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USA Human Trafficking Report: Tier 1 Analysis

Name of country: USA
Tier Placement (check box): () Tier 1; ( ) Tier 2; ( ) Tier 2 Watch List; ( )Tier 3
Reasons for Tier Placement and Please Explain by using the tier ranking EXAMPLE in this
The United States of America is ranked as a Tier 1 country which is a country whose
government fully complies with TVPA minimum standards.
Is it a source, destination, or transit country? Please explain why:
The USA is a source, destination and transit country for women, men and children
subjected to sec trafficking, sex slavery, and forced labor
Prosecution: Are any traffickers being prosecuted??? If so, how many are being prosecuted?
How long are the sentences? Explain.
The government increased the number of convictions, but the number of investigations
and prosecutions decreased. Title 18 US code section 1581 criminalizes sex and labor
trafficking, which holds a minimum sentence of three months and a maximum life sentence. This
law also prohibits conspiracy to engage in such crimes. In 2018, 526 traffickers were convicted
of labor and sex trafficking (labor:25, sex:501). More than 70% of the convictions resulted in a
sentence exceeding five years. The government is continuing to make efforts in capturing and
convicting these traffickers. The DOJ and DHS partnered with Mexican law enforcement to
mitigate trafficking at the border.
Protection: What laws and organizations are in place to help the victims of HT? What are the
NGOs doing (non-governmental organizations)? What is the government doing? Explain.
The government is decreasing their efforts in protecting victims. Because the government
increased funding for victim's assistance, it decreased the number of trafficking immigration
options for victims. DOJ funded the $1.2 million to increase the availability of trauma informed
services. DOJ also funded $1.8 million to support mentoring and comprehensive victim services
for victims of sexual exploitation and child sex trafficking. For foreign victims, A Certification
Letter enables foreign adult victims to apply for federal and state benefits and services with an
approved application for T nonimmigration status.
Prevention: Has the country developed a plan to eradicate HT? Is there a hotline for victims to
call for help? Are there programs to help victims leave HT? Are the police getting training to
identify and aid victims of HT? Explain
The U.S government maintains efforts to prevent trafficking. Agencies conducted
educational and training activities for their state, local, and tribal officials. An NGO hotline
received 116,940 calls, texts, emails, etc., identified 10,685 trafficking cases, and provided
resources and services to over 9,300 victims. The government spreads awareness through
advertisements, campaigns, fundraising, and more. NGOs reported weak government
enforcement of the recruitment free ban and stated that the HSB list was not published enough so
that the workers can verify recruits.
Recommendations: What could this country be doing to eradicate HT? Make sure you use
complete sentences.
The agencies within the federal government are improving their efforts to mitigate human
trafficking. Within the last few weeks there have been reports of missing young girls and women
across the country who could be possible trafficking victims. Local authorizes have been making
significant efforts in keeping women alert on ways to be safe, informing the community on
known traffickers and trafficking victims, and ensuring the arrests of the traffickers.