will detect the impediments and it will settle on choices as indicated by the
hindrances it experiences.
Reference image: Voice controlled robot.
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.34
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 996
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
An exceptionally dependable and simple framework to achieve a reason structure explicit assignment, for example,
appropriation of medication and nourishment to the incapacitated patients uncommonly in contaminated and out of reach
territories of the emergency clinics and medicinal Center have been accounted for. The on-board knowledge aides giving
situational mindfulness a fundamental prerequisite of the framework to be worked by voice/tele limited for learning a lion's
share of different errands in open circle condition. The activity by voice order could best be utilized for debilitated. The result
of the proposition is a basic robot which is constrained by a brilliant android phone& additionally gets the voice directions. This
proposal expects to give basic rules to individuals keen on building robots. As referenced before, the venture has been done a
few times and the point of this theory is to acclimate the understudies with basics of microcontroller and Android to construct
anything conceivable. In spite of the fact that the postulation extends almost no about the robot's utilization in genuine world,
however with the assistance of rules and the wealth of assets the result could be gainful for some individuals on the planet.
Individuals with physical restrictions, for example, incapacitated individuals could utilize the element to their wheel seat from
this proposal to remunerate their capacities.
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© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.34
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 997