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Word Formation: Compounding, Clipping, Blending

noun-noun compound: note + book → notebook
adjective-noun compound: blue + berry → blueberry
verb-noun compound: work + room → workroom
noun-verb compound: breast + feed → breastfeed
verb-verb compound: stir + fry → stir-fry
adjective-verb compound: high + light → highlight
verb-preposition compound: break + up → breakup
preposition-verb compound: out + run → outrun
adjective-adjective compound: bitter + sweet →
preposition-preposition compound: in + to → into
The final part is retained:
advertisement – ad
alligator – gator
examination – exam
gasoline – gas
gymnasium – gym
influenza – flu
laboratory – lab
mathematics – math
memorandum – memo
photograph – photo
public house – pub
raccoon – coon
reputation – rep
situation comedy – sitcom
memo = memorandum
pub = public house
pop = popular music
chute = parachute
coon = raccoon
gator = alligator
phone = telephone
Middle clipping
The middle part is retained.
flu = influenza
fridge = refrigerator
Complex clipping
telephone – phone
spec = speculation
vet = veteran
Back clipping
In this type the beginning is retained:
ad = advertisement
cable = cablegram
doc = doctor
exam = examination
fax = facsimile
gas = gasoline
gym = gymnastics, gymnasium
Clipping may also occur in compounds. In
complex clipping, one part of the original
compound most often remains intact. But
sometimes both halves of a compound are
cablegram= cable telegram
op art = optical art
org-man= organization man
linocut = linoleum cut
navicert = navigation certificate
advertisement + entertainment → advertainment
biographical + picture → biopic
breakfast + lunch → brunch
chuckle + snort → chortle
cybernetic + organism → cyborg
guess + estimate → guesstimate
hazardous + material → hazmat
motor + hotel → motel
prim + sissy → prissy
simultaneous + broadcast → simulcast
smoke + fog → smog
Spanish + English → Spanglish
spoon + fork → spork
telephone + marathon → telethon
web + seminar → webinar
Blended words are also referred to as portmanteaus.
broccoli (3) + cauliflower (4)
→ broccoflower (4)
 breakfast (2) + lunch (1)
→ brunch (1)
 camera (3) + recorder (3)
→ camcorder (3)
 education (4) + entertainment (4)
→ edutainment (4)
 information (4) + commercial (3)
→ infomercial (4, exception)
 motor (2) + hotel (2) → motel (2)
 simultaneous (5) + broadcast (2)
→ simulcast (3, exception)
 smoke (1) + fog (1) → smog (1)
 spoon (1) + fork (1) → spork (1)
 stagnation (3) + inflation (3)
→ stagflation (3)
Back clipping
Back clipping or apocopation is the most common
type, in which the beginning is retained. The
unclipped original may be either a simple or a
composite. Examples
are: ad (advertisement), cable (cablegram), doc(doc
tor), exam (examination), fax (facsimile), gas (gasoli
ne), gym (gymnastics,
gymnasium), math (mathematics), memo (memorand
um), mutt(muttonhead), pub (public
house), pop (popular concert), trad (traditional
Fore-clipping or aphaeresis retains the final part.
Examples: chute(parachute), coon (raccoon), gator (
alligator), phone (telephone), pike(turnpike), varsity
Middle clipping
In middle clipping or syncope, the middle of the
word is retained. Examples
are: flu (influenza), jams or jammies (pajamas/pyja
mas), polly (apollinaris),shrink (headshrinker), tec (detective).
Complex clipping
Clipped forms are also used in compounds. One part
of the original compound most often remains intact.
Examples are: cablegram (cabletelegram), op
art (optical art), orgman (organization man), linocut(linoleum cut).
Sometimes both halves of a compound are clipped as
innavicert (navigation certificate). In these cases it
is difficult to know whether the resultant formation
should be treated as a clipping or as ablend, for the
border between the two types is not always clear.
According to Bauer (1983), the easiest way to draw
the distinction is to say that those forms which
retain compound stress are clipped compounds,
whereas those that take simple word stress are not.
By this criterion bodbiz, Chicom, Comsymp, Intelsat,
midcult, pro-am, sci-fi, and sitcom are all
compounds made of clippings.